

úåñ' ã"ä îúâìâì îäå

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi, and explains the Sugya according to his interpretation.)

ô"ä ãîñô÷à ìéä àé áúø àëéìä àæìéðï åàé áúø ì÷éçä.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the Gemara is in doubt as to whether we go after the eating or after where he took it from.

å÷ùä, ãì÷îï (ãó ëà:) âáé 'ëìá ùðèì çøøä åäìê ìâãéù' ôùéèà ìï ãàé àëìéä áâãéù ãòìîà ãôèåø?


Question #1: The Gemara later (on Daf 21b) takes for granted that, in the case where 'a dog takes a cake and walks to a haystack', if it then eats it by a common haystack, the owner is Patur?

åòåã, ãìùåï 'îúâìâì' ìà îùîò äëé?


Question #2: Moreover, the Lashon 'Misgalgel' does not imply that.

åðøàä ìø"é ëâåï ã÷ééîé ôéøåú áøùåú äðéæ÷ åîâìâìé åàúå ìøùåú äøáéí, ãàé ìàå ùäáäîä îòëáúï áôéä åàëìúï ùí, äéä ñåôï ìäðéç áøùåú äøáéí ...


Explanation #2: The Ri therefore explains that it speaks where the fruit is lying in the domain of the Nizak and is rolling towards the street, so that, if the animal had not stopped it with its mouth, it would have eventually ended up in the R'shus ha'Rabim.

å÷îáòéà ìéä àé çùéáé ëîåðçéí áøùåú äøáéí àå ìàå.


Explanation #2 (cont.): ... and the She'eilah is whether the fruit is considered as if it was lying in the R'shus ha'Rabim or not.

å÷àîø 'ú"ù, îùåé î÷öúå áôðéí ... ; îàé ìàå áîúâìâì?' - ãàåøçéä ãîéìúà ëê äéà áî÷öúå îáôðéí åî÷öúå îáçåõ, å÷úðé 'àëìä áôðéí çééáú' ...


Resolution: The Gemara attempts to resolve the She'eilah from the Beraisa 'A burden which is partially inside ... '; Is this not speaking where it is rolling out, which is the normal way of explaining 'partially inside and partially outside'? ...

àò"ô ùñåôå ìäúâìâì áçåõ àí ìà ùàëìúï ...


Resolution (cont.): ... and he is Chayav even though it would have rolled outside anyway, had the animal not eaten it?

'åàëìä áçåõ ôèåøä' úðà ...


Implied Question: Why does the Tana add 'Achlah ba'Chutz, Patur'?

àâá øéùà, ãîéìúà ãôùéèà äéà.


Answer: It adds 'Achlah ba'Chutz, Patur', on account of the Reisha, even though it is obvious.

'àéîà "òì îä ùáôðéí çééáú" ' - ôéøåù òì îä ùøàåé ìäéåú áôðéí, ùàéï ñåôå ìäúâìâì áçåõ, çééáú.


Refutation #1: 'Say 'He is Chayav on what is inside' - meaning that on what is fitting to remain inside - it is not going to roll outside.

'åàéáòéú àéîà áôúéìä ãàñôñúà' - ùòìéå àøåëéí ...


Refutation #2: Alternatively, it is speaking about stalks of a kind of grass (used as fodder), which are long ...

åñã"à ðéæåì áúø øåá òìä ùáôðéí àå áçåõ.


Chidush: And we would otherwise have thought that we go after the majority of the leaf, whether it is inside or outside.



úåñ' ã"ä åàæãà øéù ì÷éù ìèòîéä

(Summary: Tosfos explains why Resh Lakish presents two cases to teach us the same Chidush.)

úøåééäå öøéëé ...


Answer to Implied Question: Both cases are necessary:

äê ãäëà öøéëà, ãìà ðéîà ëñåú òáãé àéðùé ãîðçé âìéîà åîúôçé.


Case #1: The current case, since we might otherwise have said that people tend to place their outer garments in the street and take a rest.

