

úåñ' ã"ä îùåí áéòúåúà ãòãéí ÷à îåãä

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles the Sugya in Shevu'os with the current one.)

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ ùáåòú äòãåú (ùáåòåú ã' ìâ:) ãìøáé àìòæø áø' ùîòåï ìà îùëçú ìä ãîåãä îôé òöîå ãôèåø àìà äéëà ãìéëà òãéí ëìì ...


Implied Question: The Gemara, which states in Perek Shevu'as ha'Eidus (Shevu'os, Daf 33b) that, according to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon, we do not find a case of self-admission that is Patur, unless there are no witnesses at all ...

äééðå àìéáà ãùîåàì.


Answer: ... goes according to Shmuel.



úåñ' ã"ä àîø ìéä øáà ÷ôçéðäå ìñáé ãáé øá

(Summary: Tosfos cites various explanations of Rava's statement.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ -'öéòøú úìîéãéí ùááéú äîãøù ùàîøú ãáø ùàéðå, ãäà øá äåðà ãéãò îéìúéä ãøá, âãåì éåúø îîê, àéï ìå æä äçéìå÷' .


Explanation #1: Rashi explains - 'You upset the Talmidim in the Beis-ha'Midrash, by saying something that is incorrect, seeing as Rav Huna, who is acquainted with Rav's sayings, and who is greater than you, does not hold of this distinction' ...

å÷ùä, ãáëì ãåëúé äåé '÷éôåç' ìùåï ðéöåç...


Question: Wherever 'Kipu'ach' appears, it is an expression of 'defeating' (in an argument).

ëîå 'ì÷ôçðé áäìëåú äï áàéï' áô' ùðé ã÷ãåùéï (ã' ðá:) åãðæéø (ã' îè:)?


Example #1: ... such as 'They are coming to overwhelm me with Halachos', in the second Perek of Kidushin (Daf 52b) and in Nazir (Daf 49b) ...

åëîå '÷ôçéðäå ìúìúà øáðï ñîéëé áèòåúà' (âéèéï ã' ëè:)?


Example #2: ... and such as 'I defeated the three ordained Rabbis by mistake' (in Gitin, Daf 29b).

åøùá"í ôé' ãì"â 'àîø ìéä øáà,' àìà 'àîø øáà, ÷ôçéðäå ìñáé ãáé øá' ...


Explanation (Text) #2: The Rashbam therefore explains that we do not have the text 'Amar leih Rava', but simply 'Amar Rava, Kapachtinhu le'Sabi de'bei Rav' ...

ôéøåù 'ðöçúé àú øá äîðåðà ùäåà 'ñáé ãáé øá,' åäåëçúé ìå îëç ãáøé øá äåðà ùäéä éåãò ãáøé øá éåúø îîðå, ùàéï ìçì÷ ëîå ùçéì÷' .


Explanation #2 (cont.): ... which means that he defeated Rav Hamnuna, who is synonymous with 'Sabi de'bei Rav', and proved to him by virtue of the words of Rav Huna, who was better acquainted with the sayings of Rav than he was, that one cannot draw the distinction that he did'.

åäáéà øàéä îô"÷ ãñðäãøéï (ã' éæ: åùí) ãàîø äúí 'àîøé áé øá, øá äåðà.' åôøéê 'åäàîø øá äåðà, "àîøé áé øá" ?' åîùðé 'àìà àéîà "øá äîðåðà" .åìäëé ÷øé ìéä 'ñáé ãáé øá' ...


Proof: And he supported his explanation with the Gemara in the first Perek of Sanhedrin (Daf 17b [See Tosfos there, DH 'Ela']), which states 'Amri bei Rav, Rav Huna', on which it asks 'But did Rav Huna not say "Amri bei Rav"? To which it answers 'Rather say "Rav Hamnuna". And that is why he is called 'Sabi de'bei Rav'.

å÷ùä, çãà ùîåç÷ ëàï áñôøéí 'àîø ìéä' ?


Question #1: Firstly, he erases the accepted text 'Amar leih'?

åòåã, ãàéï ãøê ìåîø 'àéúîø ðîé' àçøé ùñúø àú ãáøéå?


Question #2: Secondly, it is not the accepted thing to state 'Itmar Nami', with regard to a statement that has already been refuted?

åòåã, ãëååúéä ãøá äîðåðà ãéé÷ îúðé' åáøééúà, ëãàîø áñîåê, åìøá äåðà îô÷à îúðé' îãáøé øá?


Question #3: Thirdly, both the Mishnah and the Beraisa bear out Rav Hamnuna, as the Gemara will say shortly, whereas according to Rav Huna, Rav's opinion is refuted by the Mishnah?

åðøàä ìôøù, 'àîø ìéä øáà "÷ôçéðäå ìñáé ãáé øá" -ëìåîø àîø ìéä øáà ìøá äîðåðà ðöçú àú øá äåðà ùäåà 'ñáé ãáé øá' ,ùäåà ìà éãò ìçì÷ ëàùø çì÷ú.


