
What is the significance of dwelling amidst deception?


Rashi: When they sit, they think thoughts of deception.


Radak: Hashem says [to Yirmeyah], what will it help dwelling amidst deception, i.e. a nation of deception, that you cannot return them to you?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They sit in the Beis ha'Keneses and discuss their Aveiros.


Malbim: Normally, deception is in the swindler's mouth, but not in his heart. A person deceives his friend, but not himself. You dwell amidst deception in the heart; they deceive themselves. They do not deceive with the mouth, for they speak revealed Sheker!


Why does it say "[b'Soch Mirmah] b'Mirmah"?


Rashi: For the sake of deception.


Radak: They were raised so much in deception, until they refused to know Me. They cannot abandon their evil way.


Why does it say "Me'anu Da'as Osi"?


Malbim: They show themselves as if they know Hashem's ways and His Emes. Even though they could reach knowledge of Hashem, they do not want to know Hashem. This deception is hidden in the heart.

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