
TOSFOS DH u'Plugta d'Beraisa Plugta Hi

úåñôåú ã"ä åôìåâúà ãáøééúà ôìåâúà äéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not say similarly about R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam.)

åà''ú ãø' éåñé áï äîùåìí ðîé ôìéâé òìéä îîä ðôùê (ãáøééúà) [ö"ì ááøééúà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] îãàéöèøéê ìôñå÷ äìëä ëîåúå


Question: Also R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam, they argue with him in a Beraisa, no matter what you will say, since [Rav] needed to rule like him (25a)!

åé''ì ãùîà àéï îçìå÷ú ùðåéä ìà áîùðä åìà ááøééúà àìà ã÷éí ìéä ãôìéâé øáðï òìéä


Answer: Perhaps the argument was not taught, not in a Mishnah and not in a Beraisa, but [Rav] knew that Rabanan argue with him.


TOSFOS DH ha'Nichnas l'Soch Edro b'Laylah v'Chulei ul'Machar Hiskim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä äðëðñ ìúåê òãøå áìéìä ëå' åìîçø äùëéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it says that he entered at night.)

úéîä ìîä ìéä ìîéð÷è áòðéï æä ìéîà äðëðñ ìúåê òãøå åøàä æëøéí úìåéí ëå' åð÷áåú ëå'


Question: Why did it mention a case like this? It should say "one who entered his flock and saw males [nursing]... and females..."!

åé''ì ãìøáåúà ð÷è äëé ãàò''â ãåãàé äéúä úçìú ìéãúï áìéìä ùòãééï àéï äàîäåú îëéøéï áååìãåúéäï åãøëï ìèòåú áìéìä åáà ìå áðä ùì æå àöì æå àôé' äëé ìà çééùéðï


Answer: It said so for a bigger Chidush. Even though surely the beginning of their birth was at night, and the mothers did not yet recognize their children, and they normally err at night, and this one's child comes to this [mother to nurse], even so we are not concerned.


TOSFOS DH Ra'ah Chazir she'Hu Karuch Acher Rachel

úåñôåú ã"ä øàä çæéø ùäåà ëøåê àçø øçì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why R. Yochanan mentioned a pig.)

÷öú (÷ùä) [ö"ì äéä ðøàä - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãð÷è çæéø åìà âîì îùåí ãñáø ëø' ùîòåï ãàñø ÷ìåè äéåöà îï äèäåø åàôé' äéä éãåò ùäåà áðä ùì øçì äéä ðàñø áàëéìä


Assertion: It seems a little that he mentioned a pig, and not a camel, because he holds like R. Shimon (above, 6b) who forbids Kalut (an animal without cloven hooves) born from a Tahor, and even if it was known that it was the ewe's child, it would be forbidden to eat it.

åîéäå îöéðï ìîéîø ãàâá ãð÷è øçì ùäéà áäîä ã÷ä ð÷è çæéø


Rebuttal #1: However, we can say that since he mentioned a ewe, which is a small animal, he similarly mentioned a pig.

à''ð ðéçà ìîéð÷è ìîéìúéä ëëåìé òìîà:


Rebuttal #2: He preferred to make his teaching according to everyone (even like R. Shimon, even if R. Yochanan does not hold like R. Shimon).



TOSFOS DH ha'Shochet Es ha'Bechor Oseh Makom b'Kopitz

úåñôåú ã"ä äùåçè àú äáëåø òåùä î÷åí á÷åôéõ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why it mentioned a chopping knife.)

áâî' àîøé' úðé ì÷åôéõ ëìåîø ìöåøê ÷åôéõ


Citation: The Gemara says that the text should say "l'Kopitz", i.e for the need of the Kopitz.

îùîò ããøê ìùçåè á÷åôéõ îãìà ÷úðé áñëéï


Inference: It is normal to slaughter with a Kopitz, for it did not teach [a Stam] knife.

