ME'ILAH 3 (26 Nisan) - dedicated by Mr. Avi Berger of Queens, N.Y./Passaic, N.J. in memory of his mother, Leah bas Michel Mordechai, in honor of her Yahrzeit.


TOSFOS DH Chada Migo Chada v'Chada Migo Chada v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä çãà îâå çãà åçãà îâå çãà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he needed to bring all three Mishnayos.)

ùìùä ááåú äáéà ëãîôøù åàæéì åëåìï àéï îèîàéï áâãéí ëå'


Explanation: [Rav Yosef] brought three clauses, like he explains, and all of them are not Metamei Begadim...

îùðä äéà áæáçéí ô' çèàú äòåó (ãó ñå:) å÷àé àááà ãìòéì îéðä ùùåðä ëì ôñåìé îìé÷ä


This is a Mishnah in Zevachim (66b). It refers to the previous clause, which teaches all Pesulim of Melikah;

åäùúà ÷àîø àò''â ãðòùéú îìé÷úï áôñåì î''î îäðéà îìé÷ä ìàôå÷éðäå îéãé èåîàú ðáìú äòåó èäåø åîåòìéï áäï çåõ îçèàú ëå'


Now it says that even though a Pasul Melikah was done, in any case Melikah helps to uproot from Tum'as Nivlas Ohf Tahor, and Me'ilah applies to them, except for Chatas...

äàé çåõ îçèàú ìà ÷àé àìà àîåòìéï áäï îùåí ãáòåìä îåòì áä àó ëé ðòùéú ëãéðä ÷àîø çåõ îçèàú ùòùàä ìîèä ëîòùä çèàú ìùí çèàú ãäøé äéà ðòùéú ëãéðä äéìëê àéï îåòìéï áä ùäøé éù áä ùòú äéúø ìëäðéí


"Except for Chatas" applies only to "Me'ilah applies to them." Because Me'ilah applies to Olas [ha'Of] even when it is done properly, he said "except for Chatas done below like Ma'aseh Chatas l'Shem Chatas", for it is done like its law. Therefore, Me'ilah does not apply to it, for it has Sha'as Heter to Kohanim;

å÷àîø òìä ëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù àéðå îèîà ëå' ôéøåù ëì ùéù ìå äëùø áî÷åí àçø ëâåï ëì ùéðåé îìé÷ä ã÷àîø áøéùà àìîà ÷øé ôñåìå á÷ãù ìëì ãàéï îèîà áâãéí àáéú äáìéòä


And it says about this "anything that Pesulo b'Kodesh is not Metam'ah [Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah]." I.e. anything that has a Hechsher elsewhere, e.g. all deviations in Melikah that it says in the Reisha. This shows that it calls Pesulo b'Kodesh anything that is not Metam'ah Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah;

åäúí ÷úðé òåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä ôñåìä åàéï îèîà áâãéí àáéú äáìéòä åáôø÷ äîæáç î÷ãù (æáçéí ãó ôã.) úðï áîéìúéä ãø' ùîòåï ëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù ä÷ãù (î÷áì) [ö"ì î÷áìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, éòá"ö] åàí òìå ìà éøãå


There it taught Olas ha'Of done below is Pasul, and it is not Metam'ah Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah, and in Zevachim (84a) a Mishnah teaches about R. Shimon's opinion "anything that is Pesulo b'Kodesh, the Kodesh is Mekabel it, and Im Alah Lo Yered;

àìîà ãùðåé òåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä ëìåîø ùîì÷ä ìîèä ÷àîø ø' ùîòåï àí òìå ìà éøãå åäééðå ëîå ãùéðåé ããøåí ááäîä ãîìé÷ú òåó ëùçéèä ááäîä


Inference: A Shinuy in Olas ha'Of, that it was done below, i.e. Melikah was below, R. Shimon says that Im Alah Lo Yered. This is like Shinuy of the south for an animal, for Melikah of a bird is like Shechitah of an animal!

àáì îçèàú ùòùàä ìîòìä ìà îééúé ãäà àîø áçèàú îì÷ä áë''î áîæáç ëùøä


However, he does not bring from a Chatas done above, for it said (Zevachim 65a) that if Melikah of a Chatas was anywhere on the Mizbe'ach, it is Kosher.

