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1. Leidah during Zavah Gedolah 2. labor bleeding 3. counting days

Barry Epstein asked:

A woman who bleeds in labor during niddah is a niddah. Does she count 7 or 14 days plus 6 (like a major zavah)?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

I'm not sure if you are asking your question from the Gemara's standpoint or from a Halachic standpoint. From the Gemara's perspective, there are seven days of Nidah when a woman is Assur (assuming a Veses Kavuah), and she is permitted afterwards once she goes to the Mikvah. This would therefore have no effect on a question regarding a woman bleeding in labor. Today, all blood requires seven clean days, and therefore any woman must generally count seven clean days after seeing any blood.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose