
What is the meaning of "Sarei Sorerim"?


Rashi: They veer from the path.


Radak: This is like Sarei with a Sin (officers). Their servants are defiant and they are defiant. The servants slander to their masters, to wound the poor via Sheker.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are rebellious officers.


Malbim: Each sect (refer to 6:27:1:4) thinks that they veer from the sinners, and distance from them.


Why does it say "Holchei Rachil Nechoshes u'Varzel"?


Rashi citing others: They arouse hatred between two officers with power to fight together.


Rashi: They are gossipers, and they are as strong as copper and iron to support their lies.


Rashi based on Targum Yonasan: They go b'Nechilu, i.e. thoughts - "va'Yisnaklu Oso Lahamiso" (Bereishis 37:18). They are like those who mix copper with iron.


Radak: The officers with their servants (refer to 6:28:1:2) are compared to copper and iron - they work together when they are mixed together. They mix copper with iron to make working tools. Iron by itself does not cut, only if it is mixed with copper. My father explained that every Nechoshes in Tanach refers to strength.


Malbim: Each [sect - refer to 6:27:1:4] maligns the evil of the others. Really, they are copper and iron - neither is silver, rather, they are different impurities.


Why does it say that all destroy?


Malbim: Copper destroys, just like iron. Each sect is unlike the others, but it is evil like the others.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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