
Why is Yisrael called "Kerem Hashem"?


Rashi: Everything that He did to this vineyard (mentioned in the previous verses), He did to Yisrael. The vineyard is Adam ha'Rishon. We find in many Midrashim, in Tanchuma and Bereishis Rabah, that these verses are expounded about him. He was not expelled until he blasphemed - "va'Ykiv La'asos Anavim


Why are they called "Neta Sha'ashu'av"?


Radak: When He first planted them, He delighted in them, when they did good deeds. He hoped that they will always do good deeds and Mishpat, just like He always did good for them.


Malbim: In every vineyard there is a choice planting in which the owner delights. So here, Hashem delights in Ish Yehudah, for from Yehudah sprouted Keren David and the Shevet of rulers.


What is the meaning of "va'Ykav l'Mishpat"?


Rashi: He hoped that they will do Mishpat [Radak - for the poor].


Malbim: These are the grapes. Hashem hoped for Mishpat Bein Adam l'Chavero, and Tzedakah Bein Adam la'Makom, and they produced Be'ushim.


What is "Mispach"?


Rashi #1: It is adding sin to sin, like "me'Histape'ach" (Shmuel I, 26:19).


Rashi #2: It is a plague, like Mispach[as] (with a Samech). Via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, he used a word similar to Mishpat, and similarly "Tze'akah" is like "Tzedakah". Radak - He hoped that they will do Mishpat for the poor and oppressed], but they are like Tzara'as for [the poor].


Malbim: They stick houses together, in order to steal from the poor (verses 8-9).


Why does it say "li'Tzedakah v'Hinei Tze'akah"?


Radak: I hoped that they will do Tzedakah for [the poor], but there is screaming! The poor scream due to their oppression.

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