åäà ãúðéà ôø' çèàú äòåó (ùí ãó ñå.) çèàú ùòùàä ìîòìä ôñåìä


Implied question: A Beraisa (Zevachim 66a) teaches that Chatas [ha'Of] done above is Pasul!

ø''ì ãùðé áäæàä


Answer: That is when he deviated in the Haza'ah [like it establishes there].

åîùéðåé ãðúéðú ãí [ö"ì ìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] îöé ìîéôøê ãäà ìà ãîé ëìì ìùéðåé ãøåí ãùçéèä


Remark: He could not ask from Shinuy of putting the blood, for it is not at all like the Shinuy of Shechitah in the south.

àáì ôøéê ùôéø îòåìä ùòùàä ìîèä ãàîø îä ä÷èøä áøàùå ùì îæáç àó îìé÷ä áøàùå ùì îæáç äéìëê îì÷ä ìîèä ôñåìä åäàé ùéðåé ãîìé÷ä äåé ëîå ùéðåé ãùçéèä


However, he asked properly from Olas [ha'Of] done below, for it was taught that just like Haktarah is on top of the Mizbe'ach, also Melikah is on top of the Mizbe'ach. Therefore, if he did Melikah below it is Pasul. And this Shinuy of Melikah is like Shinuy of Shechitah [in the south, and it taught that Im Alah Lo Yered].

åà''ù ã÷øé çãà îâå çãà äà ãàí òìå ìà éøãå ùìà äéä éëåì ìäåëéç ôéøåù ãôñåìå á÷ãù àìà îëç ãëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù ãôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ùí ãó ñç:) äøé ìê îâå çãà


Support: It is fine that he calls Im Alah Lo Yered "one amidst another", for he can prove what is the Perush of Pesulo b'Kodesh only from "anything that Pesulo b'Kodesh..." in Zevachim (68b). Therefore it is called one amidst another;

åâí îääéà ãëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù ãô' çèàú äòåó àéðå éëåì ìäåëéç àìà îääéà ãìòéì áñîåê ãòåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä åäøé ìê îâå çãà àçøéúé


And also the case of "anything that Pesulo b'Kodesh..." in Zevachim, he can prove [what it means] only from the case above of Olas ha'Of done below. This is another "amidst another one."

åéù ñôøéí âåøñéí çãà îâå çãà åçãà îâå úøúé å÷øé çãà îâå çãà ääéà ãëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù ãôø÷ çèàú äòåó ìôé ùöøéëä ìááà ãìòéì îéðä


Alternative text: Some texts say "one amidst one, and one amidst two." It calls "one amidst one" the case of everything that Pesulo b'Kodesh in Zevachim 68b, because it needs the clause above it;

åääéà ãîæáç î÷ãù ÷øé çãà îâå úøúé ìôé ùöøéëä ìääéà ãôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ùí ãó ñå:) ãàéëà úøúé ááé ëì ùôñåìå á÷ãù åøéùà òåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîèä ëîå ùôéøùðå ìòéì


And the case of Zevachim (84a) it calls one amidst two, because it needs the case of Zevachim 66b, which has two clauses - everything that Pesulo b'Kodesh, and the Reisha of Olas ha'Of done below, like we explained above.


TOSFOS DH v'Ha d'Pligi Rabah v'Rav Yosef Peshita Lei l'R. Elazar

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ãôìéâé øáä åøá éåñó ôùéèà ìéä ìø''à

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we are unsure how R. Elazar holds.)

ëìåîø îúåê ãáøé ø''à ðéëø ùôùåè ìå àé ëøáä àé ëøá éåñó


Explanation: I.e. amidst R. Elazar's words it is evident that it was obvious to him, either like Rabah or like Rav Yosef;

ãàîø ø''à òåìú áîú éçéã ëå' ëìåîø òåìä ùäå÷ãùä ìé÷øá ááîú éçéã ëâåï ìàçø ùáàå ìðåá åìâáòåï åâìâì ùäåúøå äáîåú åäøåöä ìòùåú áîä áøàù ââå òåùä


Source: R. Elazar said that an Olah of a Bamas Yachid that was Hukdash to be offered on a Bamas Yachid, e.g. after [the Mishkan] came to Nochri, Giv'on and Gilgal, that Bamos were permitted, and one who wants to make a Bamah on his roof does so.


TOSFOS DH she'Hichnisah Lifnim

úåñôåú ã"ä ùäëðéñä ìôðéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that he brought it in while alive.)

