ME'ILAH 6 - Dedicated l'Zechut Refu'ah Shleimah for Elisheva Chaya bat Leah. Dedicated by Michael Steinberg, David Steinberg, and Ethan Steinberg.


TOSFOS DH Keitzad Lan Lifnei Zerikah... Lav d'Havah Lei Shahos Lemizrak...

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéöã ìï ìôðé æøé÷ä îåòìéï... ìàå ãäåä (áéä) [ö"ì ìéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùäåú ìîéæø÷...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina and the rejection.)

(åäà) [ö"ì åä"÷ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìôðé æøé÷ä îîù ùìà æø÷ îåòìéï áå åàò''â ãàéëà äéúø æøé÷ä îëì î÷åí îåòìéï áå îùåí ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå


Explanation: It means as follows. Before actual Zerikah, that Zerikah was not done, Me'ilah applies to it. Even though there is Heter Zerikah, Me'ilah applies to it, because we learned Heter Achilah!

ìà ãìà (äåàé) [ö"ì äåé - áøëú äæáç] ìéä ùäåú ã÷áìéä ñîåê ìù÷éòú äçîä ãìà ðòùéú ä÷áìä áäëùø:


[The Gemara rejects] no, there was no time [for Zerikah], for he did Kabalah [very] close to Shki'ah, that the Kabalah was not done in a Kosher way.


TOSFOS DH Mai Iriya d'Tani Lifnei Zerikah (This starts a new Dibur according to the Tzon Kodoshim)

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àéøéà ãúðé ìôðé æøé÷ä (æä ãéáåø çãù ìôé öàï ÷ãùéí)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question and the answer.)

(ôéøåù - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ëìåîø àîàé îôìéâ áéï ÷åãí [ö"ì æøé÷ä - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ìàçø æøé÷ä ìéôìåâ á÷åãí æøé÷ä âåôéä áéï ÷åãí øàåéåú æøé÷ä áéï ìàçø øàåéåú æøé÷ä åìéúðé äëé


Explanation: Why does he distinguish between before and after Zerikah? He should distinguish within before Zerikah itself, between before it is proper for Zerikah and after it is proper for Zerikah, and teach as follows;

÷åãí ù÷éòú äçîä àéï îåòìéï áå ãàéëà øàåéåú æøé÷ä ìàçø ù÷éòú äçîä îåòìéï áå ãìéëà øàåéåú æøé÷ä


Before Shki'ah, Me'ilah does not apply, for it is proper for Zerikah. After Shki'ah, Me'ilah applies, for it is not proper for Zerikah!

åîùðé ä''ð ÷úðé ÷åãí ùéøàä ìæøé÷ä ëå' ëìåîø ìôðé æøé÷ä ìàå ãå÷à àìà ø''ì ÷åãí ùéøàä ìæøé÷ä


It answers that indeed, it taught "before it is proper for Zerikah..." I.e. 'before Zerikah' is not precise. Rather, it means before it is proper for Zerikah.


TOSFOS DH Ta Shma R. Shimon Omer Yesh Pigul v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä úà ùîò øáé ùîòåï àåîø éù ôéâåì ëå'

(SUMMARY: 1. Tosfos discusses when he was Mefagel. 2. Tosfos defends both R. Yochanan and Rav Gidal.)

(ëìåîø ñåâéú) [ö"ì ëåìä ñåâéà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôéâåì äåé ëîå âáé ðåúø


Explanation: The entire Sugya of Pigul is like [above] regarding Nosar.

àîðí ÷ùä äéëé ÷àîø ãîééøé ãäåéà ùäåú ìîéæø÷éä (àáì àéîà ôéâåì) [ö"ì à"ë àéîú ôéâì - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Question: However, it is difficult - how does it say that it discusses when there was time for Zerikah? If so, when was he Mefagel?

ãá÷áìä ìà îöéú àîøú ãäà (îå÷îú ìä áðòùä) [ö"ì îå÷îéðï ìä áðòùéú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷áìä áäëùø


You cannot say that it was in Kabalah, for we establish it when Kabalah was Kosher;

åâí áäéìåê ìà îöéú àîøú ãäà øáé ùîòåï äåà ãîëùéø áäéìåê áôø÷ ÷îà ãæáçéí (ãó éâ.) îùåí ãäåéà ìä òáåãä ùàôùø ìáèìä ëâåï ùåçè áöã äîæáç åæåø÷


Also you cannot establish [the Pigul] in Kabalah, for R. Shimon is Machshir [Pigul] in Kabalah, in Zevachim (13a), for it is an Avodah that one can be Mevatel, e.g. if he slaughters at the Mizbe'ach and does Zerikah (he need not take the blood anywhere)!