åúéîä áôñçéí ôø÷ àìå ãáøéí (ãó ò.) ìà îùîò ëï âáé ñëéï ùðîöà áàøáòä òùø ùåçè áä îéã åä÷åôéõ ùåðä åîèáéì


Objection: In Pesachim (70a) it connotes unlike this, regarding a knife found on [Nisan] 14! One may slaughter with it immediately. [If he found] a Kopitz, he sprinkles [Mei Chatas] on it a second time and immerses it [before using it for Kodshim];

îùåí ãñëéï çæé ìôñç ìùçåè åäèáéìåäå îé''â àáì ÷åôéõ ìà çæé ìôñç ãéù áå îùåí ùáéøú òöí


[It explains the reason because] a knife is proper for Korban Pesach, for Shechitah. (The owner knew that he will need it on Erev Pesach, so he finished Haza'ah) and immersed it on the 13th [so it will be fully Tahor on the 14th]. A Kopitz is not proper for Pesach, for one may not break bones of it. (Perhaps the owner planned to finish its Taharah on the 14th.)

åðøàä ìôøù ãð÷è äëà ÷åôéõ îùåí ãáòé òùééú î÷åí èôé îñëéï åöøéëä òùééú î÷åí âãåì


Explanation: It mentions here a Kopitz because it requires making a bigger place [smooth, without hairs] than a knife, and one must make a big place.

åìà ëîå ùôéøù ä÷åðè' ãòùééú î÷åí æä îùåí çìãä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He makes a [smooth] place due to Chaladah (if the knife is covered during Shechitah, it is Pasul).

ãàí ëï ñëéï äåä ìéä ìîéð÷è äëà ãàéëà ìîéçù èôé ìçìãä


Rebuttal #1: If so, it should have mentioned a knife. There is more concern for Chaladah [with a knife, which is smaller than a Kopitz]!

åòåã ãáòéà äéà áô''á ãçåìéï (ãó ì:) úçú öîø îñåáê îäå åìà àéôùéèà


Rebuttal #2: It was a question in Chulin (30b, if the knife slaughtered) "under tangled wool, what is the law?", and it was not resolved. (According to Rashi, we must say that the Shechitah is Pasul!)

àìà ãøê ìòùåú î÷åí ì÷åôéõ ëãé ùéäà ðåç éåúø ìçúåê åìùçåè ìôé ùàéï ÷åôéõ ðåç ìçúåê áìà òùééú î÷åí


Explanation #2: Rather, it is normal to make a [smooth] place for a Kopitz, so it will be easier to cut and slaughter, for it is not easy to cut with a Kopitz without making a place.

åîèòí æä ðîé ð÷è áëåø åìà [ñúí] ÷ãùéí ìôé ùä÷ãùéí ðùçèéï áòæøä éù ùí ñëéðéï îæåîðéí åàéï öøéëéí òùééú î÷åí


Support: For this reason it mentioned Bechor and not Stam Kodshim, for Kodshim are slaughtered in the Azarah, and there knives are available, and they need not make a place. (How is Bechor different? All Kodshim are slaughtered in the Azarah when Tam, and one may not shear a Ba'al Mum! Shai l'Mora - we discuss a Bechor Ba'al Mum. Stam "Kodshim" connotes Tam. Rashash changes the text to say that Kodshim (i.e. Pesulei ha'Mukdashim) are slaughtered in the market.)

åòåã é''ì ãð÷è áëåø ìôé ùðåäâ áæîï äæä åâí ãøê ìäéåú öîøå âãåì îúåê ùîùäà àåúå òã ùéôåì áå îåí


Also, we can say that it mentioned Bechor because it applies nowadays, and also, it is common that its wool is long, because one delays it until it gets a Mum;

ëé ääéà ãúðï áô' ëì ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï (ì÷îï ìä.) îòùä áæëø ùì øçìéí æ÷ï åùòøå îãåìãì åöøéê òùééú î÷åí èôé îèìàéí


Source: A Mishnah below (35a) teaches an episode with an old male sheep, that its hair was hanging down. There is more need to make a place [for old sheep] than for lambs.

åòåã îùåí ãìàå ãåìà úâåæ ááëåø ëúéá


Also, [it mentioned Bechor] because the Lav to shear is written about Bechor.


TOSFOS DH v'Hainu Taima d'Shari d'Havah Lei Davar she'Ein Miskaven

úåñôåú ã"ä åäééðå èòîà ãùøé ãäåä ìéä ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses two ways to explain the Heter.)

åúåìù ãîúðé' ìàå áúåìù åîúëåéï ÷àîø àìà òåùä î÷åí àí ðúìù ðúìù


Explanation #1: [If it is because Davar she'Eino Miskaven is permitted,] "Tolesh" (he removes hair by hand) of our Mishnah is not with intent to detach. Rather, he makes a place, and if [hair] is detached, it is detached;

àáì àé èòîà îùåí ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ éëåì ìäéåú ãúåìù áîúëåéï ëê ðøàä ìôøù äñåâéà


However, if the reason is because Tolesh is not Gozez, it is possible that he intends to be Tolesh. So it seems to explain the Sugya.

