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4. Shivasah of a newborn 5. Rebbi Meir 6. Not many 'Teiku's in Eruvin
7. Halachah k'Divrei ha'Meikel b'Eiruv

Mendy Kaplowitz asked:

What is the shivisah of a child born on shabbos or yom tov?

Mendy kaplowitz

The Kollel replies:

The child definitely goes after the Shvisah of the mother (see Mishnah Berurah 414:8, who gives the reasoning that a young child is like the mother because "k'Gufa Damya" -- "he is like her body" and "Ee Efshar Lo b'Lo Imo." Even the Elyah Rabah quoted in Mishnah Berurah 414:7 would agree that it goes after the mother, not the father, in this case.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose

Mendy Kaplowitz responds:

It would seem to me that is not talking about where the child was not extant at bein hashmoshis, so a shvisah cant begin on shabbos or yom tov.

The Kollel replies:

Being that we hold "Ubar Yerech Imo" -- "A fetus is like the thigh of his mother" (see SHACH Y.D. 79:8) then the child should be considered to be in existence Erev Shabbos, and we can certainly apply the Mishnah Berurah's reason of "k'Gufa Damya."

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose