
What is the meaning of "Ishah Gedolah"?


Rashi: She was esteemed. Pirkei d'R. Eliezer 32 says that she was the sister of Avishag 1 . Radak - it says there that she was also the mother of Ido 2 ha'Navi.


Radak: She was esteemed. She had much property, and a good reputation.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: She feared sin.


Our text of Pirkei d'R. Eliezer says Oded, but in Yalkut Shimoni 228 it says Ido. (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Tachazek Bo"?


Ralbag: She made all efforts that he eat in her house 1 , and also come there when he is in the city Shunam. I think that Elisha's level was not publicized yet. She used to go to find guests in the city to come to her house.


Malbim: Through this, he knew that she truly wanted to give to him. Refer to 4:8:5:1.


What is the meaning of "mi'Dei Avro"?


Rashi: When he would pass through the city. Malbim - the first time he ate by her, he knew that she gave to him with proper intent. After this, he himself would go to her so she could merit to feed him (refer to 4:9:4:1).


Why does it say "Yasur"?


Rashi: This is present tense (he would do so constantly).


We find that Shmuel ha'Navi did not benefit from people. Was it proper for Elisha to benefit from people?


Brachos 10b: If one wants to benefit from others, he may benefit, like Elisha. Me'iri (10b) - i.e. the receiver will be able to return benefit , like Elisha, who prayed that she should have a son 1 . Malbim - he must fulfill conditions, like Elisha. One may not eat from one who offers to give, but does not have the means, or from one who has the means, but does not really want to give. Mishlei (23:6) - "do not eat from a stingy person... he tells you to eat, but he is insincere" (Chulin 7b).


It seems that Elisha went there regularly, but he did not feel a need to return benefit or pray for her until they built a room for him (verses 11-13)! Perhaps he ate her food with intent to benefit her, and not for his own benefit (refer to 4:9:4:1). This did not apply to benefit from the room that she made; this obligated him to benefit her in return. (PF)

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