ìëï ðøàä ìé [ö"ì ãàééøé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ëâåï ùôéâì áñåó ÷áìä ãäåéà ùäåú ìîæø÷ áúçìú ÷áìä


Answer: Therefore it seems to me that we discuss e.g. when he was Mefagel at the end of Kabalah, that there was time to do Zerikah at the beginning of Kabalah;

å÷úðé (îåòéì) [ö"ì îåòìéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] åù''î äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå îùîò àáì ñéôà ãàéï îåòéì îééøé ìàçø æøé÷ä îîù


And it teaches that Me'ilah applies, and we learn that Heter Achilah was taught. This implies that the Seifa of Ein Mo'el discusses after actual Zerikah.

åúéîä à''ë úé÷ùé ìøá âéãì ãàîø ãæøé÷ú ôéâåì ìà îô÷ò îéãé îòéìä


Question: If so, it is difficult for Rav Gidal, who said that Zerikas Pigul does not uproot Me'ilah!

åé''ì ãøá âéãì îùðé ìä ëãîñé÷ ãäëà ìôðé æøé÷ä äééðå ÷åãí ùéøàä ìæøé÷ä åìàçø æøé÷ä ìàçø ùéøàä ìæøé÷ä åìòåìí ÷åãí æøé÷ä îùåí ãäéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå


Answer: Rav Gidal answers like we conclude here that "before Zerikah" means before it was proper for Zerikah, and "after Zerikah" means after it was proper for Zerikah, but really it was before Zerikah, for we learned Heter Zerikah.

åî''î ÷ùä (ãà''ë àé) [ö"ì ãîùîò ãàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äåéà ñééòúà ìî''ã äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå ìéúà ìãøá âéãì


Question: Still, this is difficult, for it connotes that if it supports the opinion that we learn from Heter Achilah, Rav Gidal's law is wrong;

åæä àéðå ãìî''ã äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå ìà îöé ìééùá (îúðéúà) [ö"ì îúðé' - ùéèä î÷åáöú, øù"ù] àí ìà ëãøá âéãì


And this is not so, for the one who holds that we learned Heter Achilah, he can resolve our Mishnah only like Rav Gidal!

ãäà ìòéì âáé îúðé' ã÷úðé ùðùçè çåõ ìæîðå åçåõ ìî÷åîå îééøé òì ëøçê áæø÷ ëáø îã÷àîø îåòìéï ãàé áìà æø÷ îàé àéøéà îùåí ãôéâì àôéìå ìà ôéâì ðîé ëéåï ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå


Source: Above, regarding our Mishnah which taught what was slaughtered Chutz li'Zmano or Chutz li'Mkomo, you are forced to say that it discusses what was already thrown, since it says that Me'ilah applies. If it is without Zerikah, why is Pigul relevant? Even if he was not Mefagel [Me'ilah applies], since we learned Heter Achilah!

î''î ëé ôéâì àò''â ãæø÷ ìà îô÷ò îéãé îòéìä àìîà ëé àîøéðï ðîé äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå àéúà ìãøá âéãì åäëà îùîò ãìéúà ìãøá âéãì àìà à''ë àîøéðï ãäéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå


[Rather, surely Zerikah was done,] and in any case, when he was Mefagel, even though he did Zerikah, Me'ilah is not uprooted. This shows that also when we say that we learned Heter Achilah, Rav Gidal's law is true. And here it connotes that Rav Gidal's law is only if we say that we learned Heter Zerikah!

åàåîø äùø î÷åöé ãäà ìà ÷ùéà ëìì ìî''ã äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå àîø ìê ãëåìé òìîà àéú ìäå ëååúé ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå


Answer (ha'Sar mi'Kutzi): This is not difficult at all. The one who says that we learned Heter Achilah, he can tell you "all hold like me, that we learned Heter Achilah." (The Tana'im argue about Rav Gidal's law);

åáîúðé' àéú ìéä ìø' éäåùò ìãøá âéãì ëãôéøùðå ãòì ëøçê îééøé áæø÷ (ìø''ù) [ö"ì åìø"ù - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãáøééúà ìéú ìéä ìãøá âéãì


