
ANOINTMENT OF THE MISHKAN (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 4a)

רשב''ל אמר [ויקרא ח לד] כאשר עשה ביום הזה צוה ה' וגו'


(Reish Lakish): "Ka'asher Asah ba'Yom ha'Zeh Tzivah Hash-m...'' [teaches separation for all generations].


Note: It is difficult why this was inserted in the middle of discussing the Mishkan being dismantled and anointed. Meforshim say that in the Yerushalmi, teachings are often brought out of place. In one Perush, PNEI MOSHE says that this is a second source that Moshe dismantled it. However, this is very difficult, for that entire Parshah does not mention that it was assembled or dismantled. Also, this was not taught previously, so the coming question and answer are difficult.

ולא כבר תניתה


Question: This was already taught (Daf 1a)!

חדא בשם ר' יוחנן וחדא בשם רשב''ל


Answer: It was taught once in the name of R. Yochanan, and once in the name of Reish Lakish.

[דף ה עמוד א (עוז והדר)] בשמיני אית תניי תני נמשח ואית תניי תני לא נמשח אית תניי תני נתפרק אית תניי תני לא נתפרק


Some teach that on the eighth day, [the Mishkan] was anointed, and some teach that it was not anointed. Some teach that [on the eighth day, it was] dismantled, and some teach that it was not dismantled.

א''ר חנין פשט הוא לן מאן דאמר נמשח נתפרק ומ''ד לא נמשח לא נתפרק


(R. Chanin): It is obvious to us that the one who says that it was anointed, he holds that it was dismantled, and one who says that it was not anointed, he holds that it was not dismantled.

מ''ד נמשח ניחא דכתיב [במדבר ז א] וימשחם ומ''ד לא נמשח מה מקיים וימשחם


Question: The one who says that it was anointed, it is fine that it says "va'Yimshachem.'' The one who says that it was not anointed, how does he explain "va'Yimshachem''?

מעלה אני עליכם כאילו שהוא מחוסר משיחה ומשחתם אותו


Answer: [Hash-m said] I consider it as if it needed to be anointed, and you anointed it.

מ''ד [צ''ל לא - הגר''ח קניבסקי שליט''א] נתפרק ניחא דכתיב [שמות כט לז] שבעת ימים (יכפרו את) [צ''ל תכפר על - קרבן העדה] המזבח מ''ד (לא - הגר''ח קניבסקי שליט''א מוחקו) נתפרק מה מקיים שבעת ימים יכפרו על המזבח


Question: The one who holds that it was not dismantled [on day eight], it is fine that it says "Shiv'as Yamim Techaper Al ha'Mizbe'ach.'' The one who says that it was anointed, how does he explain "Shiv'as Yamim Techaper Al ha'Mizbe'ach''?

כפרה שהיא בדם


Answer: It refers to Kaparah through blood.

כהדא דתני על זה ועל זה היו מזין עליו מכל החטאות שהיו שם כדי שיכנסו המים תחת הדם דברי ר' יהודה


Support (Beraisa): On this and on this (the Kohen who will burn Parah Adumah, and the Kohen Gadol who will serve on Yom Kipur) they sprinkled from [ashes of] every Chatas (Parah Adumah), in order that the water be in place of the blood (sprinkled on Aharon during the Milu'im). R. Yehudah says so;

ר' יוסי אומר תחת הדם ותחת שמן המשחה


R. Yosi says, it was in place of the blood and in place of Shemen ha'Mishchah.