12th Cycle Dedication

ERCHIN 16 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the twelfth Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


THE SOURCE FOR WHICH SPECIES ARE OBLIGATED IN CHALAH (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1b)

úîï úðéðï úôåç ùøéñ÷å åðúðå ìúåê äòéñä åçéîéöä äøé æå àñåøä.


(Mishnah): If an apple [of Terumah] was minced and put in a dough and fermented it, it is forbidden [to Zarim].

úðé øáé éåñé àåîø îåúø.


(Beraisa - R. Yosi): It is permitted.

øáé àçà øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðà îä ôìéâéï áîçîõ áîéîéå àáì áîçîõ áâåôå ãáøé äëì îåúø.


(R. Acha citing R. Avahu citing R. Yosi ben Chanina): What do they argue about? Fermenting with its juice, but if they fermented with it itself, all permit (for it harms the taste - GRA).

ø' éåñé ëãòúé' ãå àîø úîï àéï úáùéìå úáùéì áøåø. åëï äåà àåîø äëà àéï çéîåöå çéîåõ áøåø.


R. Yosi holds like he taught elsewhere. (In Shabbos 3:3, the Mishnah forbids to put an egg near a kettle in order to roast, and to wrap it in hot garments, and R. Yosi permits.) Just like [he permits there because] he says that it is not a properly cooked Tavshil, so he permits here [to Zarim, because] it is not proper fermentation.

åëîä ãàú àîø àéï ìê áà ìéãé îöä åçîõ àìà çîùú äîéðéï áìáã åãëååú' àéï ìê îâøø òí ëåìï àìà çéèéí åùòåøéí áìáã.


Just like you say that nothing comes to Matzah or Chametz other than the five species, similarly, nothing is Gorer (if it is in a dough with other matters, it causes the entire dough to be obligated in Chalah) with all of them other than wheat and barley (only these cause other species mixed with them to ferment - HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA).

[ãó á òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé äéìà áùí ø"ù áï ì÷éù ìà ùðéðå àìà äòåùä òéñä îï äçéèéí åîï äàåøæ åàéðå ðâøø àìà òí äçéèéï áìáã:


(R. Heila citing Reish Lakish): We learned [Greirah] only for one who makes a dough from wheat and rice, and [even rice] is Nigrar only with wheat (but not with barley).

îäå ùéäå çééáéí òì (÷ìé) [ö"ì åìçí - âìéåðé äù"ñ] ùìå îùåí çãù.


Question: Is one liable for its bread (a mixture of wheat and rice) due to Chadash?

à"ø æòéøà ëúéá [åé÷øà ëâ éã] åìçí å÷ìé åëøîì ìà úàëìå àú ùçééáéí òì (ìçí) [ö"ì ÷ìé - âìéåðé äù"ñ] ùìå îùåí çãù çééáéï òì (÷ìé) [ö"ì åìçí - âìéåðé äù"ñ] ùìå îùåí çãù. àú ùàéï çééáéí òì (ìçí) [ö"ì ÷ìé - âìéåðé äù"ñ] ùìå îùåí çãù àéï çééáéí òì (÷ìé) [ö"ì åìçí - âìéåðé äù"ñ] ùìå îùåí çãù:


Answer (R. Ze'ira): It says "v'Lechem v'Kali v'Charmel Lo Sochlu" - what we are liable for its Kali (parched grain) due to Chadash, we are liable for its bread due to Chadash. What we are not liable for its Kali due to Chadash, we are not liable for its bread due to Chadash. (Kali does not apply to wheat and rice together. Surely one is not liable for rice alone. Therefore, one is not liable for bread of rice, even if it is mixed with wheat. We explained this based on GILYONEI HA'SHAS.)

øáé éøîéä áòé ÷åîé øáé æòéøà òéøá àøáòú (÷áéï) [ö"ì øáòéí - äâø"ç ÷ðéáñ÷é ùìéè"à] áôðé òöîï åçéîöï åã' (÷áéï) [ö"ì øáòéí - äâø"ç ÷ðéáñ÷é ùìéè"à] áôðé òöîï åòéøáï


Question (R. Yirmeyah, to R. Ze'ira): If one mixed (kneaded a dough of) four Reva'im by itself and fermented them, and four Reva'im by itself, and mixed [the doughs, what is the law? The Shi'ur to be obligate is more than five Reva'im.]

