
What is the significance of "[Tavchah Tivchah] Maschah Yeinah [Af Orchah Shulchanah]"?


Sanhedrin 38a: He made seas, rivers and all needs in this world.


Rashi: He mixed the wine with water, like strong wine, which is improper to drink undiluted.


Malbim: The banquet that He prepared for the invitees is full of all good. It was made openly, in front of everyone.


Malbim (according to Melitzah): Chachmah is the food of the Nefesh. It is a little like preparing all kinds of food to sustain the heart. Divrei Chachmah sustain the heart, so winds and storms (images of the Yetzer ha'Ra that terrify it) will not disrupt it. Mesichas Yayin hints to words of Binah; wine gladdens the heart and elevates it. Also Binah understands a matter amidst another matter and widens the Ru'ach of his Binah.


What does "Af Orchah Shulchanah" refer to?


Refer to 9:2:1:1.


Rashi: This is the formation of everything, moist and dry.


Malbim: It arranged its table with kinds of sweets and other matters of a meal. This hints to Da'as, which includes all kinds of knowledge in the world.

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