åéù ìúîåä îä ùééê ìùàåì æä òì éå''è àé áîúëåéï ôùéèà ìäå ãàñåø åàé áùàéï îúëåéï ôùéèà ìäå ãùøé


Question: What is the relevance to ask about this about Yom Tov? If he intends, obviously it is forbidden! If he does not intend, it is obvious to [those who asked Rav Huna] that it is permitted!

åîéäå [ö"ì ùîà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] äà âåôä ÷îéáòéà ìäå ùàéï îúëåéï îäå áéå''è àí îåúø àå àñåø


Answer: Perhaps they ask about this itself. If he does not intend, what is the law on Yom Tov? Is it permitted or forbidden?

å÷ùéà ãáìàå éåí èåá äéå éëåìéï ìùàåì äà ã÷úðé îúðé' åúåìù àú äùòø áîúëåéï ÷àîø îùåí ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ


Question: Without Yom Tov they could have asked, what the Mishnah teaches "he is Tolesh the hair" - is this [permitted] with intent, because Tolesh is not Gozez?

àå ùîà áùàéï îúëåéï ÷àîø åâí ùìà éäà ëôñé÷ øéùéä îùåí ãúåìù äééðå âåææ


Or, perhaps it is [only] without intent, and also it may not be [done in a way that it is] a Pesik Reishei (inevitable consequence), because Tolesh is Gozez!

åðøàä ìôøù ãàôéìå (úéîöé ìåîø) úåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ î''î îãøáðï àñåø áîúëåéï àå áôñé÷ øéùéä âæéøä úåìù àèå âåææ


Explanation #2: Even if you will say that Tolesh is not Gozez, in any case it is forbidden mid'Rabanan if he intends, or if it is a Pesik Reishei. This is a decree due to Gozez;

åìòåìí åúåìù ã÷úðé îúðéúéï ëùàéï îúëåéï åàéðå ôñé÷ øéùéä ÷àîø


And really, Tolesh that our Mishnah taught is without intent, and it is not a Pesik Reishei.

åìòðéï áëåø ìà îöé ìîéáòé îéãé ëôùèä ãîúðé' àí ìà ìòðéï îì÷åú


And regarding Bechor we could not ask anything, like the simple meaning of our Mishnah, if not for lashes. (The Mishnah forbids moving hair, i.e. if it became detached. Surely it does not permit to intend to detach!)

å÷îéáòéà ìäå ëðâãå áéåí èåá îäå ããìîà ãå÷à áëåø ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ åìéëà àéñåøà ãàåøééúà äåà ãùøé ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï


Explanation #2 (cont.): They asked, correspondingly on Yom Tov, what is the law? Perhaps only for Bechor, Tolesh is not Gozez, and there is no Isur mid'Oraisa, for Davar she'Eino Miskaven is permitted;

àáì áéå''è ãàéëà àéñåøà ãàåøééúà ãòå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ìà ùøéðï áùàéï îúëåéï


However, on Yom Tov there is an Isur mid'Oraisa of uprooting something from where it grows. We do not permit when he does not intend;

àå ãìîà ááëåø ðîé àéëà àéñåøà ãàåøééúà ãúåìù äééðå âåææ åëé äéëé ãùøé ááëåø îùåí ãàéï îúëåéï ùøé ðîé áéåí èåá


Or, perhaps also for Bechor there is an Isur mid'Oraisa, for Tolesh is Gozez, and just like it is permitted for Bechor because he does not intend, it is permitted also on Yom Tov.

åëï îåëç áñîåê ã÷àîø øá ëðâãå áéåí èåá îåúø åôøéê îäà ãàîø øá äìëä ëø' éäåãä ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï àñåø


Proof: It is proven like this below, for Rav said "correspondingly on Yom Tov is permitted", and it asks from what Rav taught that the Halachah follows R. Yehudah, who forbids Davar she'Eino Miskaven;

åîùðé ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ åáéåí èåá äééðå èòîà ãùøé ãäåä ìéä òå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ëìàçø éã


It answers that Tolesh is not Gozez, and it is permitted on Yom Tov because it is uprooting something from where it grows ki'Le'acher Yad (unskillfully);

åàí úéîöé ìåîø ãàé úåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ à''ë åúåìù ã÷úðé áîúðé' äåé áîúëåéï


Suggestion: If you will say [like Explanation #1] that if Tolesh is not Gozez, if so, Tolesh taught in our Mishnah is intentionally...

