

úåñ' ã"ä ùåø ùì á' ùåúôéï

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not ask the same She'eilah with regard to two oxen belonging to two owners.)

áùðé ùååøéí ùì ùðéí ìà îöé ìîéáòé ...


Clarification: The Gemara could not have asked the same question in a case of two oxen belonging to two owners ...

ãìø"é áï áúéøà ãàîø (ñðäãøéï ãó òç.) á'äëåúå òùøä áðé àãí áæä àçø æä, äàçøåï çééá'; ä"ð äàçøåï çééá.


Reason: ... because according to Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira (in Sanhedrin, Daf 78a) in a case where ten men one after the other, beat a person to death, the last one is Chayav; so too, here would the second ox be Chayav.

åàé ááú àçú, ëåìï ôèåøéï îîéúä - ã'ëîéúú áòìéí ëê îéúú äùåø' ...


Reason (cont.): Whereas if they gored him simultaneously, they will both be Patur, due to the ruling that 'the Din of the ox resembles that of its master' (who is Patur under the same circumstances, even according to the Rabanan there).

åëéåï ãôèåøéï îîéúä, ôèåøéï îëåôø, ìî"ã ì÷îï 'àéï äùåø áñ÷éìä, àéï äáòìéí îùìîéï ëåôø.


Reason (concl.): And since they are Patur from Misah, they are also Patur from Kofer' (according to the opinion that holds later (Daf 43a) that 'Wherever the ox is Patur from Sekilah, the owner does not pay Kofer.



úåñ' ã"ä ëåôø àçã àîø øçîðà åìà á'

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Gemara in Shabbos, which apparently rules that two people who carry on Shabbos are Chayav two Chata'os.)

åàò"â ãìâáé çèàú àîø áô' äîöðéò (ùáú ãó öá: åùí) âáé 'äîåöéà ëëø ìøä"ø': 'åäåöéàå ùðéí çééáéï', åîñúîà ëì çã åçã çééá çèàú ...


Implied Question: Even though in connection with a Chatas the Gemara states in 'ha'Matzni'a' (Shabbos, Daf 92b (DH 'Zeh') in the case of 'Someone who carries into the street' that, if two people carry it they are Chayav - and presumably this means that each one is Chayav to bring a Chatas ...

äúí ëéåï ãëì çã îéçééá à'æãåðå ëøú îéçééá ðîé à'ùââúå çèàú.


Answer #1: That is because, seeing as each one is Chayav Kareis (be'Meizid), he is also Chayav a Chatas when he transgresses be'Shogeg.

åòåã çèàú ãìâáåä àéï ìä÷ôéã àé îáéàéï ùúé çèàåú, àáì ëåôø ãìçáéøå, ìîä éøåéç æä áîä ùäùåø ìùðéí.


Answer #2: Moreover, regarding a Chatas, which goes to Hash-m, it doesn't matter if one brings two Chata'os, whereas regarding Kofer, which goes to one's friend, why should he gain simply because the ox happens to belong to Shutfim?



úåñ' ã"ä ëåôø ùìí àîø øçîðà åìà çöé ëåôø

(Summary: Tosfos explains a. why the current ruling is confined to Kofer; b. which other cases in Shas are not or are comparable and c. Why Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili obligates a Tam to pay Chatzi Kofer.)

ãå÷à ìòðéï ëåôø...


Restriction: Specifically with regard to Kofer ...

ãëôøä äéà, ãîñúîà ëôøä ùìéîä öøéëà ...


Reason: ... since it is an atonement, because presumably, a full atonement is required ...

àáì ìòðéï äúùìåîéï àîø ì÷îï áîøåáä (ãó òà:) "ä' á÷ø", 'åàôéìå ä' çöàé á÷ø'.


Reason (concl.): But when it comes to payment (of Mamon), the Gemara says later (in 'Merubeh', Daf 71b) "Chamishah Bakar", 'va'Afilu Chamishah Chatza'ei Bakar'.

