[35a - 48 lines; 35b - 39 lines]

1)[line 1]âåééúà ìáøééúàGAVAISA L'VARAISA- the innermost ones for the outermost ones (according to RASHI (see Background to Menachos 34:34:a, 35:a) the innermost ones are "v'Hayah Ki Yevi'acha" and "Shema"; according to TOSFOS, citing RABEINU TAM, the innermost ones are "v'Hayah Ki Yevi'acha" and "v'Hayah Im Shamo'a")

2)[line 4]ãäê ãáòé ìîéçæé àåéøàD'HACH D'VA'I L'MECHEZEI AVIRA- (lit. the one that needs to see the air) the outermost Parshah [on either side]

3)[line 7]àåéøà ãéîéïAVIRA D'YAMIN- the "air" of the right [side]

4)[line 9]úéúåøàTITURA- the square base of the Tefilin (which is slightly wider than the part of the Tefilin into which the parchments are placed, and which is the part that is stitched with sinew thread to keep the Tefilin closed)

5)[line 11]îòáøúàMA'AVARTA- the part of the Tefilin that contains the passageway for the strap

6)[line 13]ùéâéò çøéõ ìî÷åí äúôøSHE'YAGI'A CHARITZ LI'MEKOM HA'TEFER- that the creases (that remain after the four compartments that hold the parchments of the Tefilah Shel Rosh are pressed together) should reach the Titura (lit. the place of the stitching)

7)[line 14]ëéåï ãîðëøKEIVAN D'MINKAR- since it is noticeable

8)[line 15]÷éìôàKILFA- parchment

9)[line 16]ìîéáã÷éäL'MIVDEKEI- to inspect it

10)[line 16]øéòåúàREI'USA- imperfections; with regard to parchment, holes

11)[line 18]÷åìîåñà áãé÷ ìäKULMUSA BADIK LAH- the quill "checks" it (checks the parchment for holes. Any holes that do not snag the quill do not invalidate the parchment. These are holes that are small enough that they get filled by the ink - Shabbos 108a, BACH OC 32:13)

12)[line 19]øöåòåú ùçåøåúRETZU'OS SHECHOROS- black straps

13)[line 20]áîéðïB'MINAN- with their own type of material, i.e. leather

14)[line 21]éøå÷åúYERUKOS- yellow or green (see Insights to Nidah 19:1:a)

15)[line 21]àãåîåúADUMOS- red

16)[line 22]âðàéGENAI- shame [that people will think that he has bleeding sores that colored the straps red]

17)[line 22]ãáø àçøDAVAR ACHER- (lit. another thing) a euphemism; lest people think that he had relations with his wife who was a Nidah at the time

18)[line 24]ìùåðåú ùì úëìúLESHONOS SHEL TECHELES- strips of wool died the color Techeles, a greenish-blue dye that is obtained from the Chilazon (possibly the underwater snail murex trunculus)

19)[line 25]îéçäMICHAH- protest

20)[line 29]àøâîïARGAMAN- purple

21)[line 33]îáôðéíMI'BIFNIM- on the inside [of the straps; the Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai only requires that the outside of the straps be black]

22)[line 34]ãîúäôëéïD'MIS'HAPCHIN- they turn over

23)[line 35]úôéìéï îøåáòåúTEFILIN MERUBA'OS- the four compartments of the Tefilah Shel Rosh when pressed together, and the one compartment of the Shel Yad must be square

24a)[line 36]áúôøïB'TAFRAN- in their stitching

b)[line 36]áàìëñåðïB'ALACHSONAN- in their diagonal (the two diagonals of the square on the underside of the Tefilin must be of equal length)

25)[line 37]òâåìä ñëðäAGULAH SAKANAH- the Titura (the base of the Tefilah Shel Rosh) must not be rounded on its underside, because of the danger that a sudden blow to the Tefilin may pierce the skull of the person wearing it, due to the concentrated pressure on the point of the head that contains the seam of the closure of the fontanel

26)[line 39]ãòáéãà ëé àîâåæàD'AVIDA KI AMGUZA- it was made like (the shape of) a nut

27)[line 40]ôðé èáìàPNEI TAVLA- the outer surface of the boxes of the Tefilin

28)[line 41]ðôñ÷å ùúéíNIFSEKU SHTAYIM- two walls of two compartments of the Tefilah Shel Rosh

29)[line 42]æä ùìà ëðâã æäZEH SHE'LO KENEGED ZEH- this one not next to that one. This Halachah deals with the Tefilah Shel Rosh. There is a limit to the number of holes that may exist in the leather and/or their location, even if they are unseen from the outside. RASHI brings two cases to explain the concept of Zeh she'Lo Keneged Zeh: (a) the first and the third compartments each have a hole in them, but not the second; (b) there are two holes in different indentations between the compartments; two holes in the same indentation invalidate the Tefilin

