
What are the connotations of "Al Teshaktzu es Nafshoseichem"?


Rashi (in Yoma, 80b): It is a prohibition against abominating oneself by eating Sheratzim.


Makos 16b: "Es" includes things that are disgusting - such as drinking from bloodletters' Keilim, 1 and Beitzim Muzaros (they are not from a male, but a hen sat on them for many days); if they are repulsive to people, one may not eat them. 2 Also someone who delays his bowels (and some add or urinating) transgresses it.


See Torah Temimah, note 195.


See Torah Temimah, citing Shabbos, 90b.


Seeing as only Kohanim are subject to the Isur of Tum'ah (See Emor, 21:1), why does the Torah write "ve'Lo Sitam'u bahem", implying Yisre'elim as well?


Rashi (in Yoma, 80b): Because "ve'Lo Sitam'u bahem" is a prohibition (not against touching Sheratzim, but) against eating them. 1


Rashi: Refer to 11:44:3:1..


What are the ramifications of "ve'Nitmeisem bam"?


Rashi: If someone is Metamei himself by eating Sheratzim in this world, Hashem will be Metamei him in the World to Come and in the Yeshivah shel Ma'alah. 1


Yoma 39b #1: "ve'Lo Sitam'u bahem ve'Nitmeisem bam" - If one defiles oneself a little, Hashem will defile him a lot; if he defiles himself below, Hashem will defile him above; if he defiles himself in this world, Hashem will him in the world to come. 2


Yoma, 39b #2: We read this as if it had written 've'Nitamtem bam' 3 (and you will become spiritually insesitive), because sin blunts a person's heart. 4


Oznayim la'Torah: It implies that, over and above the La'av that one transgresses, there is a Tum'ah in Neveilos u'Tereifos, Shekatzim and Remasim that envelops the person ? even if he eats them be'shogeg and even be'Oneis, and which does not go away, even via Teshuvah, until one Tovels in Mikveh. 5


Even if he merits a portion in Olam ha'Ba, he will sit there in a state of contamination.


See Torah Temimah, note 197.


Since the Torah spells "Venitmeisem" without an 'Alef'. See Torah Temimah, note 196.


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 11) - forbidden foods bring Tum'ah into a person's heart and Nefesh, and Hashem's Kedushah leaves and distances itself from him, and true knowledge, Ru'ach and intellect leave him. Chafetz Chaim (on the Sifra, Perek 6 Parshah 5, 1): Chazal extrapolated that the Pasuk is not discussing eating, since the only food that is Metamei through eating is Nivlas Of Tahor.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates at length.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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