
Does Chonen Dal lend to Hashem?!


R. Yonah: Hashem will pay his reward in this world, and the Oni's loan. It is a Mashal for a borrower who pays the lender. (Hashem pays as if He borrowed.)


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Nedivus DH v'Da): Due to the Midah of generosity, Hashem considers as if He borrowed from him.


Malbim #1: One who gives a free gift to an Oni, he is like one who lends to Hashem.


Malbim #2: Hashem lent to the one who graced the poor. What the Ashir has is a loan from Hashem, in order that he will be gracious to the poor. Via giving, he pays Gemul to Hashem for the loan.


How will he be paid?


Rashi: When he is ill and about to die, his Tzedakah will advocate for him in front of Midas ha'Din. It will say, the Oni was about to starve to death, and this one financed him and returned his Nefesh - also I will return this one's Nefesh to him!


R. Yonah: Even though the loan was paid, Hashem will reward him for the Mitzvah 1 , like other Mitzvos for which one is paid in the world to come. Chazal said that Tzedakah has principal and Peros. One eats the Peros in this world, and the principal is intact for the world to come. Refer to 11:4:3:1*.


Malbim #1: Aside from paying the debt, He will pay to him Gemul, i.e. also the excitement of love that he caused through his good, which is greater than the debt itself.


Malbim #2: Refer to 19:17:1:3.


R. Yonah: You cannot say that Gemulo is paying the loan. This is not Gemul. It is repaying what is his! However, if the borrower does Chesed to the Malveh for lending to him and doing his desire, this is called Gemul. (I.e. Hashem considers Himself the borrower. A borrower may not do [due to the loan] for the lender more than he normally would do for him, due to Ribis. (PF)

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