
How did Hashem do David's Mishpat?


Radak: It was a great miracle. Galyus was totally covered with iron. The stone came to Galyus's forehead, in the exposed place.


Malbim: When they came to fight with me, You waged my battle and executed my verdict to confound them in war.


What is the difference between "Mishpati" and "Dini"?


Rashi: It is a repetition. There is no difference. This is like "Edi v'Sahadi ba'Meromim", "Atzamav Afikei Nechushah Geramav ki'Mtil Barzel" (Iyov 16:19, 40:18)).


Why does it say "l'Chisei"?


Rashi: It is the throne of Mishpat. Malbim - from when they came to fight with me and You judged them, You did not rise from the throne of Mishpat.


Radak: The Lamed is in place of a Beis. Similarly, "Lifneichem l'Charev" (Vayikra 26:7) is like b'Charev. "Haragti l'Fitz'i" (Bereishis 4:23) is like b'Fitz'i.


Why did he say "Shofet Tzedek"?


Radak: You took from him Your Mishpat (case against him). He reviled the ranks of [the nation of] Elokim Chayim!


Malbim: Even though initially You did not do Mishpat for the nations that Laben destroyed, after You began to judge him, You did not rise from the throne of Mishpat until You decreed on him destruction.

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