[6a - 53 lines; 6b - 44 lines]

1)[line 2]בשמחהSIMCHAH

(a)The Mitzvah of Simchah (Devarim 27:7) that applies on the three festivals of Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukos requires a person to eat from sacrifices every day of the holiday. If no other sacrifice is available, the person brings a special Korban, known as Shalmei Simchah, for the purpose of fulfilling this Mitzvah. Women are also obligated in this Mitzvah (RAMBAM Hilchos Chagigah 1:1), in the sense that a woman's husband or father, and a widow's neighbor or supporter, must give her Shalmei Simchah to eat in order to make her joyous (Kidushin 34b, Ba'al ha'Me'or Kidushin 6a, Ra'avad and Kesef Mishneh ibid. - see, however, Me'iri Rosh Hashanah 6a and Lechem Mishneh Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 14:14, who contend that according to the Rambam the obligation of bringing Shalmei Simchah is indeed incumbent upon women).

(b)Besides offering extra Korbanos, the Mitzvah of Simchah also requires that all of the Jews be happy on the holidays. Buying food and clothing that cause one to be happy, each person according to his taste, fulfills this Mitzvah. One must also remember to support the poor and downtrodden on Yom Tov, for if one spends one's time eating and drinking without helping the poor, it is not considered a Simchah Shel Mitzvah; rather, it is Simchas Kreiso (a feast for one's stomach) (RAMBAM Hilchos Yom Tov 6:17-18).

2)[line 2]אייתיתיה אימיהAISISEI IMEI- his mother brought him

3)[line 10]מפנקותא יתירתאMEFANKUSA YESEIRTA- extraordinary tenderness (he was a delicate child)

4)[line 14]להתפשטL'HISPASHET- to recover the ability to walk

5)[line 15]להתפתחL'HISPATE'ACH- to recover the ability to see

6)[line 36]ישנה לפני הדיבורYESHNAH LIFNEI HA'DIBUR- it applied before the Torah was given

7)[line 42]"וישלח את נערי בני ישראל ויעלו עלת ויזבחו זבחים שלמים לה' פרים""VA'YISHLACH ES NA'AREI BNEI YISRAEL, VA'YA'ALU OLOS; VA'YIZBECHU ZEVACHIM SHELAMIM LA'HASH-M PARIM."- "And he sent young men of the people of Yisrael, who offered Olos (burnt offerings), and sacrificed Shelamim (peace offerings) of oxen to HaSh-m." (Shemos 24:5)


8)[line 5]הפשט וניתוחHEFSHET V'NITU'ACH - skinning and cutting into limbs

After a Korban Olah is slaughtered it is skinned (Hefshet) and sectioned (Nitu'ach) and given to the Kohanim who were selected to offer that particular Olah (Vayikra 1:6). They all stand in one line, holding the limbs in a very specific arrangement (Yoma 26b). The Kohanim then take the sections to the Kevesh (the ramp of the Mizbe'ach) where they are salted. From there they are taken to the top of the Mizbeach to be burned.

9)[line 36]"וישלח...""VA'YISHLACH..."- See above, entry #7 (the word "Kevasim" is not part of this verse; it is the comment of the Gemara)

10)[line 40]לפיסוק טעמיםPISUK TE'AMIM- the sectioning of the verse with regard to the cantillations marks with which the verse is read