ôéøù''é áôø÷ áúøà ãæáçéí (ãó ÷éè:) ëâåï ìàçø ùçéèä


Explanation #1 (Rashi in Zevachim 119b): E.g. he brought [an Olah Hukdash for a Bamas Yachid inside the Mikdash] after Shechitah.

å÷ùä (ãø''à äéëé ÷àîø îçéöä) [ö"ì ãà"ë äéëé ÷àîø ã÷ìèåäå îçéöåú - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìëì ãáø äà ìà ùééê áä öôåï ëéåï ãðùçèä


Question: If so, how did [R. Elazar] say that the Mechitzos absorbed it for everything? Tzafon does not apply, since it was slaughtered!

àìà ðøàä ìôøù ùäëðéñä çéä ìôðéí àçø ùäå÷ãùä ìé÷øá ááîú éçéã (ùäëðéñä ìáîú) [ö"ì äëðéñä ááîú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] öáåø ÷ìèä îçéöä ìëì ãáø ìòðéï ëì äãáøéí äàîåøéí áô' ôøú çèàú (æáçéí ãó ÷éá:)


Explanation #2: Rather, he brought it inside alive. After it was Hukdash to be offered on a Bamas Yachid, he entered it to a Bamas Tzibur. The Mechitzah absorbed it for everything, for everything said in Zevachim (112b);

ãúðï äúí îä áéï áîú éçéã ìáîú öáåø ëéäåï åëìé ùøú åùçéèú öôåï ëå'


A Mishnah there teaches "what is the difference between a Bamas Yachid and a Bamas Tzibur? [They differ about the need for] Kehunah, Klei Shares and Shechitah in Tzafon;

åáòé ø''à òìå îäå ùéøãå ëå' äàé òåìú áîú éçéã ãàîø ùãéðä ìùçåè áöôåï ìôé ùäëðéñä ìôðéí àí ùçèå áãøåí åòìå îäå ùéøãå


R. Elazar asked about this "must it descend? An Olah of a Bamas Yachid, that it says that its law is to be slaughtered in the north, because it was entered inside, if it was slaughtered in the south, if it ascended [on the Mizbe'ach], must it descend?

åäùúà ãéé÷ îéðä äù''ñ îã÷à îéáòéà ìéä äàé ëìåîø (ùîï äãéï ìà äéä î÷åîï áöôåï ùäéà áîú éçéã) [ö"ì àåúä ùîï äãéï ìà äéä î÷åîä áöôåï ëé àí ááîú éçéã àìà îçîú ÷ìåèä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äà àéãê ôùéèà ìéä


Now, the Gemara infers, since he asks about this, i.e. the one that according to letter of the law, its place was not [necessarily] in the north, rather, on a Bamas Yachid, only because Mechitzos absorbed it [it requires Tzafon]. This implies that the other [case] was obvious to him;

ëìåîø àáì òåìú áîú öáåø ãàôìéâå áéä øáä åøá éåñó ôùéèà ìéä ãàé ñ''ã ãîñô÷à ìéä àéáòé ìéä äà áøéùà àìà ùîò îéðä ãôùéè ìéä


I.e. however, an Olas Bamas Tzibur that Rabah and Rav Yosef argued about, it is obvious to [R. Elazar]. If you would say that he was unsure, he should have asked about this first. Rather, this teaches that it was obvious to him.

åîôøù äù''ñ äëé àúéà äáòéà áéï ìøáä áéï ìøá éåñó çãà îâå çãà ÷à îáòéà ìéä


Explanation #2 (cont.): The Gemara explains that the question is both according to Rabah and Rav Yosef. He asked one amidst another;

ëìåîø ÷áòé áòåìú áîú éçéã ùäåà îñåô÷ îâå òåìú áîú öáåø ùäåà ôùåè (ìê) [ö"ì ìå - äøù"ù]


I.e. he asked about an Olas Bamas Yachid, which he was unsure about, amidst Olas Bamas Tzibur, which was obvious to him;

òã ëàï ìà ÷àîø øáä äúí àí òìå éøãå àìà îùåí ãîçéöä ëúé÷ðä ôñìä ëìåîø ùðãø (îëàï îòîåã á) äòåìä ìä÷øéá ááîú öáåø ãäùúà äåé îçéöä ùì áîú öáåø ëúé÷ðä åëùùéðä äî÷åí ìùçåè áãøåí ôñìä