And in our Mishnah, R. Yehoshua holds like Rav Gidal, like we explained, that you are forced to say that it discusses when he did Zerikah, and according to R. Shimon of the Beraisa, Rav Gidal's law is not true;

åøá âéãì àîø ìê ãëåìé òìîà àéú ìäå ëååúé ãìà àúéà æøé÷ú ôéâåì åîô÷ò îéãé îòéìä


And Rav Gidal can tell you "all hold like me, that Zerikas Pigul does not uproot Me'ilah";

åáäà ôìéâé ãøé éäåùò àéú ìéä äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå åîééøé áæø÷ ëãôéøùðå ìòéì åø''ù ãîúðéúà îééøé áìà æøé÷ä åàéú ìéä äéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå


[The Tana'im] argue about the following. R. Yehoshua holds that we learned Heter Achilah, and he discusses when he did Zerikah. R. Shimon in the Beraisa holds that we discuss without Zerikah, for we learned Heter Zerikah.


TOSFOS DH Ta Shma ha'Pigul... u'Shma Minah Heter Achilah Shaninu

úåñôåú ã"ä úà ùîò äôéâåì á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí îåòìéï ëå' ìàå ãæø÷ åù''î äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the assumption that Zerikah was done.)

ãîùîò ãåå÷à ôéâåì îåòìéï (ãáìà ôéâåì) [ö"ì äà ìà ôéâì - öàï ÷ãùéí] àéï îåòìéï áå


Inference: It connotes that only Pigul, Me'ilah applies, but if he was not Mefagel, Me'ilah does not apply to it;

åãåå÷à îùåí ãæø÷ åàéëà äéúø àëéìä äà ìà æø÷ àò''â ãìà ôéâì îåòìéï ëéåï ãìéëà äéúø àëéìä


And it is only because he did Zerikah, and there is Heter Achilah, but if he did not do Zerikah, even though he was not Mefagel, Me'ilah applies, since there no Heter Achilah.

åà''ú îðìéä äà ããåå÷à áæø÷ îééøé ìîéã÷ (ãáìà) [ö"ì äà ìà æø÷ àò"â ãìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôéâì àéï îåòìéï ãéìîà ä''ä áìà æø÷


Question: What is his source that we discuss only when he did Zerikah, to infer that if he did not do Zerikah, even though he was not Mefagel, Me'ilah does not apply? Perhaps the same applies without Zerikah!

é''ì ãäëé ôéøåùå ìàå ãæø÷ ãäåä ùäåú ìîéæø÷ (àáì ìà æø÷ åîùåí äëé îåòìéï) [ö"ì ÷åãí ôéâåì àáì î"î ìà æø÷ òãééï åî"î îåòìéï ù"î - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå


Answer #1: It means as follows. Is it not that he did Zerikah, that there was time for Zerikah before Pigul, but in any case he still did not do Zerikah, and even so, Me'ilah applies - this shows that we learned Heter Achilah;

ãàé äéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå îëéåï (ùðéú÷ðä) [ö"ì ùðú÷áì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áäëùø îéã ðô÷ îéãé îòéìä åäà ã÷àîø äôéâåì îééøé ëùôéâì áñåó ÷áìä ëîå ùôéøùðå ìîòìä


For if we learned Heter Zerikah, since Kabalah was b'Hechsher, immediately Me'ilah was uprooted, and this that it says "ha'Pigul" [in Kodshei Kodoshim, Me'ilah applies to it] discusses when he was Mefagel at the end of Kabalah, like we explained above.

åîùðé ìà ãìà æø÷ ëìåîø ãìà ðøàä ìæøé÷ä ãìéëà äùúà äéúø ìæøé÷ä


It rejects "no, he did not do Zerikah", i.e. it was not proper for Zerikah. Now, there was no Heter Zerikah.

åæä äôéøåù ãçå÷ äåà îàã (ãäà - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ãæø÷ îùîò ãæø÷ îîù


Objection: This Perush is very difficult, for "he did Zerikah" connotes actual Zerikah!