Explanation #3: The explanation must therefore be - 'Amar leih Rava, "Kipachtinhu le'Sabi de'bei Rav" - meaning that Rava said to Hamnuna that he defeated Rav Huna, who is synonymous with 'Sabi de'bei Rav', who did not know to make the distinction that he made.

åáñðäãøéï îôøù ø"ú 'àéîà øá äîðåðà' -ôéøåù 'ìà úéîà "àîø øá äåðà àîøé áé øá" ,àìà "àîø øá äîðåðà àîøé áé øá" .'


Explanation #3 (cont.): And in Sanhedrin, Rabeinu Tam explains 'Eima Rav Hamnuna' to mean - 'Do not say "Amar Rav Huna, Amri bei Rav", but "Amar Rav Hamnuna Amri bei Rav" '.

åëï îùîò ãìôé äàîú ðîé äåé 'àîøé áé øá' øá äåðà ...


Proof: And so it is implied that in fact 'Amri bei Rav' is Rav Huna ...

ãáäòøì (éáîåú ã' ôâ: åùí) ÷àîø 'áé øá îðé? øá äåðà, åøá äåðà àéï äìëä ÷àîø' .


Source: ... since in 'ha'Areil' (Yevamos, Daf 83b [See Tosfos there DH 'Amri']) the Gemara says 'Who is bei Rav? - Rav Huna, and Rav Huna says "Ein Halachah" '.

åá÷åðè' ãç÷ ùí ìôøù ãäà ãàîø áñðäãøéï 'àéîà øá äîðåðà' ,ãå÷à äéëà ãîåëç, ãäééðå äéëà ãàéëà 'àîø øá äåðà àîøé áé øá' ,äúí äåé øá äîðåðà.


Refuted Explanation: Rashi there pushes to explain that when the Gemara says in Sanhedrin 'Say Rav Hamnuna', that speaks specifically where it is evident - where Rav Huna who says 'Amri bei Rav', only then is it Rav Hamnuna.

å÷ùä, ãà"ë, ëé ÷àîø áñðäãøéï " 'ùìçå îúí" -øáé éåñé áø çðéðà, "îçëå òìéä áîòøáà" -ø' àìòæø' .åôøéê 'äà ùìçå îúí ìãáøé ìøáé éåñé áø çðéðà îåöà ... ' åîùðé 'àìà àéôåê... ' .


Refutation #1: In that case, when the Gemara says in Sanhedrin that 'Shalchu mi'Tam' is Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina, and 'Mechku aleih be'Ma'arva', Rebbi Elazar, and in reply to the query that this is disproved from the fact that we find 'Shalchu mi'Tam according to Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina', it replies that we must switch the two titles ...

ä"ì ìùðåéé 'äéëà ãîåëç ùàðé' ?


Refutation #1 (cont.): ... why did it not answer 'Where it is evident is different'?

åòåã, ãìà éúëï ëìì ùéàîø øá äåðà îùåí øá äîðåðà, ùäéä úìîéã úìîéãå...


Refutation #2: Moreover, it is not at all plausibe for Rav Huna to quote Rav Hamnuna, who was his Talmid's Talmid ...

ëãîùîò áøéù äãø (òéøåáéï ã' ñâ.).


Source: ... as is implied at the beginning of 'ha'Dar' (Eruvin, Daf 63a).

åàéï ìäàøéê ëàï áæä.


Conclusion: But this is not the place to elaborate further.




úåñ' ã"ä áøééúà ãúðéà øàä òãéí ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara asks from a Beraisa and not from the Mishnah.)

úéîä, ãàîàé ìà äáéà îúðéúéï ãôø÷ áúøà ãùáåòåú (ãó îè. åùí)...


Question: Why does Rav Ashi not cite the Mishnah in the last Perek of Shevu'os (Daf 49a)

ãìòéì åãàé ðéçà ùîáéà áøééúà...


Question (cont.): Because above (on Amud Alef) it is clearly justified in citing the Beraisa ...

ìôé ùöøéê ìã÷ã÷ îñéôà ãø"à áø' ùîòåï ãìà îúðéà áîúðé' ãùáåòåú.


Reason: ... since it needs to learn something from Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon in the Seifa, which is not mentioned in the Mishnah in Shevu'os ...

àáì äëà àéï öøéê ìã÷ã÷ ëìì îñéôà?


Question (concl.): ... whereas here it does not need to learn anything from th Seifa?

åé"ì, ãà'îúðé' ãùáåòåú éãò ùôéø ãàéëà ìãçåéé ãäéà âåôä ÷î"ì, ëã÷àîø áñîåê, àáì áøééúà ùîåñôú òì äîùðä, ñáåø ã÷î"ì ã'äåãàä ãèáéçä ìàå äåãàä äéà'.


Answer: He knew that regarding the Mishnah in Shevu'os, one can counter that that is precisely what it is coming to teach us, as the Gemara will say shortly, but regarding the proof from the Beraisa, which adds to the Mishnah, he figured that it is coming to teach us that the confession of Tevichah is not considered a confession.