[15a - 43 lines; 15b - 48 lines]

1)[line 1]îúëúMATECHES- metal

2)[line 5]äîáùì áùáú áùåââ, éàëì; áîæéã, ìà éàëìHA'MEVASHEL B'SHABBOS B'SHOGEG, YE'ACHAL; B'MEZID, LO YE'ACHAL- one who cooks inadvertently on Shabbos may eat [the food], but [one who cooks on Shabbos] intentionally may not eat [the food]

3)[line 9]áùåââ, éàëì ìîåöàé ùáú ìàçøéí, åìà ìåB'SHOGEG, YE'ACHEL L'MOTZA'EI SHABBOS LA'ACHERIM, V'LO LO- [if one cooked] inadvertently, the food may be fed to others on Motza'ei Shabbos, but it may not be eaten by him (the one who cooked it)

4)[line 21]øáé éåçðï äñðãìø ÷îôìéâ áîåöàé ùáú, ìàçøéí, åìà ìåREBBI YOCHANAN HA'SANDLAR KA'MAFLIG B'MOTZA'EI SHABBOS, LA'ACHERIM, V'LO LO- Rebbi Yochanan ha'Sandlar differentiates on Motza'ei Shabbos, permitting others, and not him, to eat the food that he prepared on Shabbos

5a)[line 31]ëé îåøé ìäå øá ìúìîéãéäKI MORI LEHU RAV L'SALMIDEI- when Rav instructed his students [in private, regarding the law of food cooked on Shabbos]

b)[line 32]ëé ãøéù áôéø÷àKI DARISH B'FIRKA- when he taught in the public lecture [on Shabbos]

6)[line 33]åëé úéîà úðà áôéø÷éä úðà ÷îéäV'CHI TEIMA TANA B'FIRKEI TANA KAMEI- and if you suggest that the Tana ruled like this (like Rebbi Meir) in the public lecture in front of him (Rav, and that is why he silenced him)

7a)[line 34]àèå ëåìé òìîà ìúðà öééúé?ATU CHULEI ALMA L'TANA TZAISEI?- does everyone pay attention to the student [at the public lecture of the Rosh Yeshiva]?

b)[line 35]ìàîåøà öééúé!LA'AMORA TZAISEI!- they pay attention to the Amora (the Metargem, who is (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI here, and Rashi to Berachos 56a); (b) the person who translates into Aramaic the words of the Rav, who delivers the Shi'ur in a low voice in Hebrew (RASHI to Yoma 20b)

8)[line 39]øàåé ìëåñRA'UY LA'KOS- it is fit to be chewed (and eaten raw)


9)[line 5]äùåçè ìçåìä áùáúHA'SHOCHET L'CHOLEH B'SHABBOS- one who slaughters an animal for a sick person on Shabbos (see Insights). It is permitted, and required, to do any Melachah on Shabbos that is necessary to save a person's life.

10)[line 10]÷öõ ìå ãìòúKATZATZ LO DELA'AS- he picked a gourd for him

11)[line 12]àåîöàUMTZA- raw meat

12)[line 16]îâì éãMAGAL YAD- (O.F. sarpe) a small hand-held scythe or sickle. The blade of the Magal Yad has two cutting sides. The upper side is serrated, and the lower side is smooth (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 15).

13)[line 16]öåøTZUR- a sharp stone

14)[line 17]÷ðäKANEH- a [dried, hard] reed

15)[line 18]îâì ÷öéøMAGAL KATZIR- (O.F. falcille) a large scythe or sickle, used for harvesting grain (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 15)

16)[line 19]îâéøäMEGEIRAH- (O.F. serre) a saw (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 15)

17)[line 19]ùéðéíSHINAYIM- teeth (imbedded in the cheekbone of the animal) (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 33)

18)[line 19]öéôåøïTZIPOREN- a fingernail (attached to one's finger)

19)[line 19]çåð÷éïCHONKIN- they tear [the animal and they do not cut]

20)[line 22]áàéãê âéñàB'IDACH GISA- with the other side. It is prohibited l'Chatchilah to use a Magal Yad for Shechitah. Even though the smooth, bottom side of the blade cuts properly, we are afraid that one might use the upper, serrated side of the blade for the Shechitah.

21)[line 24]÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðäKEROMIS SHEL KANEH- the hard outer sheath of a reed

22a)[line 24]úìåùTALUSH- detached from the ground

b)[line 25]îçåáøMECHUBAR- attached to the ground

23)[line 34]ìòåìí øáé çééà åàôéìå ìëúçìäL'OLAM REBBI CHIYA VA'AFILU L'CHATCHILAH- certainly, [the Beraisa is according to the view of] Rebbi Chiya, and he permits such a Shechitah even l'Chatchilah

24)[line 43]îçåáø îòé÷øåMECHUBAR MI'IKARO- it was attached from its original state (i.e. it was always attached)

25)[line 45]äùåçè áîåëðéHA'SHOCHET B'MUCHANI- (O.F. torn) one who slaughters with the rotating wheel of a vertical windlass. This refers to a vertical, cylindrical shaft that is turned around on an axis. Attached to the shaft is a crank that turns a wheel next to the shaft (see illustration in SEFER SICHAS CHULIN, p. 17)

26)[line 47]ðòõ ñëéï áëåúìNA'ATZ SAKIN B'KOSEL- he imbedded a knife in a wall