We find that Rabah said there Im Alah Yered only because a Mechitzah like its law disqualifies. I.e. he vowed an Olah to offer it on a Bamas Tzibur. Now, the Mechitzah of a Bamas Tzibur is like its law. When he changed the place to slaughter it in the south, he disqualified it;


àáì ùìà ëúé÷ðä ëìåîø ëâåï òåìú áîú éçéã ùðùçèä ááîú öáåø áãøåí ãäåå ìäå îçéöä ùìà ëúé÷ðä ëìåîø ùìà ðãø ìä÷øéá ááîú öáåø


However, [a Mechitzah] unlike its law, e.g. Olas Bamas Yachid that was slaughtered on a Bamas Tzibur in the south, which is a Mechitzah unlike its law, i.e. he did not vow to offer it on a Bamas Tzibur [perhaps here Lo Yered].

åàôéìå ìøá éåñó ãàîø àí òìå ìà éøãå àéëà ìîéáòé äëà ùéù ìçì÷ ãäúí îçéöä ëúé÷ðä ÷ìèä (ùä÷ãéùä) [ö"ì äîæáç ù÷ãåùä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ëì ëê ù÷ìèä ùàí òìúä ìà úøã


And even according to Rav Yosef, who says that Im Alah Lo Yered, we can ask here, for we can distinguish. There, a Mechitzah like its law, the Mizbe'ach absorbed it, for it is so Kadosh that it absorbs it, that Im Alah Lo Yered;

àáì îçéöä ùìà ëúé÷ðä ëé äëà áòåìú áîú éçéã ìà ÷ìèä åëå'


However, [a Mechitzah] unlike its law, like here regarding Olas Bamas Yachid, it did not absorb it...


TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Gidal... Zerikas Pigul Eino Motzi mi'Yedei Me'ilah...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá âéãì àîø øá æøé÷ú ôéâåì àéðå îåöéà îéãé îòéìä á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a Chidush.)

ôéøåù àí ùçè áôéâåì åàçø ëê æø÷ ñúí àéï äæøé÷ä îåöéàúå îéãé îòéìä ãðé÷øé áéä äéúø ìëäðéí àò''â ãîäðéà æøé÷ä ìà÷áåòé áôéâåì


Explanation: If he slaughtered with Pigul [intent] and afterwards did Zerikah Stam, the Zerikah does not uproot from Me'ilah, that this should be called a Heter to Kohanim, even though the Zerikah helps to finalize Pigul;

ããøùéðï (æáçéí ãó ëç:) ëäøöàú ëùø ëê äøöàú ôñåì àìîà áòéðà áôéâåì ÷øéáú îúéøéï áäëùø


We expound (Zevachim 28b) "like Ritzuy (making acceptable) of a Kosher [Korban], so is Ritzuy of Pasul." This shows that we require in Pigul offering the Matirim in a Kosher way;

ñì÷à ãòúê àîéðà ãëîå ëï çùáä øçîðà æøé÷ä ìäåöéà îéãé îòéìä (åìäáéàå ìîäåé ëàéìå úåáò) [ö"ì åìäáéà îòéìä á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí åðòùä ëîé ùðòùéú áäëùø åàæ äåáøø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] çì÷ âáåä


One might have thought that similarly, the Torah considers it Zerikah to uproot Me'ilah and bring Kodshim Kalim to Me'ilah, and it is as if it was done in a Kosher way, and then Hash-m's portion is clarified;

÷î''ì øá âéãì ãúøúé ìà òáãé ìà÷áåòé áôéâåì åìäåöéà îéãé îòéìä


Rav Gidal teaches that this is not so. It does not do two matters, to finalize Pigul and uproot Me'ilah.


TOSFOS DH v'Lachmah Chutz l'Chomah Lo Kidesh ha'Lechem

úåñôåú ã"ä åìçîä çåõ ìçåîä ìà ÷ãù äìçí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives another case in which the bread does not become Kadosh.)

