
What are Sanach and Mei Megido?


Rashi, from Targum Yonasan: They are places. Sisera's camp stretched from one to the other. Radak - they are in Menasheh, and they are far from each other!


Malbim: In the days of Yehoshua, Yavin gathered kings and fought Yisrael in Mei Merom (Yehoshua 11:1,5). Now he gathered kings again and camped at Mei Megido.


What is the meaning of "Betza Kesef Lo Lakachu"?


Rashi (from Tosefta Sotah 3:14): [Kings of Kena'ani] came to help Sisera for free Malbim - just like before, they came to help Yavin for free].


Radak: Any Yisrael who fell into their hands, they would not accept any amount of money [to spare him]; they would kill him.


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