[49a - 47 lines; 49b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]áòåáé áéú äëåñåúB'OVI BEIS HA'KOSOS- in the thickness of the stomach (O.F. pance) (O.F. doblon) (here, referring to the first chamber of a ruminant's stomach). The doblon is a double wall or fold in the second stomach of ruminants. The four stomachs of ruminants are: 1. Keres (rumen); 2. Beis ha'Kosos (recticulum); 3. Hemses (omasum); 4. Kevah (abomasum). The second stomach has a very thick, double wall.

2)[line 1]îöã àçúMI'TZAD ECHAD- if it protrudes from one side of the wall (of the stomach) it is a Tereifah

3)[line 5]áñîôåðà øáä ãëáãà -B'SIMPONA RABAH D'CHAVDA- [a needle that was found] in the great blood vessel of the liver

4)[line 8]ù÷éìå âìéîà ãèøåôàéSHEKILU GELIMA D'TERUFA'EI- they take away the cloak of the one who declared it a Tereifah [and give it as compensation to the owner of the animal whose animal was lost on account of the erroneous ruling]

5)[line 9]÷ùéúàKASHYASA- a date pit

6)[line 11]îéøáì äåà ãøáéì ìéäMIRBAL HU D'RAVIL LEI- it was shaken down on its way in, i.e. the animal's movements slowly forced the pit through the narrow opening over the course of several days

7)[line 12]ããé÷ìàD'DIKLA- that the date pit

8)[line 12]ãæéúàD'ZEISA- that the olive

9)[line 12]îéáæò áæòMIVZA BAZA- [the olive] may have pierced its way out of the digestive tract and into the gallbladder thereby making the animal a Tereifah

10)[line 15]ñîðéïSAMANIN- medicinal herbs

11)[line 15]àååæà áæåæà åøéàä ãéãä áàøáòäAVZA B'ZUZA V'REI'AH DIDAH B'ARBA'AH- a goose costs one Zuz, and its lung is worth four Zuzim

12)[line 17]ìéð÷è áæåæà åìéëåìLINKAT B'ZUZA V'LEICHOL- let him buy the whole goose for one Zuz and take out the lung and eat it

13)[line 22]àáà îøéùé ëìé ãøôøí äåäABA ME'REISHEI KALEI D'RAFRAM HAVAH- my father was one of the heads of the Kalei under Rafram. The "Kalei" refers to the public assembly and lecture held at the Yeshivos in Bavel. Some say they were weekly lectures, held every Shabbos. Others say that "Kalei" refers to the public lectures held prior to Pesach and Shavuos. (See Rashi to Bava Kama 113a DH li'Vnei Kalah; Rashi to Bava Basra 22a DH Reish Kalah)

14)[line 26]îåøðàMORANA- a lung punctured by a worm

15)[line 32]îìåê òøáàä ÷àîøú?MALOCH ARVA'AH KA'AMART?- are you referring to Maloch from Arabia?

16)[line 34]çéé ãîø!CHAYEI D'MAR!- by the life of the master (Rav Bivi)! (This is a term often used as an expression of oath.)

17)[line 34]àé÷ìòéðï ìàúøéä ãøáé îìåêIKLA'INAN L'ASREI D'REBBI MALOCH- they visited Rebbi Maloch's locale

18)[line 35]åàú, îä áéãê?V'AT, MAH B'YADACH?- and you, what is in your hand on this matter?

19)[line 37]çìá ùòì âáé ÷áäCHELEV SHE'AL GABEI KEVAH- the fat that is on the stomach

20a)[line 38]ëøáé éùîòàì ùàîø îùåí àáåúéåK'REBBI YISHMAEL SHE'AMAR MISHUM AVOSAV- like Rebbi Yishmael who said in the name of his forebears.

b)[line 38]åñéîðéê éùîòàì ëäðà îñééò ëäðéV'SIMANICH YISHMAEL KAHANA MESAYE'A KOHANEI- and the mnemonic for you [to remember that Rebbi Yishmael permits the Kohanim to eat the fat that is on the stomach] is the statement, "Yishmael the Kohen assists the Kohanim" (by permitting to them the Chelev on the stomach)

21)[line 39]ëä úáøëå àú áðé éùøàìKO SEVARCHU ES BENEI YISRAEL (BIRKAS KOHANIM)

The Kohanim are required to bless the people with the three-fold blessing, as described in Bamidbar 6:22-27. (See Background to Menachos 44:23.)


