
Why is there a double expression "Bacho Sivkeh"?


Rashi, from Sanhedrin 104a: This prophesizes crying over another Churban (Bayis Sheni).


R. Avigdor: She cries, and makes others cry with her.


Why does it say "ba'Laylah"?


Rashi, from Sanhedrin 104b #1: The Churban resulted from what happened at night (after the Meraglim returned) - "va'Yivku ha'Am ba'Laylah ha'Hu." That night was the ninth of Av. Because they cried for no reason, Hashem decreed to establish crying for all generations on that day.


Sanhedrin 104b #2: At night, for then the crying is heard more than during the day.


Sanhedrin 104b #3: When one cries at night, the stars and constellations cry with him.


Rashi, from Sanhedrin 104b #4: When one cries at night, anyone who hears him cries with him 1 .


Rashi: The Mikdash was burned at night - they lit the fire in the evening.


Ibn Ezra: Every mourner sleeps at night, but she always cries.


Ri Kara: She cries like one who cries at night, when there is no one to console her. One who cries during the day, people console him, and the tears do not reach his cheeks.


R. Avigdor: The Churban came because they did not fulfill Korban Pesach at night. It is the same night [of the week] as Tish'ah b'Av - "Hisbi'ani va'Merorim [Hirvani La'anah 2 ]" (3:15).


Sanhedrin 104b: The son of Raban Gamliel's neighbor died. The mother was crying at night. Raban Gamliel cried with her (Eichah Rabah 1:24 - for this reminded him about the Churban) until his eyelashes became soaked and covered his eyes. The next day, his Talmidim noticed this and made (Chashukei Chemed 104b - persuaded) her to move away.


I.e. the night to eat Maror coincides with Tish'ah b'Av, when we were sated with afflictions like La'anah. Now that the calendar was fixed, they are always the same day. However, even when Beis Din was Mekadesh Rosh Chodesh via witnesses, about half the months are full, so usually two of the four months (Nisan, Iyar Sivan and Tamuz) are full, so Tish'ah b'Av is exactly 16 weeks after Pesach. (PF)


What is the significance of "v'Dim'asah Al Lecheyah"?


Sanhedrin 104b: This is like a woman crying over the husband of her youth, "Eli ki'Vsulah Chaguras Sak Al Ba'al Ne'ureha" (Yo'el 1:8). Rashi - she cries constantly.


Refer to 1:2:2:7.


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:2 (Bubar): The enemy tied the hands of youths, so they could not wipe the tears off. They were on Lecheyah, for transgressing the Luchos, or for not giving the Zero'a, Lechayim and Keivah, or for hitting Nevi'im on the Lechi (jaw).


Palgei Mayim: Why do we suffer today for the crying of our ancestors many generations ago? It is because the tear is still on the cheek - also the latter generation despised the Kadosh land and chose Tum'ah of idolatry.


What do we learn from "Ein Menachem Lah"?


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:26: Wherever it says "Ein", now it lacks, but later it will have, e.g. Sarah "Ein Lah Vlad." There will be a consoler - "Anochi Anochi Hu Menachem" (Yeshayah 51:12).


Palgei Mayim: She has no consolation.


Which friends became her enemies?


Rashi: Her lovers.


Ri Kara: They are the nations that appeared to love her at the time of her grandeur. Now that she is afflicted, they betrayed her and became her enemies. Bnei Bavel, who were intimate with her, exposed her Ervah and destroyed her Mikdash. Mitzrayim loved her - "va'Tizni El Bnei Mitzrayim Shechenayich Gidlei Vasar" (Yechezkel 16:26) participated in the Churban. When Yisrael were great, "Ohev Hayah Chiram l'David", and he called Shlomo "Achi" (Melachim I, 5:15, 9:13). When Yisrael descended, "Al Sheloshah Pish'ei Tzor v'Al Arba'ah Lo Ashivenu Al Hasgiram Galus Shelemah le'Edom v'Lo Zachru Bris Achim" (Amos 1:9).


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Zuta 1:6: They are the false Nevi'im, who prophesized Sheker to Yisrael and stopped them from repenting.


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:27: Micha'el and Gavri'el, who used to advocate for Yisrael. Hashem sent them to set the Beis ha'Mikdash on fire 1 - "mi'Marom Shalach Esh" (13).


Palgei Mayim: At the time of the Churban, all the [true] Nevi'im prophesized evil for it.


This caused there to be a remnant in Yisrael (refer to 2:6:1:2 and the note there)! Perhaps the Midrash means that they appeared like enemies. (PF)

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