"åùä", 'àôéìå î÷öú ùä' ãô' àåúå åàú áðå (çåìéï ãó òè:), å"ãîå", '[àôéìå] î÷öú ãîå' ãëéñåé äãí (ùí ãó ôç.), åçöé îúðåú ãäæøåò (ùí ãó ÷ìá.), å"áëåø", 'åàôéìå î÷öú áëåø' ãøéù áëåøåú (ãó â. åùí) ìà ùééê ìàúåéé äëà.


Cases that are not Comparable: It would not be appropriate however, to insert here "Seh", 'va'Afilu Miktzas Seh' of Perek Oso ve'es B'no (Chulin, Daf 79b), "Damo", 'va'Afilu Miktzaas Damo' of Kisuy ha'Dam (Ibid., Daf 88a), 'Chatzi Matanos' of 'haZero'a' (Ibid, Daf 132a) or 'B'chor, 'va'Afilu Miktzas B'chor' of the beginning of Bechoros (Daf 3. DH 've'Rebbi').

åääéà ã"çåîù", 'åìà çöé çåîù' ãô' éù áëåø (ùí ãó îç:) ùééê èôé.


A Case that is Comparable: ... but it would be more appropriate to insert 'Chomesh", 've'Lo Chatzi Comesh', of Perek Yesh B'chor (Ibid., Daf 48b)

åäà ãîùìí úí çöé ëåôø ìø' éåñé äâìéìé ...


Implied Question #1: And the reason that a Tam pays Chatzi Kofer according to Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili is ...

äééðå ëåôø ùìí ãéãéä ...


Answer: ... because that is its full Kofer ...

åëï 'äîéú îé ùçöéå òáã åçöéå áï çåøéï' ãäùåìç (âéèéï ãó îá:) ãîùìí çöé ëåôø ìéåøùéí ...


Implied Question #2: And likewise an ox that gores a Chatzi Eved and a Chatzi ben-Chorin, of 'ha'Shole'ach' (Gitin, Daf 42b), which pays Chatzi Kofer to the heirs ...

äééðå ëåôø ùìí ãéãéä.

(g) Answer: ... it is because that is their full Kofer.



úåñ' ã"ä çééáé ëåôø îàé

(Summary: Tosfos establishes the case.)

áéåøùé äðéæ÷ òöîå îáòéà ìéä - àí éëåìéï ìîùëðå.


Clarification: The Sh'eilah concerns the heirs of the Nizak himself - whether they are permitted to take a Mashkon from him (See Maharam).



úåñ' ã"ä åìéîà ìéä àé úí äåä îùúìí îâåôå

(Summary: Tosfos pinpoints the Pirchos with which Rebbi Yehudah agrees and with which he doesn't.)

äê ôøëà ìéú ìéä ìø"é ãàîø 'öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú', åëï ääéà ôéøëà ã'äåä îòø÷ðà ìéä ìàâîà'.


Clarification: Rebbi Yehudah who says 'Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomo Omedes', does not hold of this Pircha, neither does he hold of the Pircha 'I would have let the ox loose into the meadow!'

àáì ääéà ôéøëà ã'îåãéðà åîôèøé' àúéà àó àìéáà ãø"é ...


Clarification (cont.): However the Pircha 'I would have admitted and been Patur!' does go like R. Yehudah.

ãëéåï ãàééòã ìàå ÷ðñà äåà.


Reason: ... because, since it has been warned it is no longer a K'nas.



úåñ' ã"ä ìàå úåøà áòéú ìùìåîé

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's question.)

åà"ú, àé äåä úí, ìà äåä îùúìí àìà ëîå ùäùåø ùåä, åäùúà îùìí ëì çöé ðæ÷ îäòìééä, àò"ô ùàéï äùåø ùåä ëì ëê?


Question: Had it been a Tam, he would only have paid as much as the ox is worth, whereas now, he must pay the full Chatzi-Nezek out of his pocket, even though the ox is not worth so much.

åé"ì, ãäùúà ðîé ìà îùìí àìà áùåéå ùì ùåø.


Answer: Now too, he only pays the value of the ox.




úåñ' ã"ä àé úí äåä îåãéðà åîôèøéðà

(Summary: Tosfos establishes the Pircha, explains why the Gemara does not present an alternative one and queries the one that it does present.)

äê ôéøëà ìéúà ìî"ã 'îåãä á÷ðñ åàç"ë áàå òãéí çééá'.


