[90a - 43 lines; 90b - 17 lines]

1)[line 5]הקדיחה תבשילוHIKDICHAH TAVSHILO- (O.F. adorser) she burned his food

2)[line 23]כי משמש בארבע לשונותKI MESHAMESH B'ARBA LESHONOS- the word "Ki" has four different meanings:

a)[line 24]איIY- if; this explanation of Ki also includes Ka'asher (when) and Asher (that)

b)[line 24]דלמאDILMA- perhaps

c)[line 24]אלאELA- rather

d)[line 24]דהאD'HA- because

3)[line 34]"אל תחרש על רעך רעה והוא יושב לבטח אתך""AL TACHAROSH AL RE'ACHA RA'AH, V'HU YOSHEV LA'VETACH ITACH."- "Do not plot evil against your neighbor, seeing as he dwells securely with you." (Mishlei 3:29) - The Gemara interprets this verse as referring to one's wife.

4)[line 36]דעותDE'OS- opinions, mindsets, tastes

5)[line 37]שזבובZEVUV- a fly

6)[line 42]תמחויTAMCHUY- a serving tray, plate, or bowl

7)[line 42]מוצצוMOTZETZO- he sucks it

8)[last line]וראשה פרועROSHAH PARU'A- with her hair undone and exposed


9)[line 1]ופרומה משני צדדיהPERUMAH MI'SHNEI TZEDADEHA- and with clothing slit on her two sides (revealing the flesh of her torso at the area where her elbows rest; Rashi)

10)[line 8]"ושנאה האיש האחרון... ושלחה מביתו או כי ימות האיש האחרון""U'SENE'AH HA'ISH HA'ACHARON... V'SHILCHAH MI'BEISO, O KI YAMUS HA'ISH HA'ACHARON..."- "If her second husband hates her... and he sends her away from his household, or if her second husband dies..." (Devarim 24:3)

11)[line 11]"כי שנא שלח""KI SANEI SHALACH"- "For the hated one he sent away" (Malachi 2:16)

12a)[line 12]בזוג ראשוןB'ZIVUG/ZEVEG RISHON- in a first marriage

b)[line 13]בזוג שניB'ZIVUG/ZEVEG SHENI- in a second marriage (see Insights to Sotah 2a)

13)[line 14]"וזאת שנית תעשו כסות דמעה את מזבח ה' בכי ואנקה מאין עוד פנות אל המנחה ולקחת רצון מידכם. ואמרתם על מה על כי ה' העיד בינך ובין אשת נעוריך אשר אתה בגדתה בה והיא חברתך ואשת בריתך""V'ZOS SHENIS TA'ASU: KASOS DIM'AH ES MIZBACH HASH-M, BECHI VA'ANAKAH, ME'EIN OD PENOS EL HA'MINCHAH V'LAKACHAS RATZON MI'YEDCHEM. VA'AMARTEM AL MAH, AL KI HASH-M HE'ID BEINCHA U'VEIN ESHES NE'URECHA, ASHER ATAH BAGADETAH BAH, V'HI CHAVERTECHA V'ESHES BRISECHA!"- "And this, moreover, are you doing: You cover with tears the altar of HaSh-m, weeping and sighing, so that He does not anymore turn towards the offering and receive it willingly from your hands. And you say, for what reason? -It is because HaSh-m testified between you and between the wife of your youth, that you have rebelled against her, and yet she is your companion and the wife of your covenant!" (Malachi 2:13-14)