åôéøù øéöá''à ãä''÷ îàé ìàå ãæø÷ ëå' ãàéú ìéä (îñúîà) [ö"ì ãîñúîà - öàï ÷ãùéí] àúà ìàùîåòéðï ëãøá âéãì ãæøé÷ú ôéâåì ìà îô÷à îéãé îòéìä åòì ëøçê îééøé áæø÷


Answer #2 (Ritzva): Is it not that he did Zerikah... he holds that presumably, it comes to teach like Rav Gidal, that Zerikas Pigul does not uproot Me'ilah, and you are forced to say that it discusses when he did Zerikah;

åãå÷à ôéâì äåà ãìà îô÷ò îéãé îòéìä äà ìà ôéâì àéï îåòìéï


And only if he was Mefagel, Me'ilah is not uprooted, but if he was not Mefagel, Me'ilah does not apply;

åù''î ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå ãàé äéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå à''ë äåä ìéä ìîéúðé ìòåìí ëãìòéì ìàùîåòéðï ãîééøé ìàçø æøé÷ä åëãøá âéãì


And we learn that Heter Achilah was taught, for if we learned Heter Zerikah, it should have taught "always", like above, to teach that that we discuss even after Zerikah, and like Rav Gidal;

àìà åãàé äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå åà''ë òì ëøçéê îééøé áæø÷ ãàé áìà æø÷ îàé àéøéà ôéâì àôéìå ìà ôéâì ðîé ãäà áòéðï äéúø àëéìä


Rather, surely we learned Heter Achilah, and if so, you are forced to say that we discuss when he did Zerikah, for if he did not do Zerikah, why does it say that he was Mefagel? Even if he was not Mefagel [Me'ilah applies], for we require Heter Achilah!

àìà åãàé îééøé áæø÷ åäåé ñééòúà ìãøá âéãì (ãåãàé îééøé áæø÷ îùåí - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ãäéúø àëéìä ùðéðå


Rather, surely we discuss when he did Zerikah, and it is a support for Rav Gidal, for we learned Heter Achilah!

ìà ãìà æø÷ ëìåîø àãøáä ìéúà ìãøá âéãì ãáæø÷ ìà îééøé ãàí ëï äåú îô÷à îéãé îòéìä àìà îééøé áìà æø÷ åîùåí ãäéúø æøé÷ä ùðéðå


It rejects "no, he did not do Zerikah", i.e. just the contrary, Rav Gidal's law is not true, for we do not discuss when there was Zerikah, for we learned Heter Zerikah.


TOSFOS DH Kol Le'asuyei v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ìàéúåéé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that there are different standards from uprooting Me'ilah and bringing to Me'ilah.)

ùìà ëúé÷ðä ìà îééúà åäééðå ëøá âéãì ëì ìàôå÷é îéãé îòéìä ùìà ëúé÷ðä ðîé îô÷ò îéãé îòéìä åìòéì áùîòúéä ãøá âéãì ôéøùúé èòí ðëåï:


Explanation: [To bring to Me'ilah], anything done improperly does not bring. This is like Rav Gidal. To uproot Me'ilah, something done improperly also uproots Me'ilah, and above (4b Sof DH Lo) I explained a proper reason. (Pigul requires Ritzuy through Zerikah like for Kosher. It resembles what is proper for man to eat; this suffices to uproot Me'ilah. To bring Kodshim Kalim to Me'ilah, Zerikah must clarify Hash-m's portion. We do not find that Zerikas Pigul is considered proper for this.



TOSFOS DH Besar Kodshei Kodoshim she'Yatza...

úåñôåú ã"ä áùø ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùéöà ìôðé æøé÷ú ãí øáé àìéòæø àåîø îåòìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the three opinions.)

ìîàï ãàîø äéúø àëéìä ùðéðå [ö"ì ðéçà] åìî''ã äéúø æøé÷ä öøéê ìôøù ãîééøé ÷åãí ùðøàä ìæøé÷ä


Explanation: According to the opinion that we learned Heter Achilah, it is fine. And according to the opinion that we learned Heter Zerikah, we must explain that it discusses before it was proper for Zerikah;

åìî''ã äéúø ùçéèä ãîééøé ÷åãí ùðøàä ì÷áì ãí åìëê îåòìéï îùåí ãàéú ìéä ìøáé àìéòæø ãàéï æøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà ìàôå÷é îéãé îòéìä


And according to the opinion that we learned Heter Shechitah, it discusses before it was proper for Kabalah, therefore Me'ilah applies, because R. Eliezer holds that Zerikah does not help for Yotzei to uproot Me'ilah;

åàéï çééáéï òìéå îùåí ôéâåì ðåúø åèîà ãáòéðï (éåúø) [ö"ì ðéúø] ìèäåøéí åäëà ëéåï ãéöà ìà (ðåúø) [ö"ì ðéúø] ìèäåøéí äåà


And one is not liable for it for Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, for [to be liable for Tum'as ha'Guf] we require what is permitted to Tehorim, and here, since it was Yotzei, it is not permitted to Tehorim;

åâáé ðåúø éìôéðï çéìåì îèåîàä ëãàîøéðï ôø÷ áéú ùîàé (æáçéí ãó îã.)


