GITIN 70 (7 Av 5783) - Dedicated in memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., Niftar 7 Av 5757, by his wife and daughters. G-d-fearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.

[70a - 53 lines; 70b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]ענבי תאלאINVEI TE'ALA- grapes from a vine supported by a palm tree

2)[line 1]לחזזיתאL'CHAZEZISA- for a skin eruption

3)[line 1]חיטי ארזנייתאCHITEI ARZANYASA- fat wheat kernels

4)[line 2]אמרא חדתאA'MARA CHADTA- (O.F. fossoir - a hoe) on a new hoe

5)[line 3]ונישוףV'NEISHOF- and smear it

6)[line 6]באלונכי דפרסאיB'ALUNCHEI D'FARSA'EI- with a Persian spear (which was forged with water containing a lethal poison)

7)[line 6]מיחייא לא חייMICHAYA LO CHAYEI- certainly will not live

8)[line 6]אדהכי והכיADHACHI V'HACHI- in the meantime

9)[line 7]ניספו ליהNEISFU LEI- feed to him

10)[line 7]בשרא שמינא אגומריBISRA SHEMEINA A'GUMREI- fat meat roasted on coals

11)[line 8]ומפקיד אביתיהU'MAFKID A'BEISEI- and he can give directions to the members of his household

12)[line 10]זיבוראZIBURA- a hornet or bee

13)[line 10]דחלא שמזגD'CHALA (SHAMZAG) [SHAMGAZ]- strong vinegar

14)[line 11]בלפתB'LEFES- with turnips

15)[line 12]ולן בלבנהLAN BA'LEVANAH- one who sleeps under the moon (in open air)

16)[line 12]בתקופת תמוזTEKUFAS TAMUZ- the summer solstice, when the weather is very hot

17)[line 12]אחזתו אחילוACHAZTO ACHILU- will be seized by Achilu (hot fever (O.F. malveid, Rashi Berachos 32a) as the Gemara will describe below)

18)[line 14]משבעןMASBE'AN- satiates

19)[line 14]ומשחנןMESHACHNAN- it warms

20)[line 14]ומשלשלןMESHALSHELAN- it causes diarrhea

21)[line 14]ומאשרןME'ASHRAN- it gives one strength

22)[line 14]ולא מפנקןV'LO MEFANKAN- and does not cause one to become overindulgent

23)[line 16]אש גרמיESH GARMEI- fire of bones

24)[line 16]מאי אסותיהMAI ASUSEI- what is its cure

25)[line 16]אמרה לי אםAMRAH LI EM- my "mother" told me (Abaye was an orphan and he called his foster mother "Em")

26)[line 17]כולהו שקייניKULHU SHAKYANEI- all other medicinal drinks

27)[line 17]אליבא ריקנאA'LIBA REIKANA- on an empty stomach

28)[line 18]ומשי ידיהU'MASHI YADEI- and washed his hands

29)[line 19]בונא דשתיתא דטלפחיBUNA D'SHASISA D'TELAFCHEI- a handful of lentil cereal

30)[line 22]אכול שלישECHOL SHELISH- eat one-third (of the capacity of your stomach)

31)[line 23]בטיבולTIBUL- dipping [bread in vinegar or wine]

32)[line 25]טיליא חיוראTILIYA CHIVRA- white Tilia wine (the worst of all wines)

33)[line 26]ויתקVITAK- his weakness

34)[line 26]מעליא דכולהוMA'ALYA D'CHULHU- the best of all of them

35)[line 27]סומקא ריחתנאSUMKA REICHASANA- [wine that is] aromatic red

36)[line 27]גריעא דכולהוGERI'A D'CHULHU- the worst of all of them

37)[line 28]בצפרני ניסןB'TZAFRANEI NISAN- in the mornings of [the month of] Nisan

38)[line 28]ושייף משחאV'SHAYIF MISHCHA- and he smears oil [on himself]

39)[line 30]בעלי ראתןBA'ALEI RA'ASAN- a disease associated with extreme weakness

40)[line 33]שיעור חצי מילSHI'UR CHATZI MIL- the time that it takes to walk half of a Mil (i.e. 9 minutes; it takes 18 minutes to walk one Mil)

41)[line 34]נכפיםNICHPIM- epileptics

42)[line 35]עויתAVIS- (O.F. cranpe) a painful cramp

43)[line 35]דלריאDELARYA- (a) diarrhea; (b) an alternate reading is "Alarya," which the ARUCH explains to mean chronic yawning

44)[line 37]מוריקא דחוחיMORIKA D'CHOCHEI- saffron grown among thorns

45)[line 37]אליסALIS- chewed

46)[line 38]ושדי ליהV'SHADI LEI- and he spit it out

47)[line 39]קפיזיKEFIZEI- a container that holds the measure of three Revi'ios

48)[line 39]קורטמי דחוחיKURTEMEI D'CHUCHEI- saffron grown among thorns (Rashi explains both the words "Morika" (#44 above) and "Kurtemei" to mean saffron. Here, though, he explains "Chuchei" to mean a field fertilized with manure of sheep. It could be that his Girsa was "d'Charei" (literally "of manure") instead of "d'Chuchei.")