äøé áùòú çéåáï [ö"ì àéðï øàåééï - äâø"ç ÷ðéáñ÷é ùìéè"à] ìáà ìéãé îöä åçîõ


At the time [when there is a Shi'ur] of Chiyuv, [part of the Shi'ur] is not proper to come to Matzah or Chametz! (We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)

[ö"ì à"ì äøé îéðï ÷øåé ìçí - âø"à]


Answer (R. Ze'ira): Their species is called bread. (We are not adamant that it can come to Matzah or Chametz.)

[ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àúééà ãøáé (éåðä ëøáé éøîéä åãøáé éåñé ëøáé æòéøà àúéà ãøáé éåðä ëøáé éøîéä. ëîä ãøáé éøîéä àîø òã ùéäà ÷øåé ìçí. ëê ø' éåðä àîø òã ùéäà ÷øåé ìçí ãøáé éåñé ëø"æ ëîä ãø"æ àîø îéðå ÷øåé ìçí ëï øáé éåñé àîø îéðå ÷øåé ìçí) [ö"ì éøîéä ëøáé éåðä åãøáé æòéøà ëøáé éåñé - âø"à]


R. Yirmeyah holds like R. Yonah, and R. Ze'ira holds like R. Yosi. (Just like above, R. Yonah learned Chiyuv Chalah from Pesach, i.e. what can come to Matzah or Chametz, so R. Yirmeyah thought that it depends on what can come to Matzah or Chametz. Just like R. Yosi learned Chiyuv Chalah from what is called bread, so R. Ze'ira answered. We explained this like GRA.)

àúéà ãøáé éåñé ëøáé äéìà àó òì âá ãå ôìéâ òìåé.


R. Yosi [who learned Chiyuv Chalah from what is called bread] holds like R. Heila (who said that rice joins only with wheat. If it depended on coming to Matzah or Chametz, rice would join even with barley!) even though he argues with him. (Below (3:5), they argue; R. Yosi holds that rice joins even with barley. We explained this like HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)

øáé ùîåàì áø ðçîï ùîò ëåìäåï îï àäï ÷øééà [ãó á òîåã à] [éùòé' ëç ëä] åùí çéèä ùåøä åùòåøä ðñîï åëåñîú âáåìúå.


R. Shmuel bar Nachman learns all of [the species that are called bread] from this verse - "v'Sam Chitah Sorah u'Se'orah Nisman v'Chusemes Gevulaso";

åùí çéèä àìå äçéèéí ùåøä æå ùáåìú ùåòì åìîä ð÷øä ùîä ùåøä ùäéà òùåéä ëùåøä.


"V'Sam Chitah" refers to wheat. Sorah is oats. Why is it called Sorah? It is because it is made (grows on the stalk) like a row (where one ends, the next begins - MAHARA FULDA).

ùòåøä àìå äùòåøéí. ðñîï æä äùéôåï. åëåñîú æä äëåñîéï. âáåìúå (ìçí. òã ëàï âáåìå ùì ìçí) [ö"ì òã ëàï âáåì çìä - äøå÷ç, çìä ùðæ]


Se'orah is barley. Nisman is rye. (ALEI TAMAR - it is most marked. Perhaps its sheave is biggest of all the grains.) Chusemes is spelt. Gevulaso - until here (these five species) are the limit of [what is obligated in] Chalah.

åìîéãéï îï ä÷áìä


Question: Do we learn [Halachos] from [Nevi'im, i.e. Divrei] Kabalah?!

à"ø ñéîåï îï îä ãëúéá [ùí ëå] åéñøå ìîùôè àìäéå éåøðå ëîé ùäåà ãáø úåøä.


Answer (R. Simon): Since [the next verse] says "va'Yisro la'Mishpat Elokav Yorenu" [this teaches that we may learn Halachah from here] as if it were Devar Torah.

à"ø ñéîåï àéìéï ðùééà ãàîøéï ìà ðéòåì áðéðï ìëðéùúà àéï çîé ìé' îéìó îéìó äåà. ìà òáãéï èáàåú àìà åéñøå ìîùôè àìäéå éåøðå:


(R. Simon): These women who say 'we will not bring our sons to the Beis ha'Keneses [to learn] - if he is proper to learn, he will learn', they do improperly. Rather, "va'Yisro la'Mishpat Elokav Yorenu" (one must chastise him, and then Hash-m will teach him to learn. L'CHAYIM BI'YERUSHALAYIM (R. Chaim Palagi) - these are wives of Chachamim. They think that they merit the world to come through waiting for their husbands to return from learning, or through bringing their sons to learn. They err; both are needed.)