And regarding Nosar we learn from [a Gezeirah Shavah Chilul-]Chilul from Tum'ah, like we say in Zevachim (44a);

åâáé ôéâåì ðîé àîøéðï áæáçéí (ãó ëç:) ëäøöàú ëùø ëê äøöàú ôñåì ãáòéðï ùé÷øáå ëì îúéøéå åëéåï ãéöà úå ìà îé÷øé ëì îúéøéå


And also regarding Pigul, we say in Zevachim (28b) "like Ritzuy for Kosher, so is Ritzuy for Pasul." We require that all its Matirim are offered. Since it was Yotzei, after this it is not called "all its Matirim."

ø' ò÷éáà àåîø îåòìéï ã÷ñáø æøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà


R. Akiva says that Me'ilah applies, for he holds that Zerikah helps for Yotzei.

à''ø ò÷éáà äîôøéù çèàúå åëå' åäøé ùúéäï òåîãåú ëìåîø ùùçè àú ùúéäï ááú àçú ëãàîø áâî' ãøöä îæä æåø÷ øöä îæä æåø÷


R. Akiva said, one who separated his Chatas [and it was lost and he separated another,] and both of them are standing, i.e. he slaughtered both of them at once, like it says in the Gemara, if he wants, he does Zerikah from this one, or if he wants, he does Zerikah from this one;

ìà ëùí ùãîä ôåèø àú áùøä îîòéìä ëå' ëìåîø àé àúä îåãä ùëùí ùãîä ôåèø áùøä îîòéìä (ëê ìà éîòìå ááùø çáéøúä) [ö"ì ëï ôåèø ááùø çáéøúä îîòéìä - öàï ÷ãùéí] åàò''ô ùäéà ôñåìä


It is not just like its blood exempts its meat from Me'ilah? I.e. don't you admit that just like its blood exempts its meat from Me'ilah, so it exempts the meat of the other from Me'ilah, even though it is Pasul;

åàí ëï ùëê äåà àó ìãáø æä ãéï äåà ùéôèø àú ùì òöîä ôéøåù ëì ùëï ùéôèø àú ùì òöîä àò''ô ùéöà


If so, even for this it is proper that it exempt itself. I.e. all the more so it should exempt itself, even though it was Yotzei.

åãå÷à ôñåì éåöà àúä ìîã ãîäðéà ìéä æøé÷ä ëãôéøùðå àáì ùàø ôñåìéí (ãçîéøé îåãä ø''ò ùàéï ãåîéí ëîôøéù ùäøé ëîä ôñåìéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) éù áæáçéí ãîåãä áäï ø''ò ãìà îäðéà áäå æøé÷ä àìà ôñåì éåöà ãå÷à îñúáøà ìéä ãîåòéì


Limitation: Only the Pesul of Yotzei, you learn that Zerikah helps for it, like we explained, but there are other Pesulim in Zevachim that R. Akiva agrees that Zerikah does not help for them. Only the Pesul of Zerikah, it is reasonable to him that [Zerikah] helps.


TOSFOS DH Eimurei Kodshim Kalim she'Yatz'u Lifnei Zerikas Damim...

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ùéöàå ìôðé æøé÷ú ãîéí øáé àìéòæø àåîø àéï îåòìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the argument about whether or not there is Me'ilah.)

ìôé ùòãééï ìà äåáøø çì÷ âáåä îàçø ùðôñì áéåöà ãàéï æøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà


Explanation: This is because Hash-m's portion was not clarified since it became Pasul through Yotzei, and Zerikah does not help for Yotzei;

åàéï çééáéï òìéå îùåí ôéâåì åðåúø ëãôé' ìòéì èòîà áëåìäå


And one is not liable for them for Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, like I explained above (n the previous Dibur) the reason for all of them;

ø''ò àåîø îåòìéï áäí ã÷ñáø æøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà


R. Akiva says that Me'ilah applies to them, for he holds that Zerikah helps for Yotzei.


TOSFOS DH v'Hani Tartei Lamah Li

úåñôåú ã"ä åäðé úøúé ì''ì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what we ask about.)

