
What do we learn from "v'Kavrum Beis Yisrael"?


Malbim: Do not say that they themselves will bury their dead. All of them will die ? none of them will remain to bury others! Only Beis Yisrael will bury them.


Why will they bury them?


Radak: Hashem commanded to bury people [executed and] hung in Yisrael ? "v'Lo Setamei Es Admmasecha" (Devarim 21:23). An unburied Mes is Tum'as ha'Aretz. And so Yehoshua commanded to do to the five kings, and so Yisrael will bury Gog's multitudes "Lema'an Taher Es ha'Aretz."


Malbim: It will be to purify the land from decay, stench and Tum'ah.


What will be seven months?


Radak, Malbim: They will engage in burying them for seven months.

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