åääéà ã'á' ôøåú' àùîåòéðï ãå÷à áòèä øáåöä áîäìëú çééáú, äà äåæ÷ä ôèåøä, ëããéé÷ ì÷îï ôø÷ äîðéç (ãó ìá.) ...


Case #2: ... and the case of 'two cows' to teach us that the owner of the crouching cow is only Chayav if it kicks the one that is walking, but not if the latter stumbles over it ...

ã'àáòé ìä ìñâåéé áàéãê âéñà'.


Reason: Because 'It ought to have walked on the other side'.



úåñ' ã"ä æä àéï ðäðä åæä àéï çñø äåà

(Summary: Tosfos points out that the Gemara could have gone one step further.)

àôéìå áçöø ã÷ééîà ìàâøà åâáøà ãìà òáéã ìîéâø äå"î ìîéîø ãôèåø, ëéåï ùìà ðäðä, àò"ô ùâøí äôñã ìçáéøå.


Alternative Explanation: The Gemara could have said that he is Patur even in a case where the Chatzer stands to be rented and the person does not need to rent it, where he does benefit, even though he causes his friend a loss ...

ãàôéìå âéøùå çáéøå îáéúå åðòì ãìú áôðéå àéï æä àìà âøîà áòìîà.


Reason: ... since even where one drives the owner out of his house and locks the door in his face, it is merely G'rama.



úåñ' ã"ä æä ðäðä åæä çñø äåà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the owner loses.)

ãëì æîï ùøåàéï àú æä òåîã ááéúå àéï îá÷ùéï îîðå ìäùëéø.


Reason: Because as long as people see the current hirer living in the house, they will not inquire about renting it.




úåñ' ã"ä äà àéúäðéú

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this Sugya with the Sugya in the first Perek of Bava Basra and with the Sugya in Eilu Na'aros.)

àôéìå ìî"ã áô"÷ ãá"á (ãó éá:) 'ëåôéï àåúå òì îãú ñãåí, åéäáéðï ìéä à'çã îöøà' ...


Implied Question #1: Even according to the opinion in the first Perek of Bava Basra (Daf 12b) that holds 'We force him on account of 'Midas S'dom' and give him (the portion of a Pashut and that of a B'chor) on the same side ...

ùàðé äëà, ùäéä éëåì ìîåðòå îúçéìä îìãåø ááéúå.


Answer: It is different here, since one is able to stop him initially from living in his house.

åìî"ã äúí 'îòìéðï ìéä ëðëñé ãáø îåøéåï' ...


Implied Question #2: Whereas according to the opinion there that holds that his brothers can claim that they assess the field in question like the property of bar Morion' (which is more valuable than that of other people) ....

îùåí ããîé ìîåðò çáéøå îúçéìä ìãåø ááéúå, àáì äëà ëáø ãø.


Answer: ... that is like preventing one's friend from living in one's house Lechatchilah, but here he is already living there.

åàí úàîø, ääåà ã'úçá ìå çáéøå ááéú äáìéòä' ãøéù àìå ðòøåú (ëúåáåú ãó ì:), àîàé çééá äàåëì, æä ðäðä åæä ìà çñø äåà, ùàí äéä îçæéø, äéúä ðîàñú åàéï ùåä ëìåí?


Question: In the case cited in 'Eilu Na'aros' (Kesuvos, Daf 30b) where 'Reuven shoved Shimon's Cheilev down Levi's throat', why is Levi Chayav? Bearing in mind that even if he were to sick it up, it would be disgusting and valueless, is it not a case of 'Zeh Neheneh ve'Zeh Lo Chaser'?

åé"ì, ãìà ãîé, äåàéì åðäðä îçîú äçñøåï ùäéä îúçéìä ...


Answer: It is not comparable, since his benefit there is the direct result of the Chesaron that he caused ...

îéãé ãäåé à'äà ãúðï 'îúåê äøçáä, îùìí îä ùðäðéú', ãà'ìòéñä ìà îçééá, ãäåé ùï áøä"ø, àìà à'äðàú îòéå îçééá ,àò"ô ùàí îçæéøå àéï ùåä ëìåí.


Precedent: ... similar to the Mishnah which states that if the animal eats from the street, he pays for the animal's Hana'ah; he is not Chayav for the chewing, which is 'Shein in the R'shus ha'Rabim, only for 'the Hana'ah of its stomach', despite the fact that if it were to sick it up, it would not be worth anything.



úåñ' ã"ä àô÷åøé îô÷ø ìäå

(Summary: Tosfos defines 'Hefker' in this context.)

ìà ìâîøé, ãà"ë àôéìå îä ùðäðéú ìà îùìí ...


Refuted Explanation: Not completely, because if so, he would not even be obligated to pay for what he benefited.

àìà îúééàù îäí, ùñáåø ùéú÷ì÷ìå îçîú ùøáéí ãåøñéí òìéäí òã ùìà éáåàå àìà ìãîé îä ùðäðéú.


Authentic Explanation: Only he resigns himself to the situation; he thinks that they will get spoilt by many people treading on the fruit until it reaches only the value of the benefit that one derives from it.



úåñ' ã"ä àú âøîú ìé ä÷éôà éúéøà

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's interpretation of 'Hekef Yeseira'.)

îúåê ôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ îùîò ãîééøé áâãø ùáéï ùãäå ìùãä ðé÷ó.


Explanation #1: It seems from Rashi's words that it is speaking about a wall between the field of the Makif and that of the Nikaf.

å÷ùä, ãäéëé çùéá ìéä 'æä ðäðä åæä àéï çñø', äåàéì ùëì àåúå äâãø ìà ðòùä àìà ìäôñé÷ áéï ùãåúéå ìùãä ðé÷ó?


Question #1: How is this considered 'Zeh Neheneh ve'Zeh Ein Chaser', seeing as the purpose of the wall is to divide between the two sets of fields?

åòåã, ãäåä ìéä ìîéîø 'àú âøîú ìé ëì æä ääé÷ó!' ã'ä÷éôà éúéøúà' îùîò ùâøí ìéä ìäøáåú?


Question #2: Moreover, he ought to have said 'You caused me to make this entire circumference!' whereas'Hekeifa Yeseira' implies that he only caused him to add something?

àìà ðøàä ùîáçåõ ñáéá ìã' øåçåú ä÷éó, å'ä÷éôà éúéøà' îùåí ùîçîú ùãä äàîöòé ääé÷ó âãåì éåúø îãàé.


Explanation #2: It therefore seems that it is speaking about the wall that surrounds his fields on the outside, and the 'extra circumference' refers to the expansion of his fields due to the Nikaf's field's existence.



úåñ' ã"ä àí òîã ðé÷ó

(Summary: Tosfos comments on the insertion of the word 'Nikaf'.)

áñãø äîùðä ì"â áäãéà 'ðé÷ó' ...


Implied Question: In the actual Mishnah, the word 'Nikaf' does not appear ///

àìà ììéùðà ãîôøù äúí ã÷àé à'ðé÷ó, ãéé÷ äëà.


Answer: Only according to the opinion there that establishes it by the field of the Nikaf, the Gemara here infers it.



úåñ' ã"ä èòîà ãðé÷ó äà î÷éó ôèåø

(Summary: Tosfos explains how the Kashya is even from the Rabanan of Rebbi Yossi as well, and explains the difference between 'Amad Nikaf' and 'Amad Makif'.)

åàôéìå øáðï ìà ôìéâé àìà îùåí ãà"ì 'àú âøîú ìé ä÷éôà éúéøà'.


Clarification: Even the Rabanan only argue because he can say to him 'You caused me to make the additional circumference'.

åà"ú, åàé 'æä ðäðä åæä ìà çñø' ôèåø, àôéìå òîã ðé÷ó ðîé?