ãàéï äìçí ÷ãåù àìà áùçéèú äæáç åäåàéì åáùòú ùçéèú äæáç ìà äéä úåê ìçåîä ìà ÷ãù äìçí


Explanation: The bread becomes Kadosh only through Shechitah of the Zevach. Since at the time of Shechitah of the Zevach it was not within the wall, the bread did not become Kadosh;

åàôéìå ÷øîå ôðéä çåõ îàçú îäï ìà ÷ãù äìçí ãàéï ùçéèú úåãä î÷ãùú ìçîä òã ùé÷øîå ôðéä îùåí ãìçí ëúéá (åé÷øà æ) ãîùîò ÷øéîú ôðéí


And even if the faces [of the loaves] formed a crust, except for one of them, the bread did not become Kadosh, for Shechitah of the Zevach is Mekadesh the bread only if the faces formed a crust, for it is written "Lechem", which connotes that the faces formed a crust.


TOSFOS DH Kidesh ha'Lechem (This starts a new Dibur according to the Shitah Mekubetzes)

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ãù äìçí (æä ãéáåø çãù ìôé ùéèä î÷åáöú)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains which laws of Kedushah depend on Shechitah of the Zevach.)

[ö"ì ìòðéï ù÷ãåù ÷ãåùú äâåó åàéðå éåöà áôãéåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Explanation: [It is Kadosh] to get Kedushas ha'Guf, and it cannot be redeemed.


TOSFOS DH Alma Pigul Mevi li'Yedei Me'ilah

úåñôåú ã"ä àìîà ôéâåì îáéà ìéãé îòéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this does not refer to Lachmei Todah.)

ìëàåøä îùîò ãäà ã÷àîø çåõ ìæîðä åçåõ ìî÷åîä ÷ãù äìçí øåöä ìåîø ìäáéà ìçí ìéãé îòéìä


Inference: What [the Mishnah] said "Chutz li'Zmano and Chutz li'Mkomo, the bread becomes Kadosh" means to bring the bread to Me'ilah.

å÷ùéà ãåãàé àéï îòéìä áìçí ãìà îé÷øé ÷ãùé ä' ãàó áúåãä àéï îòéìä àìà áàéîåøéï


Objection: Surely, there is no Me'ilah in the bread, for it is not called Kodshei Hash-m. Even Todah has Me'ilah only in the Eimurim!

åôéøù [øáéðå] äàé ãîééøé áàøáòä ìçîé úåãä äðéúðéï ìëäï


Answer #1 (Tosfos' Rebbi): It discusses the four Lachmei Todah that are given to a Kohen.

åâí æä àéðå ðøàä ãìà îùúîéè úðà áùåí î÷åí ùéù áäï îòéìä


Objection #1: It seems that also this is wrong. [If it were correct,] a Tana should have taught in some place that they have Me'ilah!

åòåã áçæä åùå÷ äðéúðéï ìëäðéí àéï áäï îòéìä


Objection #2: Also Chazah v'Shok that are given to a Kohen, they have no Me'ilah!

ìëê ðøàä ãîãîé äà ã÷àîø ÷ãù äìçí ø''ì ìéôñì [ö"ì åìà - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìäáéàí ìéãé îòéìä


Answer #2: It seems that it says that the bread becomes Kadosh, i.e. to become Pasul, but not to bring it to Me'ilah;

åä''÷ àìîà ëéåï ã÷ãù äìçí äëé ðîé [ö"ì ðéîà - öàï ÷ãùéí] âáé æøé÷ä ùîáéàä ìéãé îòéìä


It means as follows. Since the bread becomes Kadosh [through Shechitas Pigul], we should likewise say that [in such a case] Zerikah brings [Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim] to Me'ilah.


TOSFOS DH Amar Lei bi'Zerikah

úåñôåú ã"ä à''ì áæøé÷ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes Shechitas Pigul from Zerikas Pigul.)

ëìåîø àéï äôéâåì ð÷áò òã ùòú æøé÷ä ëãàîø (æáçéí ãó ëç:) ëäøöàú ëùø ëê äøöàú äôñåì ãáòé ÷øáå îúéøéí


Explanation: Pigul is not fixed until the time of Zerikah, like it says (Zevachim 28b) "like Ritzuy of Kosher, so is Ritzuy of Pasul." We require that the Matirim were offered;

äéìëê âáé ìçí (ãëùð÷øí) [ö"ì ãáùçéèä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äåé ÷ãåù àîøéðï ÷éãù äìçí


Therefore, regarding bread, which is Kadosh through Shechitah, we say that that the bread becomes Kadosh (through Shechitas Pigul, for it merely has potential to become Pigul);