ìàùîåòéðï ôìåâúà ãø''ò åø''à á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí åàéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí


Explanation: [The Gemara] asks why the argument of R. Akiva and R. Eliezer was taught regarding Kodshei Kodoshim and Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim.


TOSFOS DH she'Lo k'Tikunah Lo Mafka mi'Yedei Me'ilah Aval Le'asuyei...

úåñôåú ã"ä ùìà ëúé÷åðä ìà îô÷à îéãé îòéìä àáì ìàéúåéé ìéãé îòéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why above, we said oppositely.)

ëâåï áàéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí àéîà îåãä ìéä ìø''ò ãîåòìéï ëå'


Explanation: E.g. [to bring to Me'ilah] Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim, I would say that R. Akiva agrees that Me'ilah applies...

úéîä ãäëà îùîò ùéù ìå (ìäáéà éåúø) [ö"ì éåúø ìäáéà ìéãé îòéìä îìàôå÷é - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îéãé îòéìä åìòéì îùîò àéôëà ã÷àîø ãæøé÷ä ùìà ëú÷åðä ìà îééúé ìéãé îòéìä åî''î îô÷ò îéãé îòéìä


Question: Here it connotes that we should sooner bring to Me'ilah than to uproot Me'ilah, and above it connotes oppositely, for it says that improper Zerikah does not bring to Me'ilah, but even so it uproots Me'ilah!

åàîø îåøé øáéðå ä''ø ôøõ ùé' ãìòéì àéëà èòîà åäëà àéëà èòîà


Answer (Tosfos' Rebbi, R. Peretz): Above there is a reason, and here there is a reason;

ãìòéì ëùðòùéú äæøé÷ä òöîä áôñåì ùôéâì áùçéèä àå á÷áìä äéìëê àéðä îáéàä ìéãé îòéìä á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ãìà ÷øéðà áéä ÷ãùé ä'


Above is when Zerikah itself was Pasul, that he was Mefagel in Shechitah or Kabalah. Therefore it does not bring Kodshim Kalim to Me'ilah, for they are not called Kodshei Hash-m;

àáì îåöéàä îéãé îòéìä á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ãàùëçï ãàçùáéä øçîðà æøé÷ä ìòðéï ìàéçéåáé ëøú áàëéìä ãáòéà (äøöàä) [ö"ì ëäøöàú ëùø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áôéâåì åàô''ä àîø øçîðà (ãäàé ëì) [ö"ì ãäàåëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôéâåì çééá ëøú åàí ëï ìòðéï îòéìä [ö"ì ðîé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷øéðà áäå øàåé ìàëéìú àãí åô÷ò ìäå ÷ãùé ä'


However, it uproots Kodshei Kodoshim from Me'ilah, for we find that the Torah considers it Zerikah to obligate Kares for eating, for Pigul requires like Ritzuy of Kosher, and even so one who eats Pigul is Chayav Kares. If so, also regarding Me'ilah it is considered proper for people to eat, and they are uprooted from Kodshei Hash-m

ëé æä èòí åæä çéìå÷ ôéøù îåøé ìîòìä âáé ääéà ãøá âéãì


This reason and this distinction my Rebbi explained above (4b DH Lo) regarding Rav Gidal's law.

àáì äëà îééøé ùäæøé÷ä ðòùéú áäëùø àìà ðæø÷ òì ãáø ùàéðå øàåé ùéöà äáùø


However, here it discusses that Zerikah was Kosher, but Zerikah was done for something improper, that the meat was Yotzei;

äéìëê ìòðéï ìäåöéà îéãé îòéìä ìà îäðéà äæøé÷ä ãàëúé ìà àéùúøé áàëéìä ãìà àùëçï ãçùáéä øçîðà æøé÷ä áëé äàé âååðà ùäæøé÷ä áäëùø òì ãáø ùàéï øàåé


Therefore, to uproot Me'ilah, Zerikah does not help, for it is still not permitted to eat, for we do not find that the Torah considered it Zerikah in such a case that the Zerikah is Kosher, but it is for something improper;

àáì ìäáéà ìéãé îòéìä àéîà îåãä ìéä ìø''ò ãîåòìéï ãäà ðòùéú äæøé÷ä òöîä áäëùøä àìà ùäéà ðòùéú òì ãáø ùàéï øàåé åàí ëï ÷øéðï áäå ÷ãùé ä' ìòðéï îòéìä (ãäà ÷àîø) [ö"ì ãäëé ðîé ÷àîø àí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] òìä ìà éøã


However, to bring to Me'ilah, I can say that R. Akiva agrees that Me'ilah applies, for the Zerikah itself is Kosher, just it is for something improper. If so, we call it Kodshei Hash-m regarding Me'ilah, for we likewise say Im Alah Lo Yered (if it was brought on the Mizbe'ach, we do not take it down. Rather, we offer it.)


