
What is also to Chachamim?


Rashi: All the matters said below, are said to Chachamim who sit in judgment.


Vilna Gaon, Malbim: Until now were Meshalim of Shlomo. From now until the end of the Perek is from other Chachamim. Just like Tehilim includes praise and thanks to Hashem that others said with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, e.g. Asaf and Moshe, so Mishlei includes Chachmah of other Chachamim, e.g. Agur ben Yakeh (30:1) and l'Muel (31:1). It says below "Gam Eleh Mishlei Shlomo" (25:1), for it interrupted with others' Chachmah.


What is the meaning of "Haker Panim b'Mishpat Bal Tov"?


Rashi: They should not show favoritism in judgment, for it is not good.


Malbim: [The judge] does not flatter the Rasha (24). Only, he favors the Tzadik - because he knows that he is a Tzadik, he always favors him to vindicate him also now. Even though it is proper to establish a Tzadik in his Chazakah, it is not good in Mishpat. One may consider both litigants to be Resha'im, until he investigates the judgment.

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