More Discussions for this daf
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7. רש"י במלחמה 8. שומר חנם אינו נשבע

alex lebovits asked:

Oynoas Devarim is a greater wrongdoing than monetary wrongdoing acc. to the Gem on 58b.

The reason, R' Shmueel Bar NAchmani says, is because restitution is not possible.

But if Oynoas Devarim really is about embarrassing people, as the Gem goes on to give examples, then it should be very similar to the Hezek of 'Boshes'; and for Boshes we have learned that there is restitution possible!

So why not let the restitution be 'Hakol Lefi Hamevayesh VeHamisvayesh?

Kol Tuv and thank you for reading.

alex lebovits, Toronto, CAnada

The Kollel replies:

Ona'as Devarim is not about embarrassing people. It is about paining someone (as implied by Rashi 59a, b'Ona'as). This is even if nobody sees them when they are pained, such as if they are on the telephone, and is even if one does something that is not embarrassing but is emotionally painful (i.e. practical jokes about tragic situations where the person thinks the tragedy happened). For more on Ona'as Devarim, see the Sefer l'Rei'acha Kamocha who has an entire section on Ona'as Devarim with many practical examples.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose