
Why is there the prefix Vov in "v'Kala"?


Radak #1: It is extra, like the Vov in "va'Yisa Avraham Es Einav" (Bereishis 22:4) and "Nirdam v'Rechev va'Sus" (Tehilim 76:7). (The verse merely explains the designs on the doors.)


Radak #2: The Vov is k'Mashma'o (it teaches that there were another two doors; refer to 6:32:3:1.


What is the meaning of "va'Yared Al ha'Keruvim"?


Rashi: He flattened out the gold into thin plates, so it would sink into the forms [carved into the wood] where it was recessed, and stick out where the form juts out, so the forms will recognized from the gold over them.


Radak: He flattened out the gold onto the forms [carved into the wood], so the forms were still visible.


Gra: No iron Kli was heard while building the Beis ha'Mikdash. They used good gold that is [soft] like wax. Regarding the Heichal (verse 35), it says "Zahav Meyushar." They 'straightened' it before putting it on the wall, and made recessions to go over where the forms in the wall protrude.


Here it says that that there were two doors to Pesach ha'Devir. In the Bayis in Sefer Yechezkel (41:24), it says also two doors for the doors!


Radak 1 citing Midos 4:1, Malbim: There were four doors. The two outer doors open into the opening to cover the thickness of the wall, and the inner doors open into the Bayis to cover the back of the doors. The entire Bayis was covered with gold, except for the backs of the doors.


Gra (34 2 ): Here. "Dalsos" means gates. (Each gate was of two doors with a hinge in between them.)


It seems that this is like his latter Perush, but according to his first Perush, there were only two doors in Bayis Rishon. Refer to 6:32:1:1,2. (PF)


The Gra explained so regarding Dalsos ha'Heichal; presumably, he would say the same about Dalsos ha'Devir. (PF)


Since there were doors for Pesach ha'Devir, why was there also a Paroches (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 3:14)?


Radak: The doors did not totally cover the opening, because the staves of the Aron jutted out (the ends of the staves made the Paroches protrude there).

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