


A Bas Yisrael Mekudeshes to a Kohen does not eat due to Ula's concern (lest she share Terumah with her siblings).


A Bas Kohen Mekudeshes to a deaf Yisrael is disqualified from eating, since he acquired her mid'Rabanan;


A Bas Yisrael married to a deaf Kohen does not eat. We require "Kinyan Kaspo", and a deaf man cannot acquire.


(Mishnah): A nine-year old... (We are thinking that this refers to a Shomeres Yavam to a nine-year old Yavam.)


Question: What does this case teach?


If it teaches that he disqualifies her, a Yavam less than nine also disqualifies!


If it teaches that he does not permit her, even an adult Yavam does not permit her!


Answer #1 (Abaye): The case is, he did Yibum. Mid'Oraisa, he acquired her;


One might have thought that since he acquired her mid'Oraisa, and his Bi'ah is considered Bi'ah, he permits her to eat. The Mishnah teaches that this is not so;


Chachamim made Bi'ah of a nine-year old Yavam like a Ma'amar.


Objection (Rava - Seifa): If we are unsure whether or not he is nine...


If a Vadai nine-year old does not permit, we need not teach about a Safek nine-year old!


Answer #2 (Rava): Rather, it teaches that whenever a man disqualifies her through Bi'ah, such a nine-year old also disqualifies her:


(Beraisa): The following disqualify a Bas Kohen, Bas Levi or Bas Yisrael through Bi'ah: a nine-year old Kusi, Nasin, Chalal, Mamzer, or converted Amoni, Mo'avi, Mitzri or Edomi.


Question (Seifa (69a)): If they may not have Bi'ah with a Yisrael, they disqualify.


This implies that the Reisha does not discuss such people!


Answer: The Reisha discusses men who cannot marry any Yisraelis. The Seifa discusses men who cannot marry a Bas Kohen.




(Beraisa): The following disqualify a Bas Kohen, Bas Levi or Bas Yisrael through Bi'ah: a nine-year old Kusi, Nasin, Chalal, Mamzer, or converted Amoni, Mo'avi, Mitzri or Edomi.


R. Yosi says, only one whose seed is unfit disqualifies;


R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, a man's widow may marry a Kohen (i.e. he does not disqualify her through Bi'ah) only if his daughter may marry a Kohen.


Question: From where do we learn this?


Answer (Rav Yehudah): "U'Vas Kohen Ki Sihyeh l'Ish Zar" - once she has Bi'ah with a man forbidden to her, he disqualifies her.


Objection: That verse teaches that marriage to a Zar forbids her to eat!


Answer: That is learned from "She will return... she will eat the bread of her father's house";


"Return" implies that before (being widowed or divorced from the Yisrael) she could not eat.


Objection: If we learned from "She will return", one would say that only a Lav derived from a Mitzvas Aseh, which is an Aseh, forbids her;


Therefore, "U'Vas Kohen..." teaches that a Lav forbids her.


Answer: No, we learn a Lav from "V'Chol Zar Lo Yochal Kodesh".



Question: That verse teaches only about a Zar, but not a Bas Kohen married to a Yisrael!


Answer: There are two verses "V'Chol Zar".


Question: The other "V'Chol Zar" is needed to teach R. Yosi bar Chanina's law!


(R. Yosi bar Chanina): "V'Chol Zar" may not eat Terumah, but an Onen may.


Answer: That is learned from the extra "V'Chol". (Had the Torah said just "Zar", we would learn only that Bi'as Isur disqualifies.)


Question: Still, we need "U'Vas Kohen" to teach that she returns to eat Terumah, but not Chazeh v'Shok (parts of a Korban Shelamim given to Kohanim)!


(Rav Chisda): "U'Vas Kohen... mi'Srumas ha'Kodoshim Lo Sochal" - from Muram (what is taken) from Kodshim she will not eat.


Answer: If the verse came only for this (who disqualifies her), it would have said only "b'Kodoshim". It says "mi'Srumas ha'Kodoshim" to teach both.




Question: This teaches that such men disqualify a Bas Kohen. What is the source that they disqualify a Bas Levi and a Bas Yisrael?


Answer: We learn like R. Aba taught (elsewhere), from the extra 'Vav' in "U'Vas".


Suggestion: This is only like R. Akiva, who expounds extra Vavim!


Rejection: No, even Chachamim could agree here, since the entire verse (the words "U'Vas Kohen") is extra.


Question: This teaches that they become forbidden to eat Terumah. What is the source that they become forbidden to (marry) a Kohen?


Answer #1: The Torah taught that a Bas Levi and Bas Yisrael become forbidden. This must be to Kohanim, since they are anyway forbidden to eat Terumah!


Objection: They could eat if they had children from a Kohen!


Answer: If so, a Kal va'Chomer teaches that Bi'as Isur forbids them to eat Terumah:


A Bas Kohen eats because of her intrinsic Kedushah, yet Bi'as Isur forbids her. A Bas Levi or Bas Yisrael lacks intrinsic Kedushah, all the more so Bi'as Isur forbids her!


Objection: To the contrary! A Bas Kohen eats due to her Kedushah, therefore, Bi'as Isur blemishes her Kedushah and disqualifies her. Those whose Heter to eat is not due to their Kedushah are not disqualified!


Answer #2: A Kal va'Chomer from a divorcee teaches that a Bas Levi and Bas Yisrael become forbidden to Kohanim:


A divorcee is permitted to eat Terumah, but is forbidden to Kohanim. All the more so, one who is forbidden to eat Terumah is forbidden to Kohanim!


Question: We cannot learn a Lav (for which one can be lashed) from a Kal va'Chomer!


Answer: The Kal va'Chomer merely teaches that the Isur to eat Terumah also forbids to Kohanim.


Question: (What is the source that all the men in the Beraisa disqualify?) Perhaps only Bi'ah of Chayavei Kerisos disqualifies!


Answer: "Ki Sihyeh" connotes Kidushin. There cannot be Kidushin with Chayavei Kerisos.


Question: If so, a Nochri or slave should not disqualify through Bi'ah!


Answer: R. Yishmael taught why they disqualify.


(R. Yishmael): "A Bas Kohen who was widowed or divorced... (returns to eat Terumah)" - this applies to men from whom she can be widowed or divorced. A Nochri or slave permanently disqualifies her.