49)[line 39]ונידוקינהוV'NIDOKINHU- and he grinds them

50)[line 41]"לבי סחרחר עזבני כחי""LIBI SECHARCHAR, AZAVANI CHOCHI"- "My heart is surrounded, my strength has left me" (Tehilim 38:11)

51)[line 42]"ענה בדרך כחי""INAH VA'DERECH KOCHI"- "He afflicted my strength on the way" (Tehilim 102:24)

52)[line 42]"כשל בעוני כחי""KASHAL BA'AVONI CHOCHI"- "My strength became weak because of my sins" (Tehilim 31:11)

53)[line 46]ונתייגעV'NISYAGE'A- and in a state of exhaustion

54)[line 48]מעורתME'URAS- the name of a certain woman

55)[line 52]והנתקNESEK- a type of outbreak of Tzara'as which appears on the head or beard (see Vayikra 13:30)

56)[line 52]וגדגדניותGADGANIYOS- (O.F. aliendre - coriander) melilos, a kind of clover; in later periods this word was associated with cherries

57)[line 52]וכשותKESHUS- (O.F. homlon) hops

58)[last line]כפליםKIFLAYIM- double; twice as much as the others


59)[line 1]הביציםHA'BEITZIM- the testicles

60)[line 5]לא מעלו ולא קשוLO MA'ALU V'LO KASHU- they are not beneficial, nor are they harmful

61)[line 9]לאלתרL'ALTAR- immediately

62)[line 10]לכשישתפהLECHESHE'YISHTAFEH- [only] when he will become well

63)[line 12]דלכי מתצילDEL'CHI MIT'TZIL- for when he (his mind) becomes clear

64)[line 13]למיהדר אימלוכי ביהL'MIHADAR IMLICH BEI- go back and consult with him

65)[line 15]ישןYASHEN- a sleeping person

66)[line 15]לשוטהSHOTEH - (lit. a fool) a person who is mad or deranged

(a)A person is classified as a Shoteh if he regularly, because of madness, destroys or loses that which is given to him, sleeps in a cemetery, goes out alone at night, or tears his clothes (Chagigah 3b). According to the RAMBAM (Hilchos Edus 9:9), a person is a Shoteh if he regularly exhibits any form of irrational behavior.

(b)A Shoteh is exempt from performing Mitzvos and is not punished for his transgressions. His purchases and sales are meaningless and are not binding.

67)[line 18]לא סמיה בידןLO SAMEI B'YADAN- his cure is not in our hands

68)[line 19]בישרא סומקא אגומריBISRA SUMKA A'GUMREI- lean meat roasted on coals

69)[line 19]וחמרא מרקאCHAMRA MARKA- diluted wine

70)[line 21]שנים או רוב שניםSHENAYIM O ROV SHENAYIM- both Simanim (the trachea and the esophagus) or most of each

71)[line 23]מגוידMEGUYAD- dismembered into pieces

72)[line 23]צלוב על הצליבהTZALUV AL HA'TZELIVAH- hanged on a gallows (or impaled; nailed to the stake

73)[line 25]דעתא צילותא היאDA'ATA TZILUSA HI- his mind was clear

74)[line 26]וכחישותאKECHISHUSA- weakness

75)[line 27]דעתא שגישתאDA'ATA SHEGISHTA- his mind was confused

76)[line 31]יהא גולה על ידוYEHEI GOLEH AL YADO (AREI MIKLAT - Cities of Refuge)

(a)A person who murders intentionally after having been previously warned is liable to the death penalty. A person who murders unintentionally is exempt from the death penalty, but is punished with Galus (banishment).

(b)When it is proven that a person killed unintentionally, he is banished to one of the six Arei Miklat (Cities of Refuge) or one of the forty-two cities of the Leviyim. He must stay there and not leave the city or its Techum for any reason whatsoever until the death of the Kohen Gadol who served at the time that he was sentenced to banishment.

(c)If the unintentional murderer leaves his City of Refuge, the Go'el ha'Dam (the closest relative of the murdered person) is permitted to avenge the death of his relative and kill the murderer.

77)[line 33]הרוח בלבלתוHA'RU'ACH BILBALTO- the wind confounded him (causing his condition to worsen until he died)

78)[line 35]בביתא דשישאBEISA D'SHISHA- a room made of marble (into which the wind cannot penetrate)

79)[line 35]ופירכסPIRKEIS- to move convulsively before death (in an excessive manner)

80)[line 35]בבראB'BARA- outside

81)[line 36]שיחיא דהן הן נקטיהSHICHYA D'LAV LAV NAKTEI- an illness of uncontrollable gesticulating in the movement of "no, no" has taken hold of him

82)[line 38]בסירוגיןB'SEIRUGIN- periodically

83)[last line]גלופקריGELUFKEREI- (a) (O.F. cot) a dress (RASHI); (b) a thick woolen cloak (ARUCH)

84)[last line]וסדיניSADINEI- sheets (of linen)

85a)[last line]קורא אחדיהKORA ACHDEI- cold (a chill) took hold of him

b)[last line]חמה אחדיהCHAMAH ACHDEI- heat (a fever) took hold of him