àáì âáé îòéìä ãáùòú ùçéèä òãééï ìà ð÷áò [ôéâåì] ãæøé÷ä îééúé ìéãé (îòéìä åàæ) [ö"ì ôéâåì ãàæ - öàï ÷ãùéí] ð÷áò äôéâåì ùçùá áùòú ùçéèä àéðå îáéà ìéãé îòéìä


However, regarding Me'ilah (which takes effect on Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim through Zerikah), that at the time of Shechitah, Pigul was not finalized, for Zerikah brings to Pigul, for then is finalized the Pigul that he intended at the time of Shechitah, [Zerikas Pigul] does not bring to Me'ilah.


TOSFOS DH Kometz Pigul

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷åîõ ôéâåì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina to derive that it is Pigul from the beginning.)

ùôéâì áùòú ÷îéöä åäòìäå ô÷ò ôéâåì îîðå ëãîôøù èòîà áñîåê å÷îéöä äééðå ùçéèä


Explanation #1: He was Mefagel at the time of Kemitzah, and offered it. Pigul is uprooted from it, like it explains the reason below, and Kemitzah is [the analog of] Shechitah;

ëãçùéá áîðçåú (ãó éâ:) âáé [ö"ì ã' - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] òáåãåú ùáîðçä ëðâã ã' òáåãåú ùáæáç åúðé ÷åîõ ôéâåì àìîà äåé ôéâåì ð÷áò ÷åãí äòìàä


Source: In Menachos (13b) it reckons the four Avodos in a Minchah corresponding to the four Avodos in a Zevach, and it taught a Kometz of Pigul. This shows that Pigul is finalized before Ha'alah (Haktarah on the Mizbe'ach).

å÷ùä ãäøáä îùðéåú äéä éëåì ìäáéà (îîðçåú - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ù÷åøéï ì÷îéöä åìùçéèä ôéâåì

(b) Objection: There are many Mishnayos that it could have brought that call Kemitzah and Shechitah Pigul!

; ìë''ð ãôøéê îã÷àîø ô÷ò (ôéâåì îùîò ùäå÷áò) [ö"ì ôéâåìå îîðå îùîò ôéâåìå ùäéä ëáø ëìåîø ùëáø ð÷áò - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôéâåì îùòú ÷îéöä îãð÷è ô÷ò


Explanation #2: Therefore, it seems that since it says "its Pigul was uprooted from it", this connotes its Pigul that was already was, i.e. Pigul was already fixed from the time of Kemitzah, since it mentioned "uprooted".

åà''ú (åàé) [ö"ì åäéëé - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ñ''ã ìåîø ùð÷áò ôéâåì îùòú ÷îéöä åäà áòéðï äøöàú ëùø (æáçéí ëç:)


Question: How was there a Havah Amina to say that Pigul was fixed from the time of Kemitzah? We require [Ritzuy like] Ritzuy of Kosher (Zevachim 28b)!

åé''ì ãå÷à ìçééáå ëøú àéðå ð÷áò òã ìàçø æøé÷ä àáì ùí ôéâåì çì îùòú ùçéèä ëîå ìòðéï ìäáéà ìéãé îòéìä åàí ëï ä÷ùä ùôéø


Answer: Only to obligate Kares it is not fixed until after Zerikah, but the name of Pigul takes effect from the time of Shechitah, just like [for Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim, Shechitah] brings to Me'ilah. If so, he properly asked;

åîùðé ãîééúé ìéãé ôéâåì ëìåîø ìòåìí àéï äôéâåì òã ùòú æøé÷ä ìòðéï ìäáéà ìéãé îòéìä åäà (ã÷ô÷ò ôéâåì) [ö"ì ã÷àîø ô÷ò ôéâåìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] øåöä ìåîø àéñåø äîáéàå ìéãé ôéâåì áùòú ä÷èøä


[Rava] answered "to bring to Pigul." I.e. really, Pigul is not until the time of Zerikah, regarding to bring to Me'ilah. This that it says that Pigul was uprooted refers to an Isur that leads to Pigul at the time of Haktarah.

åäà ÷úðé òìä àí àçøéí îáéàéï ìéãé ôéâåì äåà (îëàï îãó äáà) òöîå ìà ë''ù


Implied question: It was taught about this "if it brings others to Pigul, all the more so it itself [is Pigul]"!