
What is the meaning of "Choreha v'Ein Sham Meluchah"?


Rashi: Its officers stand 1 , and not one of them claims authority or kingship.


Radak: Choreha are deputies, like "Chorei Yehudah" (Yirmeyah 27:20), "Min ha'Chorim" (Shmuel I, 14:11). Initially, they said there is no kingship there - we are the kings! Now they and all its officers will be eradicated. The Vov in v'Ein is extra, like "va'Yisa Avraham Es Einav" (Bereishis 22:4).


Malbim: Choreha are those who come from the royal family. They choose a king from them - "Ashreich Eretz she'Malkech Ben Chorim" (Koheles 10:17). The 'nation' will be Ka'as and Kipod; they will not seek a king.


I.e. unlike a king, who sits. (PF)


What is "Afes"?


Rashi: It is eradication.


Malbim: One is called a Sar only if he has authority. Since there is no nation, there are no Sarim. (However, people of the royal family are called Choreha, even if they have no authority.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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