
Why is it written la'Davagim, and we pronounce it la'Dayagim?


Radak: We find like this - "Amdu Alav Davagim" (Yechezkel 47:10). Both of these mean fishermen.


What is the meaning of "v'Digum"?


Radak: It should say v'Hidgum (Hif'il). This is like "Madu'a Elav Rivos" (Iyov 33:13); it should say Harbos.


What is the parable of fishermen and hunters?


Rashi: A fisherman brings up fish from where they grow. Also these [enemies] will trap those in the city. And just like a fish, when it is trapped, it dies, so I will bring on them killers, and afterwards trappers for those who remain or fled the sword on the mountains and hills. They hunted them to exile them in captivity.


Radak: From now I send fisherman. I.e. I will arouse their spirit to come, as if He sent them to come. Fish are a parable for those who die via the sword. They die when they are trapped, when they are removed from the water. Chayos are a parable for those exiled. Hunters of Chayos and birds trap them alive; they do not die through being trapped, unless they kill them afterwards.


Malbim: Fishermen trap many fish at once via nets. After only a small amount will remain, hiding in caves and on mountains, I will send many hunters and trap them from every mountain

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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