12th Cycle dedication

CHULIN 112 (18 Tishrei) - dedicated by Reb Tuvya Marcus and family (Baltimore/Yerushalayim) in honor of the Yahrzeit of his father, Binyomin Leib ben Aharon Marcus.

[112a - 32 lines; 112b - 14 lines]

***************GIRSA SECTION******************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Tosfos 112a DH Hilchesa äìëúà (that started on Daf 111b):

It seems that the words at the end of Tosfos

"Az Oso she'Hu Ben Yomo Mutar" àæ àåúå ùäåà áï éåîå îåúø should read

"Af Oso she'Hu Ben Yomo Mutar" àó àåúå ùäåà áï éåîå îåúø (see Maharam)


1a)[line 1]çåøôéäCHURFEI- (O.F. aigres) its sourness, sharp flavor

b)[line 1]àâá çåøôéä áìòAGAV CHURFEI BALA- because of its sharpness, it absorbs

2)[line 1]÷éùåúKISHUS- cucumber

3)[line 1]âøéø ìáé ôñ÷éä åàëéìGARIR L'VEI PASKEI V'ACHIL- [one only need] scrape the area where it was cut and he may eat it

4)[line 2]÷éìçé ãìéôúàKILCHEI D'LIFTA- stalks of turnip

5)[line 2]ãñéì÷àD'SILKA- [stalks] of beets

6)[line 3]ôúêPASACH- (lit. mixed) if one were to cut the stalks of turnips while consecutively cutting stalks of beets

7)[line 5]ëãàKADA- a pitcher

8a)[line 5]îìçàMILCHA- of salt

b)[line 5]ëîëàKAMCHA- Kutach, a dip that is prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt

9)[line 6]çìàCHALA- vinegar [used for seasoning a pot of meat, that is next to a pitcher of Kamcha]

10)[line 7]ìëé úéëåì òìä ëåøà ãîìçàL'CHI TEICHUL ALAH KORA D'MILCHA- (a) when you will measure out for me (as my payment) a Kor of salt, I will explain it to you (RASHI); (b) even if you consume a Kor of salt, you will not be able to equate the cases (RASHI to Shabbos 4a)

11)[line 9]áø âåæìàBAR GOZLA- a small bird (that had been slaughtered but not cut or spiced)

12)[line 16]çéCHAI- raw

13)[line 16]öìéTZELI- roasted

14)[line 17]÷ìéôäKELIFAH- peeling off the outer layer (that touched the Kutach)

15)[line 17]ôéìéPILEI- cracks

16)[line 20]ãàñîé÷D'ASMIK- that [the roasted meat] was still red (O.F. sancterud')

17)[line 20]ãàáøéäD'AVREI- that [the blood] penetrated through to the other side

18)[line 21]àñîëéäASMECHEI- viscous

19)[line 21]÷ìéùúàKELISHTA- (lit. weak) a clear liquid

20)[line 25]àðéðà ãòúéäANINA DA'ATEI- he is fastidious of taste, easily disgusted

21)[line 26]çîø áùøCHAMAR BASAR- the "wine" of meat, i.e. gravy

22)[line 29]îùúòìä úéîøúåMISHE'TA'ALEH TIMRASO- from when it begins to emit steam

23a)[line 30]úúàä îèàTESA'AH MATA- the bottom of the meat became roasted

b)[line 31]òéìàäILA'A- the top [of the meat]

24)[last line]âììé îìçàGELALEI D'MILCHA- lumps of salt


25)[line 1]îùôééäMESHAFYEI- (O.F. coler) pour it off (the greasy gravy, which is permitted to eat, which floats on top of the blood)

26)[line 6]àéðå îðå÷áEINO MENUKAV- not perforated

27)[line 9]øôå ÷øîééäåRAFU KARMAIHU- their skin is thin

28)[line 10]÷îéèéKEMITEI- (O.F. estreint) [their skins are] closed up (and it takes longer for the birds to discharge their blood)

29)[line 10]áúø ãðéçéBASAR D'NAICHI- after they stop discharging blood

30a)[last line]öéøïTZIRAN- their juices

b)[last line]øåèáïROTEVAN- (O.F. glaire - a viscous, semi-fluid sticky substance) their jellied gravy (of meat)

c)[last line]÷éôä ùìäïKIPAH SHELAHEN- their particles of boiled meat and/or spices that settle to the bottom of the pot