
Where is the chamber?


Rashi: It is by the northern gate, in Ezras Yisrael.


Vilna Gaon: It is in an Ulam (25 Amos long and five Amos wide) between cells.


Malbim: Refer to 40:38:3:1.


What does the verse teach about its opening?


Rashi: It was El Eili ha'Sha'ar ? to the side of the gate.


Vilna Gaon: The chamber and its opening were in an Ulam.


Malbim: Refer to 40:38:3:1.


What are "b'Eilim ha'She'arim"?


Rashi: In this Parashah, some verses call Kisfos ha'Sha'ar "Eilim" (pillars). Radak ? this is like b'Eilei ha'She'arim. There is a Mem at the end of b'Eilim, even though it is Samuch, like "Eilim Tzemer" (Melachim II, 3:4) and "Sigim Kesef" (above, 22:18).


Vilna Gaon: In Ulamos of the gate.


Malbim: Refer to 40:38:3:1.


Why does it specify an Olah?


Rashi: An Olah is slaughtered in the north. Radak ? Shechitah of [Kodshei] Kodoshim, flaying and dissection are in the north, like it says "Tzafonah Lifnei Hashem" (Vayikra 1:11).


Do they rinse the Olah?


Rashi: They rinse the innards. Radak ? "v'Kirbo u'Chra'av Yirchtaz ba'Mayim" (Vayikra 1:9). They rinsed them on marble tables.



Rashi writes that the chamber was in Ezras Yisrael. If so, why is its opening to the side of the gate? And why does the Navi first teach the chamber inside, and afterwards the chamber in the Ulam (39) and in front of the Ulam (40)?


Malbim: Below (42:1) it says that 20 Amos past the wall of Chatzer ha'Penimi received Kedushas ha'Azarah. The cells occupied 12 Amos outside the wall, so an additional eight Amos were Mekudash with the interior of the cells. The Ulam was outside the cells, and extended 18 Amos past the wall. Another two Amos past it received Kedushah. There were two Eilim in front of the steps of the gate ? one on each side. The steps were in front of the Ulam. Each of these steps was half an Amah tall, and half an Amah wide; the steps occupied the width of four Amos. Three Amos remained from the Eilim by the bottom step ? two of them were Kodesh. The chamber opened to them, for chambers open to Kodesh are Kodesh. The chamber could not stand opposite Pesach ha'Ulam ? we cannot seal Pesach ha'Ulam with a chamber! Rather, the chamber was east of the Ulam of the north gate, and opened to the two Kadosh Amos in front of the Ulam, between the Ayil of the steps and the Ayil of the Ulam.

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