22)[line 1]äã÷éïHA'DAKIN- the intestines

23)[line 5]÷øåí åð÷ìóKRUM V'NIKLAF- a membrane that can be peeled away

24)[line 7]úåúá ÷øåí åð÷ìóTOSAV KRUM V'NIKLAF- the fat that drapes over the paunch is in a membrane that can be peeled away. The sheet of fat is like a garment that drapes over the paunch loosely and does not adhere firmly to it.

25)[line 8]ëê äéà äöòä ùì îùðäKACH HI HATZA'AH SHEL MISHNAH- this is the proper presentation of the Mishnah

26)[line 13]çìá èäåø ñåúíCHELEV TAHOR SOSEM- permissible fat can seal a puncture


(a)Chelev refers to the fat of an animal that is offered on the Mizbe'ach. It consists of the layer of fat covering the stomachs, all the other fat attached to the stomachs, and the fat on the kidneys along the flanks (Vayikra 3:4). The verse states, "Chukas Olam l'Doroseichem b'Chol Moshevoseichem, Kol Chelev v'Chol Dam Lo Socheilu" - "It shall be an everlasting statute for your generations throughout all your settlements, that you eat neither [forbidden] fat nor blood" (Vayikra 3:17).

(b)It is forbidden to eat the Chelev of a Kosher Behemah (farm animal), but it may be used for any other purpose. The Chelev of a Chayah (a Kosher non-farm animal), however, may even be eaten. "Shuman" refers to all the other fat of an animal that is permitted.

(c)If a person eats a k'Zayis of Chelev b'Mezid (intentionally) after Hasra'ah (being forewarned), he is punished with Malkus (lashes). If he was not given Hasra'ah, he is Chayav Kares. If he sins b'Shogeg (unintentionally) he must bring a Korban Chatas (as with all sins for which one is liable to Kares b'Mezid). If a person is in doubt whether the fat he ate was Chelev or Shuman, he must bring a Korban Asham Taluy (see Background to Zevachim 2:6:b).

28)[line 22]äúåøä çñä òì îîåðí ùì éùøàìHA'TORAH CHASAH AL MAMONAM SHEL YISRAEL- HaSh-m (lit. the Torah) cares for the money of Yisrael (see Insights to Menachos 76:2)

29)[line 25]îðéåîéï ëðãå÷à àéâìé ìéä áñú÷à ããåáùàMINYOMIN KANDUKA IGLI LEI BISTEKA D'DUVSHA- Manyumin the pottery dealer had a honey pot that was left uncovered

30)[line 31]öéøTZIR- fish brine

31)[line 31]åîåøééñU'MORIYAS- oil that exudes from salted fish (RAN, BARTENURA), which have no innards mixed in them (RAN, TOSFOS)

32)[line 33]ùèéà äåäSHATYA HAVAH- it was a deranged snake

33)[line 36]çìá äòùåé ëëåáòCHELEV HE'ASUY K'CHOVA- the helmet-shaped fat [cannot seal]

34)[line 37]çéèé ãëøëùàCHITEI D'CHARKASHTA- wheat-like nodules of fat on the rectum

35)[line 37]èøôùà ãìéáàTARPESHA D'LIBA- Chelev over the heart

36)[line 38]çéîöàCHIMTZA- Chelev of the Keva

37)[line 40]åñéîðéê éôä ëç äáï îëç äàáV'SIMANICH YAFEH KO'ACH HA'BEN MI'KO'ACH HA'AV- and the mnemonic for you [to remember which one seals and which does not] is the statement that the power of the son is better than the power of the father; i.e. the power of the "son" (the Bar Chimtza fat) which can effectively seal a puncture is greater than the power of the "father" (the Chimtza fat) which cannot seal