
How did we bring bread with our Nefashos?


Rav Sadya Gaon: We risk our lives for food [Rashi - when we bring food from the field, "Mipnei Cherev ha'Midbar."] Ibn Ezra #2 - this is like "b'Nafshosam Hevi'um" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 11:19). Ri Kara - it is like one who puts his Nefesh in his hand and casts it (puts himself in great danger).


Ibn Ezra #1: Initially, slaves brought our food. Now, we ourselves bring it.


Rid: We find it with difficulty and fear.


What is "Cherev ha'Midbar"?


Ri Kara: They ambush in Midbaros (Rid - and roads), like it says "ba'Midbar Arvu Lanu" (4:19).

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