äéëé ùøé ëðâãå áéåí èåá îúëåéï îùåí ãìàçø éã


Rejection: [If so,] how is correspondingly on Yom Tov permitted with intent, because it is ki'Le'acher Yad?!

åìàéãê ìéùðà ãàîøéðï øá ñáø ëø' éåñé áï äîùåìí åø' éåñé áï äîùåìí ìà ñáø ëøá äééðå ãøá ùøé ááëåø áàéï îúëåéï îùåí ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ


And according to the other version, that we say that Rav holds like R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam, and R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam does not hold like Rav, this means that Rav permits Bechor due to Ein Miskaven, because Tolesh is not Gozez;

àáì ø' éåñé áï äîùåìí îúéø àôéìå äééðå àåîøéí ãúåìù äééðå âåææ ãùøé àéï îúëåéï áëì î÷åí ëãàùëçï âáé ôøä


However, R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam permits even if we would say that Tolesh is Gozez, for Eino Miskaven is permitted everywhere, like we find regarding Parah.

åäà (ãìà - öàï ÷ãùéí îåç÷å) ã÷àîø øá äìëä ëø' éåñé áï äîùåìí ìòéì îùîò ãìà äåé ôìåâúà åëîä úðàé àùëçï ãñáøé ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï àñåø


Implied question: Rav said that that the Halachah follows R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam. Above (23b-24a) it connotes that there is no argument (we say that Rav's teaching "wherever there is no argument" applies to R. Yosi's law, yet) we find that several Tana'im forbid Davar she'Eino Miskaven!

ì÷îï áîëéìúéï âáé áëåø ùàçæå ãí (ãó ìâ:) åáîúðéúéï ãëìàéí (ô''è îùðä (å''æ) [ö"ì á' - éã áðéîéï]) åááéöä (ãó ëâ:) ááøééúà ãâøéøä


Below (33b) regarding a Bechor that Achzo Dam (R. Yehudah forbids to let blood, even without intent to make a Mum), and in Kil'ayim (9:2 - one may not wear Sha'atnez even to evade a tax, even though he does not intend to benefit from the garment) and in Beitzah (23b) in the Beraisa of dragging [Kelim on Shabbos, without intent to make a furrow, Tana'im forbid Davar she'Eino Miskaven].

åéù ìåîø (ããìîà îèòí) [ö"ì î"î îèòîà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãôñé÷ øá ëååúéä îùåí ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ ìà àùëçï ãôìéâé


Answer #1: For the reason that Rav ruled like [R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam], because Tolesh is not Gozez, we do not find that [Tana'im] argue.

åòåã ëãôøéùéú ìòéì ãìà ÷øé ôìåâúà àìà à''ë ðçì÷å òì àåúå ãáø òöîå


Answer #2: It is like I explained above, that it is called an argument only if they argue about that matter itself.

åëï öøéê ìåîø ãäà (áùåúó) [ö"ì áùåèó àú øçìéå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ðçì÷å ø' éåñé åøáðï áçåìéï ìòðéï øàùéú äâæ (ãó ÷ìæ.) ãàéëà ìîàï ãîçééá


Proof: We must say so, for regarding washing one's sheep [and wool came off], R. Yosi and Rabanan argue in Chulin (137a) about Reishis ha'Gez. One opinion obligates;

àìîà î÷øé âæ öàðê åäåà äãéï úåìù ãäééðå âåææ àí ìà ðçì÷ áéï úåìù )ìùåúó) [ö"ì ìùåèó - öàï ÷ãùéí]


Inference: This shows that it is called "Gez Tzoncha", and likewise Tolesh is Gozez, unless we distinguish Tolesh from rinsing.

åà''ú ì÷îï ãîééúé øàéä îôøä ãñáø ø' éåñé áï äîùåìí ãáø ùàéðå îúëåéï îåúø åîùðé ùàðé ôøä ã÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú äéà


Question: Below (25a), we bring a proof from Parah that R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven, and we answer that Parah is different, for it is Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis;

åôøéê åäà àîø ø' àìòæø ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú àñåøéï áâéæä åòáåãä åîùðé îãøáðï åôøéê åäà àéëà àéñåøà ãøáðï


It asks that R. Elazar taught that one may not shear or work with Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, and answers that this is mid'Rabanan. It asks that there is an Isur mid'Rabanan.

ù''î ùøåöä ìã÷ã÷ ãëé äéëé ãùøé ãàéï îúëåéï áãøáðï ùøé ðîé áãàåøééúà


Inference: [The Gemara] wants to infer that just like he permits Ein Miskaven mid'Rabanan, he permits also mid'Oraisa!

åé''ì ãääéà ãîãøáðï ìà ãîå ëìì ìäðé ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ åìòå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ëìàçø éã ãàéï àéñåøéï äììå ãàåøééúà áùåí î÷åí


Answer: That mid'Rabanan is unlike these of Tolesh is not Gozez and uprooting something from where it grows k'Le'acher Yad. They are not mid'Oraisa anywhere;

àáì (áôøä àééøé áâéæä âîåøä ãàò''â ãîãàåøééúà àéï àéñåø ÷ãùé á''ä áâéæä åòáåãä ìãáøéå ãëì) [ö"ì äúí ãàééøé áâéæä âîåøä àò''â ãîãàåøééúà àéï àéñåø âéæä á÷ãùé á''ä ëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãú÷åï øáðï ëòéï ãàåøééúà ú÷åï åìâîøé òùå ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ë÷ãùé îæáç


However, there (Parah) it discusses absolute shearing. Even though mid'Oraisa there is no Isur of shearing Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, everything that Chachamim enacted, they enacted like mid'Oraisa, and they totally made Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis like Kodshei Mizbe'ach.

åøàéä ìãáøé îô''÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó ä:) ãàéáòéà ìäå îäå ìáòåì áúçìä áùáú ìãí äåà öøéê åùøé ôé' ãîéô÷ã ô÷éã


Proof: There is a proof for my words from Kesuvos (5b). [The Gemara] asked whether first Bi'ah (of one who married a Besulah) is permitted on Shabbos. If he needs the blood (to verify her virginity), it is permitted. I.e. the blood is deposited (Bi'ah merely enables it to leave. The blood does not result from a wound);

àå ìôúç äåà öøéê åàñåø


Or, he needs to make an opening, and it is forbidden.

àí úîöé ìåîø ìãí äåà öøéê åôúçà îîéìà ÷à äåé äìëä ëø' (éäåãä ãî÷ì÷ì äåà àöì ôúç) [ö"ì ùîòåï ãàîø ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï îåúø àå äìëä ëø' éäåãä ãàîø ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï àñåø åàú"ì äìëä ëø' éäåãä î÷ì÷ì äåà àöì ôúç åëå' - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã]


If you will say that he needs the blood, and the opening comes automatically, does the Halachah follow R. Shimon, who permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven, or does the Halachah follow R. Yehudah, who forbids Davar she'Eino Miskaven? And if you will say that the Halachah follows R. Yehudah, is he Mekalkel (destructive) regarding the opening?

àìîà ùøé ø' éäåãä ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï áî÷ì÷ì (ãàò''â) [ö"ì àò''â - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãàéëà àéñåøà ãøáðï áî÷ì÷ì ìçåãéä


Inference: R. Yehudah permits Davar she'Eino Miskaven regarding Mekalkel, even though there is an Isur mid'Rabanan for Mekalkel alone!

åäà ãàñø ø' éäåãä áàéï îúëåéï áâøéøä åàò''â ãî÷ì÷ì äåà ëãîåëç áñåó ô''÷ ãçâéâä (ãó é.) âáé çåôø âåîà åàéï öøéê àìà ìòôøä


Implied question: Why does R. Yehudah forbid dragging, even though it is Mekalkel, like is proven in Chagigah (10a) regarding one who digs a hole and he needs only its earth?

åáôø÷ é''è (áéöä ëâ.) àñø ø' éäåãä ÷éãåø îùåí ããáø ùàéï îúëåéï (äåé ëî÷ì÷ì) [ö"ì àñåø àò"â ãäåé î÷ì÷ì - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] áäåöàú ãí


And in Beitzah (23a) R. Yehudah forbids Kidur (scratching an animal with a comb with sharp teeth), because Davar she'Eino Miskaven is forbidden, even though he is Mekalkel regarding causing it to bleed?

éù ìçì÷ áéï áî÷åí îöåä ìî÷åí ùàéï îöåä


Answer #1: We can distinguish a case of a Mitzvah (Bi'as Besulah) from where it is not a Mitzvah.

