
What is the meaning of "me'Etzel ha'Negev"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is from the south side of the rock.


What is the meaning of "Higdil"?


Rashi: He cried greatly [Radak - more than Yehonason].


Malbim: He cried in a loud voice. This is why Yehonason told him to go (verse 42).


Since Yehonason told the youth to return alone and met with David, why was the Siman needed?


Radak (36): He was concerned lest someone else come, and he cannot meet with David. He saw that no one came, therefore he met with him.


Perhaps he informed David of the danger, and let David decide if he wants to take a small risk of being seen, in order to meet with Yonason before fleeing. Or, if David had noticed that someone regularly passes by about this time, he would avoided meeting Yehonason! (PF)

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