
Why did he not mention Hashem's name in this Tefilah? He mentioned it above (verse 17) and below (verse 20)?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Tazri'a 9): He mentioned it for opening the eyes of the youth and the troop, but not for the curse 1 .


I.e. it is proper to mention His name for the good, but not for the bad. However, the Torah says "Yakecha Hashem" four times (Devarim 28:22-35)!


What is "Sanverim"?


Rashi: It is bewilderment. He sees, but does not know what he sees.


Rashi (Bereishis 19:11, regarding Anshei Sedom): It is blindness.


Ibn Ezra (Bereishis 19:11): It is blindness of the heart and of the eyes regarding Anshei Sedom and the troops of Aram.


What is the significance of striking them with "Sanverim"?


Malbim: This is the opposite of the previous miracle, which enabled the youth to see via Nevu'ah what the physical eye cannot see. Now he prayed to close the physical eye from seeing, so he can lead them to the wrong place.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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