30a)[line 44]çãúúàCHADETASA- (lit. a new one) that has not as yet been used

b)[line 45]òúé÷úàATIKTA- (lit. an old one) that has already been used

31a)[line 47]ëé îéúìé áéä áùìçàKI MITLI BEI B'SHALCHA- when the leather is stretched

b)[last line]åäãø çìéíV'HADAR CHALIM- and it returns to its original form (as opposed to new leather, which remains in the new form)


32)[line 1]îúðàMASNA- the strap

33)[line 1]àúééä àáúøéäASYEI A'BASREI- (a) the Tefilin follow the strap (and do not snap) (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) the leather remains stretched after being pulled by the strap (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

34)[line 3]àéôñé÷ ìéäIFSIK LEI- the strap of his Tefilin snapped

35)[line 4]ìîé÷èøéäL'MIKTEREI- to tie the strap back together

36)[line 6]ìîéúôøéäL'MISPEREI- to sew the strap back together

37)[line 7]åòééìéä ìúôéøä ìâàåV'AILEI LI'TEFIRAH L'GAV- and have the stitches on the inside, so that they are not noticeable

38)[line 7]ôå÷ çæé îä òîà ãáøPUK CHAZI MAH AMA D'VAR- Go out and see how the people on the outside [of the Beis ha'Midrash] act; (a) since they do not tie or sew their Tefilin straps, they must be replaced (RASHI); (b) if they tie or sew their Tefilin straps, it is permitted (TOSFOS, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

39)[line 8]âøãåîé øöåòåúGARDUMEI RETZU'OS- the remainder of a strap (of one of the straps that hang down after the knot is made) from which a piece snapped off

40)[line 10]âøãåîé úëìúGARDUMEI TECHELES- the remainder of a string of Techeles of the Tzitzis (see Background to Avodah Zarah 47:8b)

41)[line 10]âøãåîé àæåáGARDUMEI EZOV- the remainder of the branches of hyssop, used in the Mitzvos of Tahras Metzora (see Background to Menachos 27:20), Bayis ha'Menuga (see Background to Sukah 13:11:IV) and Taharas Teme'ei Mes (see Background to Menachos 27:17)

42a)[line 11]úùîéùé îöåäTASHMISHEI MITZVAH- objects that are used in the performance of a Mitzvah

b)[line 12]úùîéùé ÷ãåùäTASHMISHEI KEDUSHAH- objects that are used for objects that have intrinsic Kedushah

43)[line 14]òã àöáò öøãäAD ETZBA TZERADA- until the index finger

44a)[line 14]îçåé ëôåóMECHAVI KAFUF- he demonstrated from the middle finger to the index finger (lit. bent)

b)[line 15]îçåé ôùåèMECHAVI PASHUT- he demonstrated from the thumb to the index finger (lit. spread out)

45)[line 15]÷èøKATAR- he put on (lit. tied) [the Tefilah Shel Rosh]

46)[line 16]ôùéèPASHIT- he spread out the straps downward

47)[line 16]åùãé ìäåV'SHADI LEHU- and he threw them [over his shoulders]

48)[line 17]îúìéú ìäåMASLIS LEHU- he braided them like a chain

49)[line 18]ëãéãïK'DIDAN- like our [Tefilin] (that is, with the straps spread out downward in the front - RASHI)

50)[line 19]÷ùø ùì úôéìéïKESHER SHEL TEFILIN- the knot shaped like a letter "Dales" of the Tefilah Shel Rosh (RASHI)

51)[line 20]åðåééäï ìáøV'NOYEIHEN L'VAR- and their beauty [should be visible] to the outside: (a) the Name of HaSh-m should be visible, and the knot should not be hidden (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) and the side of the straps painted black should be turned towards the outside (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

52)[line 21]àéúäôëàISHAPCHA- (a) it became hidden; (b) it became turned upside down, with the unpainted side showing

53)[line 23]ìàå àãòúàéLAV A'DA'ATAI- I did not notice

54)[line 30]ìîòìäL'MA'ALAH- above, on the skull and not on the neck

55)[line 31]ëìôé ôðéíKELAPEI PENIM- towards the middle (lit. the inside) and not to the sides

56)[line 32]ìôðéí åìà ìàçåøLIFNIM V'LO L'ACHOR- in front and not in back (a leader among the nations)

57)[line 36]îùòú äðçúïMI'SHE'AS HANACHASAN- from the time that they are put on

58)[line 38]òåáø ìòùééúïOVER LA'ASIYASAN- before he performs them