
What do we learn from "b'Chol Tzarasam Lo Tzar"?


Sotah 31a: Do not say that "Lo" means no (He is not grieved over our pain). It says "u'Mal'ach Panav Hoshi'am b'Ahavaso"! Rather, even though it is spelled with an Alef 1 , it means [there is pain] to Him 2 .


Ta'anis 16a: In fasts due to lack of rain, we put ashes on the Aron [for Hashem is grieved over our pain].


Rashi: In every affliction that He brought against them, He did not 3 pain them according to what they deserved to suffer.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: When they are liable [and worthy] to bring on them punishments, He does not.


Malbim: Whenever they were afflicted in Galus, He resembled a father, that his son's affliction pains him like his own affliction [therefore, He saved them].


Radak: This is like "v'Siktzar Nafsho b'Amal Yisrael" (Shoftim 10:16). All of this is a metaphor; Dibrah Torah k'Leshon Bnei Adam (it is an anthropomorphism).


Radak: This expounds the pronunciation of Lo, with a Vov. Also refer to 63:9:1:3.


Radak: This expounds the Kesiv of Lo, with an Aleph. Also refer to 63:9:1:1, 63:9:1:1 4



What is the meaning of "u'Mal'ach Panav Hoshi'am"?


Rashi: This refers to Micha'el, Sar ha'Panim who serves in front of Him. He always saves Yisrael - Hashem sends him to do so.


Radak: Hashem arranges causes to save them. They come from Him; they are not chance. The cause is called Mal'ach.


Malbim: He always saved them via an angel of His face and Hashgachah, for His Hashgachah always clung to them. He sent hidden miracles wrapped in nature.


Why does it say "b'Ahavaso uv'Chemlaso"?


Malbim: When the time for Ge'ulah came, in His love, He Himself saved them - open miracles. Love is due to attributes of character that the lover finds in his beloved. Chemlah is due to the weakness of the one for whom he feels compassion. He redeemed Yisrael amidst both of these - "va'Yishma Elokim Es Na'akasam va'Yizkor Es Briso


Why does it say "va'Ynatelem" and "va'Ynase'em"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Malbim: He lifted them above the affliction, amidst mercy, and elevated them with honor and importance, amidst love.


What will be "Kol Yemei Olam"?


Radak: He will do so (save them from their affliction) in every generation.


Malbim: He always saved them in these two ways.

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