
Why does the Torah say that Yosef fell on Binyamin's "necks" and wept, but Binyamin wept on Yosef's neck (singular)?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: Because whereas Binyamin wept over the destruction of Mishkan Shiloh, 1 which would be built in Yosef's portion in Eretz Yisrael, and was destined to be destroyed; Yosef wept over the two Batei Mikdash 2 which would be built in Binyamin's portion, and were destined to be destroyed.


Ha'amek Davar: "Necks" refer to the two sides of the neck. First Yosef cried on one shoulder [of Binyamin], and then on the other, amidst great love. 3


Gur Aryeh: But the word "Tzavarav" is also plural? Refer to 45:14:1.1. Mizrachi says that "Tzavarav" is written without a Yud; but this is unlike our Sefarim.


See Sifsei Chachamim.


If so, also Binyamin wept on both sides of Yosef's neck! Perhaps regarding Binyamin it is written singular, for he was passive; Yosef moved to cry also on the other side. Perhaps Yosef was more emotional, for all these 22 years he had no contact with his father or brothers, and he was so touched that Binyamin named all his sons based on Yosef (refer to 43:30:1:1 and the note there). (PF)



Rashi writes: "'He fell on 'Tzaverei' (lit. the necks) of Binyamin, and cried' - over the two Batei Mikdash that would be in Binyamin's portion, which would be destroyed.... 'And Binyamin cried on 'Tzavarav' (lit. his necks)' - over the Mishkan of Shiloh in Yosef's portion, which would be destroyed." It seems that the derivation comes from the plural word, "Tzaverei," teaching that Yosef cried over Binyamin for two matters. But the word "Tzavarav" (referring to Yosef) is also in the plural (e.g., as in the words Yadav or Raglav)?


Gur Aryeh: The letter Yud, which indicates the plural, is very obvious in the word "Tzaverei;" whereas in the word "Tzavarav" it is silent. We infer that Binyamin would lose two Batei Mikdash; but we do not infer the same for Yosef.


Rashi writes: "'He fell on 'Tzaverei' (lit. the necks) of Binyamin, and cried' - over the two Batei Mikdash...." It seems that our derivation is from the plural word, "Tzaverei." Is the word actually plural; and if not, why is it in this form?


Gur Aryeh #1 (citing Radak): A neck has two sides, so the word comes in plural form.


Gur Aryeh #2: All the extremities that are lower than the neck come in pairs (e.g. Yadayim, Raglayim). The neck is what connects the two sides of the body, and so the word for neck sometimes comes in plural form. But it is essentially one; so at other times it is in the singular.


Rashi writes: "'He fell on 'Tzaverei' (lit. the necks) of Binyamin, and cried' - over the two Batei Mikdash...." It seems that the derivation is from the plural word, "Tzaverei." But if the word is not actually plural (see 45:14:1.2:2), how can we make any derivation?


Gur Aryeh: The letter Yud, which indicates the plural, is very obvious in the word "Tzaverei;" leading to the Derashah that it refers to two Batei Mikdash. Once we derive this, we also derive the word "Tzavarav" in parallel fashion (i.e. that it refers to the Mishkan of Shiloh).


Rashi writes: "He cried' - over the two Batei Mikdash ... which would be destroyed... 'And Binyamin cried - over the Mishkan of Shiloh...." Why did Yosef and Binyamin cry over the Churban, specifically at this occasion?


Gur Aryeh: The tribe of Yosef would later lead the ten tribes (whereas Binyamin would join Yehudah and Malchus Beis David). The reunion in our Pasuk, of Yosef and Binyamin is a sign for the future - when the Ten Lost Tribes will be reunited with the rest of Am Yisrael, which will take place among much beseeching and weeping 1 over the Churbanos they endured.


Gur Aryeh: As described in Yirmeyahu 31:8. Also see Maharal (Netzach Yisrael Ch. 34, p. 157).


Rashi writes that Mishkan Shiloh was in Yosef's portion. But the Gemara says that the Shechinah rested in Shiloh, in Nov and Giv'on, and the Beis ha'Mikdash; and all were in Binyamin's portion (Zevachim 118b)!


Zevachim 118b: A strip extended from Yosef into Binyamin (on which Mishkan Shiloh was built). 1


A Tana (Zevachim 118b) disagrees, and holds that Mishkan Shiloh was in Yosef's portion -"Va'Yitosh Mishkan Shilo..." "Va'Yim'as b'Ohel Yosef" (Tehilim 78:60,67)!


Zevachim 118b: This is like the Beis ha'Mikdash. A strip of land extended from Yehudah into Binyamin; the Mizbe'ach was built by this strip. Binyamin was pained that his Shevet did not receive it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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