
What is the meaning of "v'Arba'ah Panim l'Echas"?


Rashi, based on Targum Yonasan: Man's face itself had four Panim (facets). The same applies to [the face] of the lion, Nesher and ox, so each Chayah has 16 Panim.


Malbim: Each of the four had a different face facing forward - one was a lion, one a man


In Sefiras ha'Omer, Sidurim attribute to each day a Midah within a Midah, e.g. Chesed in Gevurah. (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Arba'ah Kenafayim l'Achas"?


Rashi based on Targum Yonasan: Each Panim had four wings, so each Chayah has 64 wings 1 . There were 256 in the four Chayos.


Malbim: In Yeshayah, I explained that he depicts the angels with wings, which are used for flying. Two wings enable to fly in a moment to anywhere that their Maker will send them. Also, wings show concealment; two wings cover their bodies 2 . Their essence is hidden from being understood.


For each Panim has four Panim. (refer to 1:6:1:1).


Malbim: Yeshayah saw them with six wings each - two cover their faces, and two cover their legs. He saw Serafim above the Kisei. They have two kinds of concealment. (a) Influence that they receive from what is above them - Olam ha'Atzeilus hidden above. Covering their faces hints to this. (b) They hide the influence that they bring down to what is under them. Covering their legs hints to this. Even though angels that receive understand what they receive, they do not understand the Kisei itself. Therefore, those who receive under them should not see their feet. Yechezkel saw Chayos in Olam ha'Yetzirah. They understand the influence that they receive, so they do not cover their faces. They do not cover their legs, for they do not hide their influence to the Ofanim below them. They cover only their bodies, for they are hidden, just like the Nefesh itself, before it descends into a body, is hidden. Chazal said after the Churban, the Chayos' wings were reduced; they do not receive and influence covertly and miraculously, only openly via the Ma'arachah.


Here it says that each has four wings. In Yeshayah (6:2), it says that each has six wings!


Radak (Yeshayah 6:2, citing Moreh ha'Nevuchim: Yechezkel saw four, for there are four reasons for each motion of theirs; wings are for flying, which is the fastest motion 1 . Yeshayah mentioned [all] what is seen (unlike Yechezkel, who counts the reasons for motion, which are not seen - PF).


Radak (Yeshayah 6:2, citing Chagigah 13b): While the Mikdash stands, each has six. When it is destroyed, it is as if the wings of the Chayos were diminished. Refer to 1:7:1:2 and the note there.


Radak (Yeshayah 6:2): Here it discusses Serafim; their faces and feet are hidden (so they have four wings in addition to the two for flying). Yechezkel discusses Chayos; they have two wings to hide their bodies, and two for flying. The wise understand this secret.


Malbim (Yeshayah 6:2): 'Kenaf' has three meanings. (a) The end and border - Kanfos ha'Beged. (b) Hiding and covering - "Lo Yikanef Od Morecha" (30:20). (c) [Wings for] flying. Each of their three pairs of wings hints to one of these - refer to Yeshayah 6:2:4:3, 6:2:5:3, 6:2:6:1. There are two wings for each, and not just one, to teach that even though they are not physical, they are not unities like their Creator.


Radak: Only two are for flying. The others are to cover!

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