TOSFOS DH Ki Amar R. Akiva Zerikah Mo'eles l'Yotzei she'Yatza Miktzasah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëé àîø ø''ò æøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà ùéöà î÷öúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source to say so.)

ãîâå ãîäðé æøé÷ä ìäàé ãâåàé àäðé ðîé ìäàé ãáøàé (åàó òì âá ãéìéó ìéä îîôøéù äééðå) [ö"ì ëéåï ãéìéó ìéä îîôøéù ãäééðå - öàï ÷ãùéí] î÷öúå éöà ããîé ìéä


Question: Amidst that Zerikah helps for this that is inside, it helps also for this that is outside, since we learn from one who separated [his Chatas, and it was lost], which is [like a case in which] it partially left, which resembles it.


TOSFOS DH Amar Lei Rav Asi... Mechashvin Al ha'Avud v'Al ha'Saruf

úåñôåú ã"ä à''ì øá àñé ìøáé éåçðï ëáø ìéîãåðé çáøé îçùáéï òì äàáåã åòì äùøåó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes like a text in which this is an independent teaching.)

àí àáãä çöé äæáç àå ðùøôä åäåà æåø÷ àú äãí ò''î ìàëåì ëæéú îàåúå çì÷ ùàáã àå ðùøó [çåõ ìæîðå] îçùáúå îåòìú ì÷áåò ôéâåì áùàø äáùø (ùäøé) ùäéà áòéï


Explanation: If half the Korban was lost or burned, and he does Zerikah in order to eat Chutz li'Zmano a k'Zayis of the part that was lost or burned, the intent helps to fix Pigul in the rest of the meat, which is intact.

åäà àáã åùøó ãìéúðäå


Citation: What was lost or burned is not around!

ñéåîà ã÷åùéà äéà ãäà ùàéðå ëìì áòåìí ÷àîø ãîçùáúå îçùáä ìôâì åà''ë äëé ðîé âáé éöà ëåìå àîàé ìà îäðéà æøé÷ä àìà åãàé ãø''ò îééøé àó ëùéöà ëåìå


Explanation: This is the conclusion of the question. What is not in the world at all, it says that his intent is intent to be Mefagel. If so, also here regarding what left totally, why doesn't Zerikah help? Rather, surely R. Akiva discusses even when it left totally.

åîé àîø øá àñé äëé


Citation: Did Rav Asi say so?!

÷åùéà ãî÷ùé äù''ñ îøá àñé àøá àñé ëãîñ÷éðï


Explanation: This is a contradiction that the Gemara asks in Rav Asi, like we conclude.

å÷ùéà îä äéà äúùåáä ùäùéá øá àñé òì ãáøé øáé éåçðï ãîãîä ùàø ôñåìéï ìéåöà ãäà ôéøùúé áîúðéúéï ùàéï ìãîåú


Question: What is the rebuttal that Rav Asi countered to the words of R. Yochanan, that [Rav Asi] equates other Pesulim to Yotzei? I explained in our Mishnah that one may not compare them!

ìëï ðøàä ìé ëâéøñú äñôøéí ùâåøñéí à''ø àñé ëáø ìîãåðé çáéøé ëå' åîéìúéä áàôé ðôùéä åìà ìäùéá òì ãáøé øáé éåçðï


Answer: It seems that the correct text is that of Seforim that say "Rav Asi said, my colleagues already taught..." It is a new matter. It is not a challenge to R. Yochanan's words.

åäà ã÷àîø åäà àáåã åùøåó ãìéúà áäå áòåìí úçéìú ãáøé äî÷ùï äåà ùáà ìä÷ùåú åîé àîø øá àñé ëå' ëìåîø ãàó òì âá ãìéúðäå áòåìí àôéìå äëé îçùáéï:


What it says "behold, what was lost or burned, which is not in the world" is the beginning of the Makshan's words. He comes to ask "did Rav Asi say so?!" I.e. even though they are not in the world, intent takes effect. .