
What is the significance of "'E'eleh Al Bamasei Av Edameh l'Elyon"?


Pesachim 94a: When Nebuchadnetzar said so, a voice from Heaven said 'Rasha ben Rasha, son of Nimrod ha'Rasha! A man lives 70 years, or 80 if he reaches Gevurah. It is 500 years journey from the land to the first Raki'a! "Ach El She'ol Turad El Yarkesei Vor" (15) (you will descend to Gehinom)!


Chulin 89a: Nochrim become haughty when they are raised. Nebuchadnetzar said "I will rise


Perhaps this is why Hashem decreed that for seven years he would not live among people, rather, among animals (Daniel 4:22). (PF)

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