
By which gate did Moshe stand when he made his announcement?


Targum Yonasan: He stood by the gate of the Sanhedrin leading to the camp. 1


To which the word "Sha'ar" generally refers (See Targum Yonasan, Rus, 4:1).


What prompted Moshe to take such extreme measures against the sinners?


Rashi: Refer to 32:20:1:1*.


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: The fact that the Eigel had given them a bad name in the eyes of their enemies was a Chilul Hashem. So Moshe announced publicly "Mi la'Hashem Elai" and had them put those who worshipped it to death in public, in which case the word would reach the ears of their enemies, and the ensuing Kidush Hashem would atone for the Chilul Hashem.


Seforno Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: Refer to 32:25:2:4*.


What are the connotations of "Mi la'Hashem Elai!"?


Targum Yonasan: Moshe was inviting whoever had "Yir'as Hashem" to gather to him. 1


Da'as Zekenim: Whoever clung to fear of Hashem and had no guilt about the Eigel, come to me. Only Shevet Levi was totally innocent.


Consequently, the fact that the entire tribe of Levi gathered to him was an indication that they were all G-d-fearing men. Consequently, the Pasuk "Yomru Na Yir'ei Hashem" refers to the tribe of Levi here (Rashi in Tehilim, 118:4).


How come that not a single person from any other tribe rallied to Moshe's call?


Midrash Tanchuma: When Moshe announced "Mi la'Hashem elai!", he meant that whoever did not donate money towards the Eigel should come to him, and, as the Torah wrote in 32:3, all the people had donated,, in which case, notwithstanding the fact that they were sorry for what they had done, they were all not eligible to join the B'nei Levi.


Why was Levi the only complete tribe that rallied to Moshe's call?


Chizkuni (citing a Midrash Agadah) 1 : Because Levi and his children established Yeshivos in Mitzrayim. They engaged in Torah, were not enslaved, observed the Mitzvos and never served idolatry. 2


Others cite this from the Rambam, Hilchos Avodah Zarah 1:3.


Rashi writes in Tehilim, 118:4 that "Yomru Na Yir'ei Hashem" refers to the tribe of Levi.

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