Restricting the Pircha: This Pircha will not apply according to those who hold 'Modeh bi'Kenas ve'achar-kach Ba'u Eidim, Chayav'.

åëé ÷ôøéê 'àôéìå ìî"ã ôìâà ðæ÷à îîåðà', ä"ä ãäå"î ìîôøê àôéìå ìî"ã 'ôìâà ðæ÷à ÷ðñà' - ìî"ã 'îåãä á÷ðñ åàç"ë áàå òãéí çééá, ìéîà ìéä 'àé úí äåä îòøé÷ðà ìéä ìàâîà' ...


Implied Question: But when the Gemara asks 'even according to those that holds 'Palga Nizka Mamona', it could have asked even according to those that hold 'Palga Nizka K'nasa', according to those that hold 'Modeh bi'Kenas ve'achar-kach Ba'u Eidim, Chayav' - 'Let him say that 'If it would have been a Tam, I would have let it loose in the meadow' ...

àìà çãà îéðééäå ð÷è.


Answer: ... only it presents one of two possible cases.

åà"ú, åäàéê éëåì ìèòåï 'àé úí, äåä îåãéðà' 'àé úí, äåä îòéø÷ðà ìéä', äà ÷îï ùìà äåãä åìà äáøéç, àò"ô ùäéä ñáåø ùäéä úí?


Question: How can the borrower claim that, had it been a Tam, he would have admitted and would have been Patur', or that he would have let it loose in the meadow', when we see that he did neither, even though he believed it to be a Tam?

åé"ì, ãîéã àçø ðâéçä äåâã ìå ùäåà îåòã.


Answer: It speaks where he was informed that it was a Mu'ad immediately after it gored.

åà"ú, ìéùðé ëâåï ùéù òãéí ùìà äåâã ìå îùòú ðâéçä òã ùéöà ìá"ã, åàô"ä ìà äåãä, åìà äáøéç?


Question: Why does the Gemara then not answer that it speaks where he was not informed until after he appeared in Beis-Din, yet he neither admitted nor let it loose?

äà ìà ùëéç, åòãéôà îéðéä ÷îùðé 'ã÷ãí á"ã åúôñåä'.


Answer: Such a scenario is not common, and the Gemara therefore prefers to answer that 'Beis-Din seized the animal first'.



úåñ' ã"ä äåä îòøé÷ðà ìéä ìàâîà

(Summary: Tosfos queries this claim and elaborates.)

úéîä, îä èòðä äéà æå - à"ë äéä òåùä ùìà ëãéï?


Question #1: What sort of claim is this - seeing as it contravenes the Halachah?

åáùìîà ìøáé éùîòàì ãàîø 'á"ç ðéðäå', ðéçà ÷öú, ãàéëà ìîéîø ãäåä àëìðà ìéä äúí àå îæáðéðà ìéä ...


Partial Answer: It might be somewhat acceptable according to Rebbi Yishmael, who considers the owner a borrower, since he can say that he would have eaten it there or sold it ...

åìà äåä àìà ëîæé÷ ùòáåãå ùì çáéøå, åôèåø ...


Reason: ... in which case it would merely be a matter of damaging what is Mushubad to one's friend, for which he would be Patur.

àáì ìø"ò ãàîø 'ùåúôéï ðéðäå', àé äåä îòøé÷ äéä âåæì ìå ùåøå ìðéæ÷?


Question #1 (concl.): But according to Rebbi Akiva, who maintains that they are partners, if he would let the animal loose ... , he would be stealing the Nizak's ox?

åòåã, ãá"ã éðãåäå àí ìà éùìí àí éù ìå?


Question #2: Moreover, Beis-Din will place on him a Niduy in the event that he has money (and subsequently fails to pay).

åð"ì, ùøåöä ìåîø îúåê ãáøéí àìå ùäééúé òåùä, äéä ðéæ÷ îúôùø òîé áãáø îåòè åäéä îåçì ìé - åðîöà ùäôñãúðé ëì äéúøåï.


Answer: What the Gemara therefore seems to mean is that, as a result of the borrower's threats, the Nizak would have come to terms with him for a small amount, and foregone the rest - and it transpires that he caused him qto lose all the rest.



