
Why does it say "Mi Fa'al v'Asah"?


Rashi: Who did this to [Avraham]? The one who calls the generations from the beginning, to Adam ha'Rishon, He did also to Avraham.


Radak: This is a repetition - who did these mighty acts?


Malbim: You nations - say who did the following!


What is the meaning of "Korei ha'Doros [me'Rosh]"?


Eduyos 2:9: This is the Ketz (deadline for redemption). Even though it says "va'Avadum v'Inu Osam Arba Me'os Shanah" (Bereishis 15:13), it says "v'Dor Revi'i Yashuvu Henah" (ibid., 16). Ra'avad (2:9) - Hashem fixes all Ketzim in generations, even if He also fixed the number of years.


Radak: The one who calls future generations from the beginning, and held Avraham and raised him. He knew that from him will come seed that will be proper in front of Him, chosen above all nations. It is as if He calls all the generations - so will be in the future. Also, He calls via his Nevi'im many future events.


Malbim: Who said from the early days what will be in the last generations, of Mashi'ach?


In what way is Hashem the first?


Rashi: I was the first to do a wonder, and help.


Radak: Refer to 41:4:4:2.


Malbim: I said from the beginning [what will be in the end]. What the Navi says in the future, and it is not far from nature, we can say that it is chance, or it was nature of the world. The truth of the Nevi'im and his Nevu'ah is not established. Therefore, wonders of the Nevi'im needed to be far from nature. E.g. on a summer day, Shmuel said that thunder and rain will come (Shmuel I, 12:17). This would not be a sign in the rainy season. Everything about Mashi'ach is far from nature - "Yiten ke'Afar Charbo k'Kash Nidaf Kashto." All shows that Hashem did all this.


What is the meaning of "v'Es Acharonim Ani Hu"?


Rashi: Even with you, the last children, I will help you.


Radak: I know all the generations from the beginning to the end.


Malbim #1: In their (the last) generation I will carry out and fulfill the prophecy.


Malbim #2: Just like people saw Ma'ase Hashem in early days, they will know that what happens in the latter days, it is Me, and not nature and not chance. It is Hashem's great strength!

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