
What is the meaning of "Limdu"?


Rashi: It is the command to learn. If it were the command to teach, it would say Lamedu, with a Patach under the Lamed and Dagesh in the Mem, similar to Asheru.


What is "Dirshu Mishpat"?


Radak: [Seek] judgment between oppressor and oppressed.


Malbim: Clarify between the litigants to see who is vindicated.


What is the meaning of "Asheru Chamutz"?


Rashi #1: Strengthen the Nigzal (victim of theft). This is like Ashrenuhi (Kesuvos 21a), Iy Isher Cheili (Gitin 36b), and Yishar Kochacha (Shabbos 87a). "Chamutz" is the Nigzal - "mi'Kaf Me'avel v'Chometz" (Tehilim 71:4). Radak - it is the victim of unfair judgment.


Rashi #2: Guide [the Nigzal] in the path of Emes to merit what is his. This is like "ba'Ashuro Achazah Ragli" (Iyov 23:11), "v'Asher ba'Derech Libecha" (Mishlei 23:19).


Radak citing Sanhedrin 35a: Strengthen a judge who is Machmitz the verdict (delays until he is sure that it is correct).


Why does it say "Shiftu Yasom"?


Radak: Judge his case [and also for widows]. Orphans and widows are usually oppressed, and you do not heed their cries.


Malbim: Even a minor who does not know to claim against his opponents, wage his case for him.


Why does it say "Rivu Almanah"?


Rashi: Strive in her quarrel to argue for her, for [normally] she does not pursue her opponent in judgment.


Radak: Refer to 1:17:4:1.


Malbim: Wage also her case, even though it is not as clear-cut as an orphan's (he stands in place of his father to inherit). There are often claims and contradictions regarding the Kesuvah of a widow, e.g. perhaps her husband left Metaltelim for her to collect it [so she already received it].


Why are there so many expressions of fixing their deeds?


Rashi (16): There are 10 commands of Teshuvah (Rachatzu, Hizaku, Hasiru, Chidlu, Limdu, Dirshu, Ashru, Shiftu, Rivu and (in verse 18) Lechu), corresponding to the 10 days of Teshuvah, and 10 [verses of] Malchuyos, Zichronos and Shofaros 1 .


Some of the 10 verses are from Nevi'im after Yeshayah died! Perhaps it was already enacted to say 10 verses. Later, they switched some of them to verses from later Nevi'im. Alternatively, Yeshayah had Ru'ach ha'Kodesh to use 10 expressions, based on what Chazal would enact later. (PF)

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