úåñ' ã"ä àé äëé áòìéí àîàé îùìîéï ç"ð ìéîà ìéä àúôñúéä ìúåøàé ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the question.)

åà"ú, åäøé äåà ìà äúôéñå áéãéí, ãäà ÷ãéí á"ã åúôñåä, åäåà ìà äéä éåãò ùäåà îåòã?


Question: But it was not the borrower who handed over the ox, but Beis-Din who seized it first, and he did not even knows that it was a Mu'ad?

åé"ì, ãîéã ëùðâç äéä ìå ìçåù éåúø ùîà äéä îåòã ...


Answer: The moment the ox gored, he should have suspected that it was perhaps a Mu'ad ...

ãðäé ã÷åãí ðâéçä àéï ìå ìçåù ë"ë, ìôé ùàéï äôñã îæåîï, ãùîà ìà éâç ...


Answer (cont.): ... something that granted, he would not be expected to do before it gored, seeing as the loss is not imminent, because perhaps it will not gore ...

àáì ìàçø ùðâç, îæåîðéï á"ã ìúåôñå, åäéä ìå ìçåù ìäæäø ùìà éôåì áéã áéú ãéï.


Answer (concl.): But once it had gored, and Beis-Din are ready to seize the animal, he should have made sure that it does not fall into their hands.



úåñ' ã"ä îï äáäîä ìäåöéà äøåáò ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains a. why the Tana learns each one specifically from the word that it does b. clarifies the case and c. points out that this Beraisa argues with a Beraisa in Avodah-Zarah.)

áúîåøä áô' ëì äàñåøéï (ãó ëç: åùí) îôøù ãâáé øáéòä ëúéá 'áäîä' - "åàéù àùø éúï ùëáúå ááäîä", åâáé ðòáã ëúéá ìùåï 'á÷ø', ëãëúéá "åéîéøå àú ëáåãí áúáðéú ùåø".


Answer to Implied Question: In Perek Kol ha'Asurin (Temurah, Daf 28b & 29a) the Gemara explains that, in connection with Revi'ah (rape), the Torah writes "Beheimah" ("ve'Ish asher Yiten Shechovto bi'Veheimah"), and in connection with 'Ne'evad' (idolatry), a Lashon of Bakar ("Vayamiru es Kevodam be'Tavnis Shor").

åîå÷é ìä äúí ò"ô òã àçã àå òì ôé áòìéí ...


Clarification: And it establishes it there by one witness or by the admission of the owner himself ...

ãàé àéëà òãéí, áðé ÷èìà ðéðäå.


Reason: Because if there were two witnesses, he would be subject to the death-penalty..

åäê áøééúà ôìéâà à'úðà ãáé øáé éùîòàì ãðô÷à ìéä áôø÷ àéï îòîéãéï (ò"æ ãó ëâ:) î"ëé îùçúí áäí îåí ... " - ëì î÷åí ùðàîø äùçúä àéðå àìà ãáø òøåä åò"æ.


Machlokes: And this Beraisa argues with the Tana de'bei Rebbi Yishmael, in Perek Ein Ma'amidin (Avodah Zarah, Daf 23b), who learns from the Pasuk "ki Mashchasam bahem Mum bam" that, wherever the Torah uses the expression of 'Hashchasah', it is confined to a matter concerning Ervah or Avodah Zarah (See Sugya there - in which case we do not need to learn them from the current Pasuk).

åëï àéúà áúîåøä (ãó ëç:) ãôìéâé.


Support: And indeed, the Gemara in Temurah (Daf 28b) specifically states that the two Sugyos argue.



úåñ' ã"ä ìîä ðàîø ðåâç

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not ask the same question on 'Ne'evad'.)

äà ãìà ÷àîø 'ìîä ðàîø ðòáã?'?


Implied Question: The Gemara does not ask why it says 'Ne'evad' ...

ãääåà ôùéèà - ã÷éì îëåìäå ...


Answer: ... because it is obvious, since it is the most lenient of all of them ...

ãìàå áø ÷èìà äåà, åáòé ÷øà éúéøà.


