
How much is a Kikar?


Rashi: One Kikar of Chol equals sixty Manah. A Kikar of Kodesh (which the Torah is referring to here) is double that. 1


Rashi: One Manah = 100 Sela'im = 25 Dinrim. Rashi explains that a Kikar equals 1 litra with which one weighs silver, according to the weights of Kolonya. This in turm, equals 100 golden Dinrim = 25 Sela'im. Each Sela = 4 golden Dinrim


What did the gold Kikar of the Menorah incorporate?


Rashi: It incorporated the Menorah and all its accessories. 1


Ramban #1 (citing R. Yehudah in Menachos, 88b): The Menorah together with its lampholders, 2 but not its tweezers and shovels. 3


Ramban #2 (citing R. Nechemyah in Menachos, 88b): The Menorah exclusively, but not its lampholders, its tweezers and its shovels. 4


Ramban #3 (citing a Beraisa): The golden Kikar incorporated its lampholders, its tweezers and its shovels, 5 but not the goblets, the balls and the flowers 6 or the accessories for the oil (that were made independently).


See Ramban's objections to this explanation. Refer also to 35:29:3:3***.


Which the Torah refers to as "eis Kol ha'Keilim ha'Eileh" despite the fact that they were attached to it (See Ramban, DH 'Aval').


See Torah Tmimah, note 46.


And "eis Kol ha'Keilim ha'Eileh" in this Pasuk teaches us that the lampholders must be made of gold (Ramban - See Rav Chavel's notes). This is also the opinion of R. Yehoshua ben Korchah in the Beraisa cited by the Ramban (Refer to 25:39:2:4).


Which were also included in "Mikshah" (Ramban).


Which did not have to be made out of the same lump of gold - seeing as they were not included in the Kikar. In fact, in the event that the Menorah would be made out of other metals, it did not require them at all (Ramban, citing Menachos, 28a ).


Why does the Torah juxtapose "Zahav" to "Kikar"?


Menachos, 28a: To teach us that the Menorah only needs to weigh a Kikar if it is made of gold, but not if it is made of any other kind of metal. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 45, who explains the question differently.


What is "Eis Kol ha'Keilim ha'Eileh" referring to?


Rashi: It is a command to make the Menorah and all its accessories out of one Kikar of pure gold. 1


Ramban #1: It is referring to making the Menorah and the lampholders out of one Kikar of pure gold. 2


Ramban #2: It is referring to making the Menorah, the lampholders 3 and the accessories for the oil 4 out of pure gold. 5


Refer to 25:29:2:1.


Refer to 25:29:2:2.


The tweezers and the shovels have already mentioned in this regard in Pasuk 38.


The Ramban brings further proof (Refer to 25:39:2:1*) that only the Menorah itself was included in the Kikar, from the Pasuk in Naso, Bamidbar 8:4.

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