Question: If 'Zeh Neheneh ve'Zeh Lo Chaser' is Patur, then he should be Patur even if the Nikaf built it?

åé"ì, ùàðé òîã ðé÷ó, ãâìé à'ãòúéä ãðéçà ìéä áäåöàä, åìà ãîé ì'ãø áçöø çáéøå', ãìà âìé à'ãòúéä àìà áçðí.


Answer: It is different where the Nikaf got up and built it, since he revealed that he does not object to the extra expense; it is not comparable to 'Someone who lives in his friend's Chatzer, where he has not indicated that he is willing to spend any money.



úåñ' ã"ä ú"ù ø"é àåîø

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Kashya is even from the Rabanan as well.)

åàôéìå øáðï ìà ôìéâé àìà îùåí ãáéúà ìòìééä îùúòáã.


Clarification: And even the Rabanan only argue because 'The house is Meshu'bad to the attic'.



úåñ' ã"ä ðúðä ìçáéøå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and explains as to why he is not Mo'el anyway, because he intended to acquire the object.)

áô"÷ ãçâéâä (ãó é:) ôøéê 'îëãé îâæì âæìéä, îä ìé äåà îä ìé çáéøå? åîùðé 'áàáðé áðéï äîñåøåú ìâæáø òñ÷éðï'.


Clarification: In the first Perek of Chagigah (Daf 10b), the Gemara asks that since he stole it, what difference does it make whether it is he or his friend who benefited from it? And the Gemara answers that it is speaking about building-stones that have been handed over to the treasurer of Hekdesh.

åà"ú, î"î ìîòåì, ãäåé îúëåéï ì÷ðåú ...


Question: Why is he not Mo'el anyway, seeing as he has the intention of acquiring them? ...

åàôéìå ìî"ã (á"î ãó îà.) 'ùìéçåú éã öøéëä çñøåï' ...


Implied Question: ... even according to the opinion in Bava Metzi'a (Daf 41a) that using the object only renders one Chayav if it causes it to depreciate.

ä"î ëùàéï îúëåéï ì÷ðåú äëì?


Answer: ... since that only speaks where he did not have the intention of acquiring it.

åé"ì, ãàéï àãí îåòì àìà áîúëåéï ìäåöéà îøùåú îé ùäåà, åäëà äåà ñáåø ùìå äåà.


Answer to Original Question: Me'ilah only applies where one has the intention of taking the object out of someone's domain, whereas in this case he thought that the object belonged to him.



úåñ' ã"ä åäåà ùäðéçä ò"ô àøåáä

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation, that it speaks specifically where he did not fix the beam into the building.)

ô"ä, ãìà ÷áòä ááðéï, ãìà äåé ùéðåé, äìëê ìà îòì òã ùéãåø úçúéä.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that he did not actually fix it in the building, so that it is not a Shinuy, which is why he is not Mo'el until he uses the space beneath it.

åúéîä, ëé ÷áòä ðîé ìà ÷ðé, ãùéðåé äçåæø ìáøééúå äåà ...


Question: Even if he were to fix it, he would not acquire it, seeing as it is a Shinuy that can be reverted to its original state ...

ëãàîø áäâåæì ÷îà (ì÷îï öå:) 'äàé ãâæì ðñëà îçáøéä, òáãéä æåæé ìà ÷ðé áùéðåé. î"è, ãäãø òáéã ìäå ðñëà.


Source: ... as the Gemara explains in 'ha'Gozel Kama' (later, on Daf 96b).



úåñ' ã"ä àùâåçé ìà àùâç áéä

(Summary: Tosfos points out that Shmuel himself, retracted.)

åùîåàì òöîå äãø áéä, ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ äùåàì (á"î ãó öè:).


Retraction: In fact, Shmuel himself retract, as the Gemara states in Perek ha'Sho'el (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 99b).

tzi'a, Daf 99b)
