
Why did he say "v'Ashivah Kol ha'Am Elecha"?


Malbim #1: If there will be a war, even if Avshalom wins, many people will bear animosity for their brothers who died in the war. If Avshalom will lead the war, people will say that he killed his father. If Achitofel kills him at night, they will blame him. Avshalom will [feign to] be angry, just he will pardon everyone who sinned against him, and everyone will return, like kings are wont to pardon everyone when they are made king.


Malbim #2: The first two phrases of this verse pertain to the last two in verse 2. "V'Nas Kol ha'Am Asher Ito" - "v'Ashivah Kol ha'Am Elecha k'Shuv ha'Kol" (when they all return). "V'Hikeisi Es ha'Melech Levado" - "ha'Ish Asher Atah Mevakesh."


What is the meaning of "k'Shuv ha'Kol"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: [When] everyone will return to you.


Radak: Like everything that a person wants to return to him, it will be so easy for me to return the nation to you.


Malbim #1: Amidst everyone else that you pardon, also I [will be allowed to return home]. Refer to 17:3:3:3.


Malbim #2: Refer to 17:3:1:2.


What is the meaning of "ha'Ish Asher Atah Mevakesh Kol ha'Am Yihyeh Shalom"?


Rashi: The verse is abbreviated. It is as if it says 'your Bakashah (request) will be done to him (to kill him), and the rest of the nation will be b'Shalom.'


Radak: After I kill the man that you seek his evil, i.e. David (verse 2). Also Yonason translates 'the man that you want [to harm].'


Malbim #1: Even though you will [feign to] want to kill me for killing your father, you will pardon everyone, so all may return in peace. You will say that you cannot kill the one who killed your father, lest this arouse contention from lovers of Achitofel and enemies of David.


Malbim #2: Refer to 17:3:1:2.

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