à''ð âáé âøéøä àéëà ìôøù (ùîà) [ö"ì ùäåà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] îú÷ï ùîùåä âåîåú îöã àçø åâáé ÷éãåø ðäðéú äáäîä áäåöàú äãí îéãé ãäåä àãí ä÷æä


Answer #2: Regarding dragging one can explain that he evens out cavities on the other side (of where he drags), and regarding Kidur, the animal benefits through bleeding, just like a person who does bloodletting.

(åä''ä) [ö"ì åäà ãáòé ì÷îï - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] âáé åëï úåìù àú äùòø ìøàåú àú î÷åí äîåí (ãáòé) [ö"ì àé - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ìëúçìä àå ãéòáã åîñé÷ ãìëúçìä ÷àîø


Implied question: Below (25a) we ask about "and similarly, he is Tolesh hair in order to inspect a Mum" - is this l'Chatchilah or b'Di'eved?, and we conclude that it is l'Chatchilah;

åîùîò îãúðé åëï ãøéùà ðîé ìëúçìä ÷àîø ëîå áñéôà


And it connotes that since it taught "and similarly", also the Reisha (Tolesh for Shechitah) is l'Chatchilah, like the Seifa!

ìàå ìëúçìä ùéúìåù áîúëåéï ÷àîø àìà (áàåúï) [ö"ì áàåúå òðéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ùäúøðå îùåí ùçéèä ðúéø ðîé ìëúçìä ìøàåú î÷åí äîåí


Answer: It does not mean that l'Chatchilah he is Tolesh intentionally. Rather, the same way we permitted for Shechitah, we permit l'Chatchilah in order to inspect a Mum;

àå ãéòáã ëìåîø ãà''ð òùä ìà éæéæðå îî÷åîå


Or is it b'Di'eved? I.e. also if he did (he bent it to the side, and some became detached), he may not move it from its place.

ëï ðøàä ëîå ùôéøùúé åîúééùáú ëì äñåâéà


Conclusion: It seems like I explained (Explanation #2). The entire Sugya is resolved.

åàí ðôøù ãàí úåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ ùøé àôéìå ìúìåù áîúëåéï


Observation: If we will explain (like Explanation #1) that if Tolesh is not Gozez, it is permitted even to intend to be Tolesh...

ö''ì ãì÷îï ãùøé ëðâãå áé''è îùåí ãäåä ìéä òå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ëìàçø éã àôé' áîúëåéï ìúìåù (ùí) ðîé ùøé ùäúéøå çëîéí ùìà úú÷ì÷ì ùçéèúå áéåí èåá


Consequence: We must say that below, correspondingly is permitted on Yom Tov because he uproots something from where it grows k'Le'acher Yad, even if he intends to detach. Chachamim permitted lest his Shechitah be ruined on Yom Tov.


TOSFOS DH Iy Amar Halachah k'R. Yosi ben ha'Meshulam Ifshut Lechu

úåñôåú ã"ä àé àîø äìëä ëø' éåñé áï äîùåìí àéôùåè ìëå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the answer depended on this.)

åà''ú îä äéä î÷ôéã áëê äà áëì òðéï ëðâãå áé''è îåúø àå îùåí ãáø ùàéï îúëåéï àå îùåí òå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ëìàçø éã ëãì÷îï


Question: Why was he particular about this (whether or not the Halachah follows R. Yosi)? In any case correspondingly on Yom Tov is permitted, either due to Davar she'Eino Miskaven, or due to uprooting something from where it grows ki'Le'acher Yad, like below!

åé''ì ãàí ìà äéä äìëä ëîåúå àìà äåä àñøéðï ááëåø åàò''â ãúåìù ìàå äééðå âåææ ùäçîéøå çëîéí åìà äúéøå îùåí öåøê úé÷åï ùçéèú áëåø


Answer: If the Halachah were unlike him, rather, we forbid regarding Bechor even though Tolesh is not Gozez, for Chachamim were stringent and did not permit for the sake of a proper Shechitah of Bechor...

ëîå ëï ìà éúéøå áòå÷ø ãáø îâéãåìå ëìàçø éã îùåí öåøê úé÷åï ùçéèú éåí èåá:


Similarly they would not permit uprooting something from where it grows ki'Le'acher Yad for the sake of a proper Shechitah on Yom Tov.