Reason: ... bearing in mind that it is not Chayav Misah, and therefore requires an independent Pasuk.



úåñ' ã"ä åéù áðåâç ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains the 'Tz'richusa' and clarifies why the Gemara does not deem it fit to elaborate).

áçã îðééäå ñâé ...


Clarification: One of them will suffice ...

ãëéåï ãìà îôøùé ÷øàé áäãéà, äåä àå÷éîðà ìéä áããîé.


Reason: ... because since the Torah does not specify either of them, we would establish it by that which is the most likely (the smaller Chidush).

åìà ùééê ìîéîø 'ù÷åìéí äí åéáåàå ùðéäí'?


Implied Question: Nor can the Gemara say that, since they are equal, let us learn out both of them ...

ãäðé çåîøåú àéï ù÷åìåú.


Answer: ... because the Chumros are not equal.

åìà îùëçú ùé÷åì àìà áøéù îëéìúéï.


Comment: And it is only at the beginning of the Masechta (Daf 3a) that we find cases that are equal.



úåñ' ã"ä øåáò òùä áå àåðñ ëøöåï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

åà"ú, øåáò áàåðñ äéëé îùëçú ìä, äà àéï ÷éùåé àìà ìãòú?


Question: What is the case of 'Rove'a be'Oneis', seeing as there is no such thing as Kishuy (becoming stiff) unintentionally?

åé"ì, ëâåï ùðú÷ùä ìîéðå åú÷ôúå åäáéàúå òìéä.


Answer: Where it became stiff for its own species and the woman brought it on her.



úåñ' ã"ä ìàå ì÷øáï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the question and elaborates.)

åäùúà ä"÷, 'ðåâç ìà òùä áå àåðñ ëøöåï', ëìåîø - äùúà ðîé ùðëúá, àéï ùééê ìäòîéã ôñåì ÷øáï ùìå àìà áøöåï, ëòðéï ùéù áå çéåá îéúä ...


Clarification: What the Gemara therefore means is: 'Noge'ach Lo Asah bo Oneis ke'Ratzon' - Now too, that it is written, one can only establish the P'sul Korban that pertains to it when it acted deliberately (be'Ratzon), in the manner that would render it Chayav Misah.

äìëê ëùìà äéä ëúåá ëìì, àéï ùééê ììîåã àôéìå øöåï ùìå îøåáò, ëéåï ãìà àôùø ìîéìó áëì òðéï áéï áàåðñ áéï áøöåï.


Clarification (cont.): Consequently, if it would not be written at all, one could not even learn the Din of be'Ratzon from Rove'a, seeing as one cannot learn it entirely (both be'Oneis and be'Ratzon) from it.

åà"ú, àîàé ñ"ã ãì÷øáï ÷àîø, ãôé' ãçå÷ äåà, ëãîåëç áùîòúéï?


Question: What makes the Gemara think that it is speaking about a Korban, which is a Dochek, as is clear from the Sugya?

åîä ÷ùä ìéä àé ì÷èìà ÷àîø, ãùééê ùôéø ìòùåú ÷åìà àå çåîøà ôéøëà î÷èìà à'÷øáï ...


Question (cont.): ... and why would it have been problematic had it referred to the death-sentence, since it is possible to learn a Pircha either le'Kula or le'Chumra from the death-sentence on to Korban ...

ëîå ùòùä ÷"å îëåôø à'÷øáï?


Support: ... in the same way as it learns a Kal va'Chomer from Kofer on to Korban?

åé"ì, ëéåï ãìà îôøù áäãéà ìòðéï îä òùä åìà òùä àåðñ ëøöåï, îùîò ãìòðéï ÷øáï ãàééøé áéä ÷øà ÷àîø ...


Answer: Since Rebbi Shimon does not specifically state in which context he does or doesn't equate Oneis with Ratzon, it implies that he is referring to the Korban which the Pasuk is talking about ...

ãàé ìòðéï ÷èìà, äåä ìéä ìîéîø 'ìà çééá áå àåðñ ëøöåï'.


Answer (cont.): Because, had he been referring to the death-sentence, he ought to have (inserted the word 'Chayav' and) said 'Lo Chayav bo Oneis ke'Ratzon'.