
GIVING MORE THAN THE MINIMUM (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 2 Daf 5b)

[ãó é òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä àéï ôåçúéï ìôéàä îùùéí àò"ô ùàîøå àéï ìôéàä ùòåø äëì ìôé âåãì äùãä åìôé äòðééí åìôé äòðåä:


(Mishnah): One should not leave less than 1/60th as Peah; and even though they said that there is no minimum amount for Peah, everything is according to the size of the field, the poor and the abundance of the crop. (Some explain this phrase as meaning 'according to his humility'. Rambam translates it as 'according to the response i.e. the growth, of the field').

âîøà úðé àéï àåîøéí ìå äáà âîìéí åèòåï


(Gemara) (Baraisa): We do not tell the poor man to go and bring camels and load them up with the Peah.

îúðéúà áéúø îëùéòåø àáì áëùéòåø àåîøéí ìå äáà âîìéí åèòåï ùãäå îøåáä åòðééí îåòèéí ðåúï ìôé ùãäå ùãäå îåòèéí åòðééí îøåáéí ðåúï ìôé äòðééí


The Baraisa is referring to giving more than the minimum, but as for the minimum, we tell him to go and bring camels. If his field yields a large crop, but there are few poor people, he must give according to his field. If his field was small, but his workers and the poor were many, he must give according to the poor.

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R. Shimon expounded two laws that were to the benefit of the land owner - if the field is large and there are few poor people, he gives according to the poor. If the field is small and the poor are many, he gives according to his field.

îúðéúà ìà àîøä ëï àìà äëì ìôé âåãì äùãä åìôé äòðééí åìôé äòðåä:


However, our Mishnah said that everything is according to the size of the field, the poor and the abundance of the crop.