
How did Gad know to tell this to David?


Malbim: It says in Divrei ha'Yamim I, 21:18 that the angel told Gad; prophecy comes via an angel. Also the miracle of fire descending [from Shamayim] to the Mizbe'ach (ibid., 26) was via the angel. The destroyer himself prepared the cure for them - "Machatzti va'Ani Erpa" (Devarim 32:39), "Yimchatz v'Yadav Tirpenah" (Iyov 5:18).


Why did he say "Aleh"?


Radak: Aravnah's granary, the place of the Beis ha'Mikdash, is higher than Yerushalayim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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