
What is the meaning of "Sechel Adam He'erich Apo"?


Rashi: It is as if it says Leha'arich. If he delays anger, it is Sechel for him.


R. Yonah: When one delays his anger and does not take vengeance at the time of fury, only after it passes, this is from the counsel of Sechel. He does it for his own honor and benefit. Anger makes one's Da'as foolish and clouds his Sechel. If he seeks to take vengeance at the time of fury, he will not act with Da'as and Sechel. He will be trapped and fall from his counsel. He'erich is Makor (like an infinitive); there is a Segol [under the Hei] in place of a Patach. This is like "Ganon v'Hitzil Paso'ach v'Himlit" (Yeshayah 31:5).


Malbim: It is from the ways of Sechel and Binah not to take vengeance immediately, rather, to delay anger - "Erech Apayim Rav Tevunah", "v'Ish Tevunos Yacharish", "Ketzar Apayim Ya'aseh Iveles" (14:29, 11:12, 14:17). Sechel obligates this. If he wants to take vengeance, also his colleague will harm and disgrace him.


Why does it say "v'Sif'arto Avor Al Pasha"?


Rashi: His glory is to overcome his Midos.


R. Yonah: One need not appreciate one who delays anger, for he does not pardon and bear his friend's sin. He delays anger for his own honor and benefit. When he overcomes his Midos and bears his friend's sin, this is full glory and Midas ha'Chesed.


Malbim: To totally remove the sin and not guard any hatred, also in the heart, this is from the laws of Chachmah. It is man's glory, since he is a Ba'al Da'as; Divine Chachmah and good Sechel are in his heart.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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